A vesting tentative map shall be filed in the same form and have the same contents, accompanying data, and reports and shall be processed in the same manner as set forth in Chapters 19-04 through 19-68 for a tentative map, except as hereafter provided:
At the time a vesting tentative map is filed it shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map."
At the time a vesting tentative map is filed a subdivider shall also file and supply the following information. An application shall not be deemed complete unless accompanied by the following:
Boundary survey map prepared by a registered Land Surveyor;
Detailed improvement plans for all roads, streets, highways, and ways in the proposed subdivision including the location, names, exact widths, curve radii and grades, typical sections, and an indication as to whether the facility is intended to be public or private. Details of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other improvements shall be shown and shall be of such scale as to show clearly all details thereof;
Precise drainage and flood control plans, including cross-sections for all creeks, streams, channels, and the like. All lot drainage, including easements required for lot-to-lot drainage and off-site drainage shall be addressed. Additionally, all proposed erosion control measures shall be included;
Precise sewerage plans and a capacity study of the downstream collector sewer;
Precise water supply plans;
Final grading plans, showing existing and proposed grades, the extent of cut and fill, slope angle of all banks, spot elevations at the top of cuts and toe of fills for all hillside grading, any existing or proposed retaining walls, and sections at lot lines and subdivision boundaries. Contour lines shall have one foot intervals for zero to five percent cross slope, and five-foot (maximum) intervals for over five percent cross slope. All grades and elevations shall be based on City datum. The scale shall be sufficiently large to show the details of the plan clearly (preferably one inch equals 100 feet);
Location, delineation and dimensions of parking spaces for each lot, unit, or building in compliance with Chapter 20-36 of this code;
Precise location of building envelopes for proposed buildings and precise location and setbacks for existing buildings;
Location and approximate boundary of all proposed public areas;
Landscaping plans including species, can size, and irrigation and maintenance plans;
A soils report based upon adequate tests and prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or registered engineering geologist which addresses and resolves all questions of stability and fault setbacks;
A geological report based upon adequate tests and prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or registered engineering geologist which addresses and resolves all questions of stability and fault setbacks;
A statement from the Sonoma County Water Agency setting forth the nature, type, and extent of public infrastructure and services which will, during the life of the proposed vesting tentative and final maps be needed to serve the area in which the subdivision is to be located;
Unless specifically deemed unnecessary by the City Traffic Engineer, a traffic study prepared by a registered Traffic Engineer in the format requested by the City;
Where applicable, a written agreement from the City housing authority allocating housing to low and moderate income persons;
All information deemed necessary to complete an initial study of environmental significance. (Among the materials which could be required to satisfy this item are a noise study, a visual study, and an archeological study based upon a site investigation. Other items can and will be required as necessary or appropriate in the circumstances present);
Pedestrian circulation and emergency vehicle access;
In the case of a map creating condominiums, townhouses, multifamily housing, a planned unit development (as defined in the City zoning code), zero lot line parcels, reduced lot (sub-six-thousand-square-foot) single-family detached subdivisions, or where otherwise determined applicable by the community development director, the following additional material shall be required:
Proposed height, size and footprint of all buildings and precise building locations,
Architectural plans for all buildings including floor plans, elevations, perspectives as necessary to illustrate design concept, color and material samples and proposed signs,
Precise plan of all common areas including location of sidewalks and walkways to serve all units, location of recreational and other common usage facilities, and an exterior lighting plan,
Precise plans of all individual lots including location of patios, fences and walkways,
Precise plans of all garages, carports, parking spaces and loading spaces as well as plans of any areas of common trash collection facilities and/or gang-type mailboxes,
Summary statement on net and gross densities, areas of public and private open space, coverage of land by structures, number and type of units, uses to which the buildings will be put, required and proposed number of parking and loading spaces, and maintenance of all common facilities;
Such additional information as may be required by the community development director.
(Ord. 2549 § 1, 1986)
Upon filing a vesting tentative map, the subdivider shall pay a planning application processing fee and public hearing fee, as established by resolution of the City Council. No other planning application processing fee shall be required of revisions of the map filed by the applicant prior to the Planning Commission action.
(Ord. 2549 § 1, 1986)
The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall expire at the end of the same time period, and shall be subject to the same extensions which are established by Chapters 19-04 through 19-68 for the expiration of the approval or conditional approval of a tentative map.
(Ord. 2549 § 1, 1986)
No approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map creating any of the developments described in Section 19-69.060B(18) shall be given by the Planning Commission prior to final approval of its design plans by the Design Review Board.
(Ord. 2549 § 1, 1986)
Approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map over an existing approved tentative map (on the same piece or pieces of land) shall make null and void the previously existing approved tentative map. The denial of a vesting tentative map shall not affect the prior approval or conditional approval of any tentative map on the same piece or pieces of land for which the approval or conditional approval of the vesting tentative map was contemplated.
(Ord. 2549 § 1, 1986)