Cross reference—Water superintendent and clerk of the water department defined, § 31-1.
The office of director of finance is hereby created.
(Code 1957, § 1221; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The office of director of finance shall be independent from the city clerk and the city treasurer and shall enjoy equal rank with such offices.
(Code 1957, § 1222.1; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The office of director of finance shall be appointive; the director shall be appointed by the city manager with the approval of the council.
(Code 1957, § 1223; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance shall be qualified by sufficient technical accounting training, skill and experience to be proficient in the office. The director shall also show evidence of his executive ability.
(Code 1957, § 1223.2; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
Residence in the city shall not be deemed a necessary qualification for appointment to the office of director of finance.
(Code 1957, § 1223.3; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance shall serve at and during the pleasure of the city manager.
(Code 1957, § 1223.1; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance shall furnish a corporate surety bond to be approved by the council, in such sum as may be determined by the council and shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties imposed on the director as herein described.
Cross reference—General bond requirements, § 2-2.
(Code 1957, § 1224; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The bond required in section 10-20 shall be at least equal to the bond required of the clerk under the provisions of Government Code, Section 36518.
(Code 1957, § 1224.1)
The bond fee required of the director of finance shall be a proper charge against such funds of the city as the council shall designate.
(Code 1957, § 1224.2; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance shall receive such compensation as the council shall from time to time determine and fix by resolution; and such compensation shall be a proper charge against such funds of the city as the council shall designate.
(Code 1957, § 1225; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
Should the director of finance be absent or disabled, the city manager shall designate an acting director.
(Code 1957, § 1229; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
Editor's note—Ord. No. 75-47, §§ 1, 2,, and adopted Dec. 24, 1975, repealed §§ 10-25, 10-26 which had pertained, respectively, to the transfer of treasurer's duties to director, and the definition of treasurer with the authority to handle bonds. Said section had been derived, respectively, from Code 1957, §§ 1228 and 1228.1.
The director of finance shall be the chief accounting officer for the city under the direction and control of the city manager and shall also be responsible to the council.
(Code 1957, §§ 1222, 1226; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all accounting functions for the city.
(Code 1957, § 1226; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance shall consolidate all accounting matters of the city in his office as an entirely separate and distinct entity from all other departments.
(Code 1957, § 1222; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance shall be responsible for the efficient performance of his duties and responsibilities, namely, he shall:
Supervise and control all appointed personnel in the finance department.
Have authority to reassign employees under his supervision temporarily or permanently to meet emergencies and volume growth requirements.
Be responsible for all accounting functions of the city, including the water department and collections from water consumers' accounts.
Administer laws and ordinances pertaining to taxes, licenses, permits and fees as required.
Cause current accounts to be kept of all funds, revenues, receipts, expenditures and financial commitments of the city.
Apply budgetary control of expenditures in order that they will not exceed either anticipated expenditures or actual receipts.
Collect, receive and deposit into an appropriate depository all monies of the city, and keep proper records thereof.
Cause the performance of accounting control of storage and issuance of materials and supplies.
Present to the city manager an estimate, plan and program of the city's financial activities.
Be custodian of the city's permanent accounting records.
Prescribe and control forms and procedures of all other departments which pertain, in any manner, to revenue, receipts or expenditures.
Prepare financial statements and statistical reports.
Prepare estimates of annual revenues and expenditures.
Perform cost accounting as directed by the city manager.
Have the right to audit the accounting functions performed by all other departments and divisions of the city.
Perform such other functions as the city manager may specify or as may be prescribed by action of the city council.
Prepare, sign and issue checks, drafts or orders for the payment of the city payroll.
Cross references—Licenses and business regulations, generally, Ch. 16, collection of taxes, fees, § 16-2.
(Code 1957, §§ 1227, 2012; Ord. No. 1569, § 1, 12-27-72; Ord. No. 83-3, § 1, 3-9-83; Ord. No. 84-8, § 1, 1-11-84; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)
The director of finance, or with the concurrence of the city manager, his designee, shall prepare and issue all warrants of the city. Any delegation of this duty shall be in writing, signed by the director of finance and approved by the city manager, and shall be filed in the office of the city clerk.
(Ord. No. 83-3, § 2, 3-9-83; Ord. No. 90-32, § 1, 6-13-90)