All persons licensed to serve as an ambulance attendant or to drive an ambulance or a wheelchair bus, shall, within six months after being issued a license, commence further first aid training courses as prescribed by the chief of police. Failure to attend said course or to attain a passing grade in said courses shall be additional and specific grounds for the revocation of a license issued under this chapter.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § 1, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)
No person shall drive an ambulance, wheelchair bus or serve as an attendant in an ambulance within the city unless he is licensed by the police department of the city or holds a valid California DMV ambulance driver's license or ambulance attendant's certificate.
A person driving an ambulance or serving as an attendant for an ambulance service or driving a wheelchair bus neither located in, nor normally serving the city, and either carrying a passenger into the city or returning without a passenger from the city, shall not be included in the above licensing provisions.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § 1, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)
An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a license to drive an ambulance or wheelchair bus within the city shall file a private application and a set of fingerprints with the police department of the city upon forms to be furnished by the police department.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § 1, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)
Each applicant for the issuance or renewal of a license to drive a wheelchair bus shall pay a license fee of $15.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § 1, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)
Each applicant for the issuance or renewal of a license required by section 3-82 shall pay the license fee required by section 3-84 at the time of making such application. In the event that such license is denied, or is later suspended or revoked, such fee shall not be refunded.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § 1, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)
Provided an applicant for a license meets the requirements set forth in this chapter, a license to drive a wheelchair bus shall be issued within 10 days of the date of application and shall be valid for five years or until suspended or revoked, whichever is sooner.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § l, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)
No city license to drive an ambulance or wheelchair bus shall be issued to:
Any person under the age of 18 years;
Any person who has been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude unless two years shall have elapsed since his discharge from a penal institution or after having been placed on probation, during which period of time his record shows there is no evidence of the probable commission of other felonies or crimes involving moral turpitude;
Any person who has been addicted to the use of, or convicted of the illegal use, sale or possession of any narcotic or dangerous drug as defined in the California Health and Safety Code;
Any person who does not possess a valid American Red Cross advanced first aid certificate or an emergency ambulance technician training course completion certificate from a community college or an adult education class; provided, the training meets the criteria established by the department of health and the certificate so states; provided, however, that a person who is otherwise qualified and also possesses a standard American Red Cross first aid certificate may be issued a temporary license for a period not to exceed six months. Such temporary license shall not be renewable;
Any person who has been convicted of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
No license to drive a wheelchair bus shall be issued to any person unable to demonstrate to the chief of police, or his designated agent or employee, a satisfactory knowledge of the traffic regulations and geography of the city and the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § 1, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)
The chief of police may deny, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew an ambulance or wheelchair bus driver's license if the driver or applicant has:
Been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude;
Had his state driver's or chauffeur's license revoked or suspended;
Been convicted of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor;
Been convicted of driving while under the influence of narcotics;
During any continuous six month period, had three or more convictions of any of the moving offenses set forth in Division 11 of the Vehicle Code of the state, and amendments thereto, or any combination of either or any of said offenses;
Taken money from the possession of a person in an unconscious or semi-conscious state for any purpose whatsoever;
Been convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter;
Become physically unfit to drive as determined by the chief of police.
(Ord. No. 77-31, § 1, 6-8-77; Ord. No. 89-22, § 3, 5-24-89)