It is unlawful for any person to willfully hinder, delay, or obstruct any dog used by or aiding the Sheriff of Merced County or any deputy duly sworn, in the discharge or attempted discharge, of any duties of his office.
It is further unlawful for any person to willfully or maliciously torture, tease, torment, beat, kick, strike, mutilate, injure, stab, choke, cut, arouse, anger excite, give command to, feed, disable, kill, or to interfere with or meddle with any dog while it is being engaged, kenneled, transported, exhibited, exercised, or used in the discharging, or attempted discharge, of any lawful duty, function, or power of office of the Sheriff of Merced County, his representative, or any duly sworn deputy.
(Ord. 1095, 1983)
Any person violating any provision of this chapter is subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1.28, § 1.28.020, of the Merced County Code.
(Ord. 1095, 1983)