It shall be unlawful for any person to divide any parcel of land without first complying with this title and the Subdivision Map Act of the State.
(Prior code § 23.07; Ord. 2284 § 2, 1983)
Any deed of conveyance, lease, sale or contract to sell made in violation of this title or the Subdivision Map Act is voidable to the extent and in the manner provided in Section 66499.30 et seq., of the Subdivision Map Act.
(Prior code § 23.08; Ord. 2284 § 2, 1983)
Any offer to sell, lease, finance, or deed of conveyance made contrary to provisions of this title or the Subdivision Map Act is a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 23.09; Ord. 2284 § 2, 1983)
Notice of violation shall be given as required and pursuant to procedures set forth in Section 66499.36 of the Subdivision Map Act. The Community Development Director, or his or her designee, is designated as the Advisory Agency to perform all acts required by Section 66499.36 of the Subdivision Map Act.
(Prior code § 23.10; Ord. 2284 § 2, 1983; Ord. 3038 § 1, 1993)
If any section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this title is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this title; and the City Council does hereby expressly declare that this title, and each section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that any one or more of such sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
(Prior code § 23.11; Ord. 2284 § 2, 1983)