All subdivisions shall be designed and improved to provide for proper grading and erosion control, including the prevention of sedimentation or damage of off-site property. All subdivisions shall follow Chapters 18 and 33 and Appendix Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code, the grading objectives indicated in the subdivision design guide, the following design objectives, and any future grading ordinances or policies adopted by the City:
Grading shall maintain or create a natural appearance to the extent it is reasonable and feasible to accomplish.
The finished lot grading shall provide a building site and yard area compatible with the surrounding pattern of development.
Erosion control measures shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code to prevent sedimentation or damage to on-site and off-site property.
The following principles for controlling erosion and sediment shall also be incorporated into subdivision design and improvements unless it is determined by the Building Official that these principles are not applicable to the particular project in question:
Minimize soil exposure during the rainy season by proper timing of grading and construction;
Retain natural vegetation whenever feasible;
Vegetate and mulch denuded areas to protect them from winter rains;
Divert runoff away from steep denuded slopes or other critical areas with barriers or ditches;
Minimize length and steepness of slopes by benching, terracing or constructing diversion structures;
Prepare drainageways to handle concentrated or increased runoff from disturbed areas by using riprap or other lining materials;
Trap sediment laden runoff in basins to allow soil particles to settle out before flows are released to receiving waters;
Inspect sites frequently to ensure control measures are working properly and correct problems as needed.
(Prior code § 23.40; Ord. 2284 § 2, 1983; Ord. 3272 § 3, 1996; Ord. 3396 § 1, 1998)