This chapter is enacted in response to the serious adverse effects caused to certain areas and neighborhoods of Santa Rosa by motor vehicle congestion, particularly the long-term parking of motor vehicles on the streets of such areas and neighborhoods by nonresidents. As set forth in more specific detail in Section 11-44.020, long-term parking by nonresidents threatens the health, safety and welfare of all the residents of Santa Rosa. In order to protect and promote the integrity of these areas and neighborhoods, it is necessary to enact the parking regulations restricting unlimited parking by nonresidents, to provide the opportunity for residents to park near their homes. Uniform parking regulations restricting residents and nonresidents alike would not serve the public interest; rather, such regulations would contribute to neighborhood decline while ignoring the public transit alternatives to automobile travel available to nonresidents.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988)
General Findings. The City Council finds, as a result of public testimony, evidence generated by both professional urban planning studies and derived from other sources, that the continued vitality of Santa Rosa depends on the preservation of safe, healthy, and attractive neighborhoods and other residential areas therein. The council further finds that one factor that has detracted from the safety, health and attractiveness of neighborhoods and other residential areas of the City is the excessive and burdensome practice of nonresidents of certain areas and neighborhoods parking their vehicles for extended periods of time.
Specific Findings. The following specific legislative findings of the City Council in support of residential permit parking are set forth as illustrations only and do not exhaust the subject of the factual basis supporting its adoption:
The safety, health and welfare of the residents of Santa Rosa can be greatly enhanced by maintenance of the attractiveness and livability of its neighborhoods and other residential areas.
A large proportion of Santa Rosa residents possess automobiles and, as a result, are daily faced with the need to store these automobiles in or near their residences.
Certain neighborhoods and areas of Santa Rosa do not have sufficient on or off-street space to accommodate the convenient parking of motor vehicles by residents thereof in the vicinity of their homes. To the extent that such facilities do not exist, the program set forth in this chapter is designed to encourage the maximum feasible utilization of offstreet parking facilities.
Such areas as described in subdivision 3 of this subsection are often further burdened by influxes of motor vehicles owned by nonresidents which compete for the inadequate available on-street parking spaces.
There further exist certain parking "attractors" within Santa Rosa, such as hospital and school complexes, employment centers and locations convenient for commuter parking, which further exacerbate resident parking problems.
Unnecessary vehicle miles, noise, pollution and strains on interpersonal relationships caused by the conditions set forth in this chapter work unacceptable hardships on residents of these neighborhoods and other residential areas causing the deterioration of air quality, safety, tranquility and other values available in an urban residential environment.
If allowed to continue unchecked, these adverse effects on the residents of Santa Rosa will contribute to a further decline of the living conditions therein, a reduction in the attractiveness of residing within Santa Rosa, and consequent injury to the general public welfare.
The system of residential permit parking as enacted by this chapter will serve the public safety, health and welfare of all the residents of Santa Rosa by (a) reducing unnecessary personal motor vehicle travel, noise and pollution, and (b) promoting improvements in air quality, the convenience and attractiveness of urban residential living, and the increased use of public mass transit facilities available now and in the future.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988)
"Designated residential parking permit area"
means any contiguous area upon which the City Council imposes parking limitations pursuant to the authority granted by this chapter.
"Nonresident vehicle"
means a motor vehicle not eligible to be issued a residential parking permit, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this chapter, for the specific area in which it is parked.
"Parking permit"
means a permit issued under this chapter which, when displayed upon a vehicle, as described in this chapter, shall exempt the vehicle from parking time restrictions established pursuant to this chapter.
"Motor vehicle"
includes an automobile, truck, motorcycle or other motor-driven form of transportation not in excess of 8,000 pounds gross weight.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988)
A motor vehicle on which is displayed a valid residential parking permit as provided for in this chapter shall be permitted to stand or be parked in the residential permit parking area for which the permit has been issued without being limited by time restrictions established by this chapter. Any vehicle which does not display such a permit shall be subject to the parking regulations and consequent penalties in effect for such area.
A residential parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated residential permit parking area.
This chapter shall not be interpreted or applied in a manner which shall abridge or alter regulations established by other laws.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988)
The City Council shall consider for designation as a residential permit parking area any proposed area for which an application has been submitted which meets and satisfies the following requirements:
The application shall contain a description or a map showing the proposed residential permit parking area.
The description or map shall be followed in the application by the following statement:
We, the undersigned, are residents of the proposed residential permit parking area described in this petition. We understand that, if this area is designated as a residential permit parking area, certain restrictions will be placed upon on-street parking within the designated area; and residents of the area will be eligible to obtain permits exempting them from such parking restrictions; that the annual fee for a residential parking permit shall be charged by the City of Santa Rosa. We, the undersigned, hereby request that the City Council of the City of Santa Rosa consider this application for establishment of the above described area as a "residential permit parking area".
The statement shall be followed by a signature, printed name, address and date of signing of the application by adults residing in at least 60 percent of the housing units in the proposed area and not less than 60 percent of the housing units along each block front within the area.
Upon receipt by the City Council of an application as described in subsection A of this section, the Council may, by resolution, after public hearing:
Establish a residential parking area based upon application and adopt any regulations and time restrictions determined by the City Council to be reasonable and necessary in the area. The Council may change the boundaries of the area proposed by the application.
Notice of the hearing shall be posted at least 10 days prior to the hearing on all blocks proposed to be included in the residential permit parking area.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988; Ord. 2752 § 1, 1989)
After public hearing with notice as provided in Section 11-44.050, the Council may, by resolution, modify a designated residential permit parking area.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988)
Residential parking permits with a term of one year shall be issued by the Department of Transit and Parking in accordance with requirements set forth in this chapter. Each permit shall identify the residential permit parking area for which it is issued.
Applicants for permits shall be required to present proof of residence within the area designated as a residential permit parking zone and proof of current registration for the vehicle for which application is made. No more than three permits shall be issued for each qualified dwelling unit. No more than one permit shall be issued for each vehicle for which an application is made. The Director of Transit and Parking may further limit the number of permits issued to a multifamily residential development which provides parking for its residents.
The Director of Transit and Parking may issue rules and regulations governing the issuance and display of residential parking permits.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988; Ord. 2752 § 2, 1989)
A residential parking permit may only be issued to an applicant who:
Is currently a resident of the area for which the permit is to be issued; and
Is the registered owner of the motor vehicle for which the permit is to be issued.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988)
The Director of Transit and Parking shall cause signs to be erected in each of residential permit parking area which indicates the time limitation, period of the day for its application, and conditions under which permit parking shall be exempt.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988)
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter:
For any person to stand or park a motor vehicle without a current permit properly displayed at a curb within a residential permit parking area for a period of time exceeding the time limitation established by the City Council for the area. Motor vehicles identified as used by disabled persons meeting the requirements of Section 22511.5 of the California Vehicle Code shall be exempt from this section.
For any person to falsely represent him or herself as eligible for a parking permit or to furnish false information in an application therefor.
For any person to copy, reproduce or otherwise bring into existence a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit or permits without written authorization from the Department of Transit and Parking.
For any person to knowingly use or display a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit in order to evade time limitations on parking applicable in a residential permit parking area.
For any person to knowingly commit any act which is prohibited by the terms of this chapter or any resolution enacted by authority granted by this chapter.
Every person who violates any provision of subsection (A) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 2713 § 1, 1988; Ord. 2834 § 1, 1990; Ord. 3238 § 22(a), 1996; Ord. 3518 § 9, 2001)