This chapter is adopted pursuant to the powers provision contained in Section 3 of the Santa Rosa City Charter authorizing that the City shall have and may exercise all powers necessary or appropriate to a municipal corporation and the general welfare of its inhabitants which are not prohibited by the Constitution. It is also adopted pursuant to the municipal affairs provision contained in Section 5 of the Charter.
(Ord. 3769 § 1, 2006)
The City Clerk and City Attorney shall have the power to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and for the production of documents.
(Ord. 3769 § 1, 2006)
The City Clerk shall have the power to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses, to compel their attendance and testimony, to administer oaths and affirmations, and to issue subpoenas for the production of any papers, books, accounts, records, documents or other items required by the subpoena on any matter pending before the City.
The City Attorney shall have the power to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses, to compel their attendance and testimony, to administer oaths and affirmations, to take evidence, and to issue subpoenas for the production of any papers, books, accounts, records, documents, writings as defined in California Evidence Code Section 250 or other items that may be relevant to the City Attorney's investigation, enforcement action or prosecution of any matter where the City Charter, Santa Rosa City Code or any other ordinance grants or affords to the City Attorney the duty or the power to investigate, enforce or prosecute a matter.
Unless otherwise prohibited by federal or State law, in investigating, enforcing or prosecuting any matter where federal or State law grants or affords to the City Attorney the duty or power to investigate, enforce, or prosecute any matter under federal or State law, the City Attorney shall have the power to inspect, upon reasonable notice, all papers, books, accounts, records, documents or other items that may be relevant to the City Attorney's investigation, enforcement action or prosecution.
The City Attorney may exercise these powers prior to or following the filing of any civil, criminal, or administrative action to the fullest extent allowed by law.
(Ord. 3769 § 1, 2006)
If any person refuses or fails to comply with a subpoena issued pursuant to this chapter, the issuing party and/or the City Attorney may petition any court of competent jurisdiction for an order compelling the person to attend and testify or to produce the papers, books, accounts, records, documents or other items required by the subpoena. All sanctions permitted by law, costs and attorney's fees are authorized to be pursued in seeking the order to compel.
(Ord. 3769 § 1, 2006)