The procurement procedure for the purchase of services shall be as follows:
The purchasing officer shall solicit quotes or proposals by written request from prospective contractors.
The purchasing officer shall keep a public record of all requests for one year after the submission of the proposals or, if no proposals are received, the placing of the purchase orders.
For purchases of services greater than $10,000, if feasible, the contract award shall be made based upon at least three written quotes or proposals to a responsible contractor, who submits the lowest responsive quote or proposal, or whose quote or proposal provides the best value to the City. Best value means the same as used in Sec. 10-98 of this article.
Nothing in this division shall be construed to authorize the purchase of services that would otherwise not comply with relevant state law or other legal authority.
(Ord. No. 2020-17 § 1, 8-12-20; Ord. No. 2007-02(RR) § 1, 2-28-07)
The selection of specialized professional services of private architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying, or construction project management firms shall be awarded based on demonstrated competence and on the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required at a fair and reasonable price consistent with Government Code 4526.
Requests for proposals shall be used when the specialized services of professionals are needed. For services in excess of $10,000, whenever possible, at least three proposals shall be received for the specialized professional service needed. The purchasing officer may waive the requirements for solicitation of multiple proposals if only one individual or firm can readily provide the specialized professional service or if services are entirely funded through reimbursement from a private party.
The award of the specialized service contract shall be made to the responsible bidder whose proposal is determined to be most advantageous to the city, taking into consideration not just the proposal price, but also the evaluation criteria set forth in the request for proposal.
In carrying out its procurement procedures, the city is specifically prohibited from any unlawful activity including, but not limited to, rebates, kickbacks, or other unlawful consideration, and city employees are specifically prohibited from participating in the selection process if they have a relationship with a person or business entity seeking a contract that would subject those employees to the prohibition of Government Code section 87100 or a violation of any other law.
(Ord. No. 2020-17 § 1, 8-12-20; Ord. No. 2007-02(RR) § 1, 2-28-07)
The procurement procedures for services may be dispensed with when:
The services will be performed entirely by city forces at no cost;
The services are otherwise excepted from the procurement procedures pursuant to section 10-123 or state law;
When only one individual or firm can provide the service;
The services are secured by the competitive negotiation procedures in section 10-98; or
An emergency or exigency requires the services as set forth in section 10-80.
(Ord. No. 2020-17 § 1, 8-12-20)
Purchases not subject to the provisions of this Division 3 are as follows:
Real property purchases and related title and escrow fees;
Real property leases;
Procurement credit card purchases;
Transportation and freight charges when not specifically indicated on a purchase order;
Works of art, entertainment or performers;
Insurance and bond premiums;
Membership dues, conventions, training, travel arrangements, including hotels, car rentals, and airfare;
Services provided by other governmental agencies, as authorized by Government Code section 54981 or other legal authority; and
Maintenance or upgrades to existing software purchased from the same contractor.
(Ord. No. 2020-17 § 1, 8-12-20; Ord. No. 2007-02(RR) § 1, 2-28-07)