All moneys belonging to or in the custody of the city, and which have been collected by or paid to the director of finance or which are under the control of such director, shall be deposited by him in such state or national banks in the state as he shall select, according to the terms of Government Code, Section 53630 et seq.
(Code 1957, § 1611; Ord. No. 84-8, § 2, 1-11-84; Ord. No. 90-32, § 2, 6-13-90)
No check, draft or order for the payment of money drawn by the director of finance upon any bank selected by him for the deposit of city moneys shall be honored or the money paid by such bank, unless the check, draft or order shall be countersigned or approved in writing by any one of the following persons:
Mayor pro tem;
City manager;
Such other person as may hereafter be designated by ordinance or resolution of the council.
(Code 1957, § 1612; Ord. No. 1436, § 1, 5-26-71; Ord. No. 84-8, § 2, 1-11-84; Ord. No. 90-32, § 2, 6-13-90)
Whenever necessary or proper for the safekeeping of any bonds, checks, notes, drafts, certificates of stock or other securities belonging to or in the custody of the city, and which are under the control of the director of finance, such director shall rent one or more safe deposit boxes in such banks as he has selected for the deposit of city moneys, in which he shall deposit all such bonds, checks, notes, drafts, certificates of stock or other securities or assets.
(Code 1957, § 1613; Ord. No. 84-8, § 2, 1-11-84; Ord. No. 90-32, § 2, 6-13-90)
Promptly after the date when there is a change in the holder of a public office, which officer is a party to the notice and agreement required by this article, a new notice and agreement with new signatures shall be given and made to and with the bank involved.
(Code 1957, § 1616)
The duration, terms and conditions of the agreement required by section 10-65 shall be provided by the council.
(Code 1957, § 1617)
Nothing in this article shall prevent the council, in its discretion, from authorizing by resolution, for convenience, the deposit, withdrawal or payment by check, draft or order for payment of money, of reasonable sums to be fixed by the council, into or from a bank the director of finance has selected for the deposit of city moneys, by means of one only director's current account therein, without complying with the terms of this article.
Cross reference—Bond, § 2-3.
(Code 1957, § 1618; Ord. No. 75-3, § 2, 2-5-75; Ord. No. 84-8, § 2, 1-11-84; Ord. No. 90-32, § 2, 6-13-90)