No tattooing shall be done on skin surfaces which have rash, pimples, boils, or infections or manifest any evidence of unhealthful conditions.
No tattoo shall be administered to any person under the age of 18 years of age.
No tattooing shall be performed on any person who has given a history of jaundice or hepatitis infection within the previous 30 days.
Specified anatomical areas shall not be exposed in publicly accessible areas of the tattoo parlor business or viewable from the public right-of-way.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94; Ord. No. 2019-09, § 6, 9-11-19)
The operator shall be free of communicable diseases and have no pustular skin lesions.
The operator shall not smoke during the tattoo operation.
The operator shall wear a clean, light-colored, short-sleeved smock during the tattoo operation.
The operator shall wear disposable gloves during the tattooing operation.
No tattoo parlor shall be operated in conjunction with nor share any operating space with any other business. Service of alcohol, marijuana/cannabis based substances, or other controlled substance shall not be permitted in conjunction with a tattoo parlor.
The entrance door shall be 100% clear and free of obstructions such as signs, window tinting, shelving, or racks. Storefront window openings shall provide an unobstructed view of the interior of the premises.
The operator shall ensure that specified anatomical areas of customers shall not be exposed in publicly accessible areas of the business or viewable from the public right-of-way.
The operator of a tattoo parlor shall prevent loitering and loud noises around the subject site during and after the hours of business operations.
The property shall be developed and maintained in a neat, quiet, and orderly condition and operated in a manner so as not to be detrimental to adjacent properties and occupants. This shall encompass the maintenance of exterior façades of the building, designated parking areas serving the use, walls and fences and the perimeter of the site (including all public parkways).
The operator of the tattoo parlor shall comply with all applicable state and local laws as they may be amended from time to time, including Health and Safety Code Sections 119300 et seq., (California Safe Body Art Act), Penal Code Section 653, and County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health regulations.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94; Ord. No. 2019-09, § 6, 9-11-19)
Before working on a customer, the tattoo artists shall cleanse their hands and arms in the following manner:
Thoroughly scrub hands and fingernails with water, soap, and a hand brush. The upper arms to the elbow shall be scrubbed with soap;
Rinse hands and upper arms with running water;
Rinse hands with an approved antiseptic solution such as 70% alcohol;
Hands and arms may be dried with clean, individual, single-use towels;
The area of the customer's skin to be tattooed shall be prepared by:
Washing with water and soap. A sterile hand brush, in conjunction with water and soap, shall be used to produce a clean skin area;
After washing of the skin surface, shaving shall be done with a new, single-service blade. The blade shall be discarded in the proper manner after use. Reusable blade holders shall be sterilized in an autoclave after each use. If disposable blade holders are used, they may be used on one customer only and then shall be disposed of in an approved manner;
Following shaving, the skin shall be prepared by thoroughly washing with soap, followed by gentle scrubbing of the skin with 70% isopropyl alcohol or Betadyne three times, using a separate sterile gauze pad each time;
Petroleum jelly to be used for stencils shall be dispensed from a disposable, single-use, collapsible tube or container approved by the health officer and shall be applied with sterile gauze, sterile tongue blade, or sterile applicator stick onto the area to be tattooed. The container shall be discarded following a single use.
During the tattoo operation, dyes, inks, and bodily fluids shall be removed with sterile material and properly disposed of at the end of the tattoo operation.
The tattooed skin surface shall be treated in the following manner:
The tattooed skin surface shall be washed with a sterile gauze saturated with 70% alcohol solution.
The tattooed skin surface shall be allowed to air dry.
The tattooed skin surface may be treated with Bacitracin ointment applied with a sterile applicator from single-use tubes of ointment. Unused portions of the ointment shall be discarded.
The tattooed skin surface shall be loosely covered with a dry, sterile gauze dressing with adhesive to permit free circulation of air.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94)
All pigments, dyes, and equipment shall be steam sterilized in an autoclave with at least 15 pounds pressure per square inch (two hundred fifty-one degrees (251() Fahrenheit) for at least 15 minutes. Autoclaves shall not be overloaded. Equipment shall be loosely packed in the autoclave. There shall be sufficient equipment on hand in each establishment to handle 24 hours tattooing without having to resterilize.
Instruments and equipment that shall be steam sterilized shall include but not be limited to:
Dyes, pigments,
Paper towels, napkins,
Needle tubes,
Wiping clothes.
All equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned before being sterilized. Instruments shall be cleaned with soap or detergents by use of a brush. Interior of needle barrels shall be brushed. After cleaning, equipment shall be thoroughly rinsed under running, fresh, tap water.
Each piece of equipment shall be individually wrapped with paper in an approved method for autoclaving. Metal foil may not be used. Tattooing needles shall be threaded through the metal tube that attaches to the tattooing vibrator and shall be placed in a glass (or plastic) test tube with a cotton plug for autoclaving. Gauze may be placed at the bottom of the test tube to prevent damage to needle tips. Wiping tissues shall be sterilized in a single pack to be used for one tattoo only and then discarded.
All packs shall be marked with temperature recording tape or labels.
The packages in which equipment is sterilized shall be dated with date of autoclaving. Equipment shall not be used 30 days or more after autoclaving without being resterilized.
Dyes or inks shall be used from squeeze bottle containers in which the dyes or inks have been sterilized in an autoclave. Dye shall be kept in a sterile condition, and the dye bottles filled with dye shall be autoclaved at least once a week or more often, if necessary, to keep the dye in a sterile condition. Refilling of partially depleted squeeze bottle containers with dyes or inks shall necessitate subjecting the bottle and its contents to the sterilization procedure.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94)
Reusable stencils shall be sanitized by immersion in a chlorine solution containing no less than 100 parts per million (ppm) of chlorine (one ounce of household bleach [5.25 percent] with one quart of water). The sanitizing solution may not be used for more than 30 minutes after preparation.
The stencil shall be scrubbed with soap and a brush after use to remove all accumulations of carbon and Vaseline in the etched grooves of the stencil. The stencil shall be dried on a clean towel.
The dried stencil shall be sanitized by immersing in the chlorine solution, design side down, for at least 10 minutes.
The sanitized stencil shall be rinsed in tap water and may be air dried with clean, sterile paper towels. The stencil shall be stored in a clean folder or envelope.
Prior to use, each precleaned stencil shall be wiped with a piece of sterile gauze soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol. The stencil shall be allowed to air dry while other preparatory steps are being taken.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94)
Dyes or inks shall be from an approved source of supply. The tattoo parlor permittee shall submit to the enforcement officer, in writing, the source of the dyes and inks used in their establishment.
Dyes or inks to be immediately used in tattooing shall be dispensed from the sterile dye bottles into sterile paper cups. Upon completion of the tattooing, the paper cups and remaining dye shall be discarded in the appropriate manner. Any dye in which a needle was dipped shall not be used on another customer.
Styptics shall be single-use only. Styptic material shall be dispensed only from single-use containers then discarded after use on one customer.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94)
All infections resulting from the practice of tattooing shall be reported to the health officer by the person owning or operating the tattoo establishment.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94)
The permit holder shall maintain proper records of each customer. The records shall include the following information:
The date when the tattoo was applied;
The name, address, and age of the customer;
The design of the tattoo and the location applied to the body;
The name of the tattoo artist.
The information required in subsection (a) of this section shall be permanently recorded in ink or indelible pencil in a bound book kept solely for this purpose. This book shall be available at reasonable hours for examination by the enforcement officer and shall be kept in the establishment for a minimum of six months.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94)
The premises of a tattoo parlor shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner at all times, free from vermin or rodent infestation and excessive dust and dirt.
The walls and ceilings shall be easily cleanable, smooth-surfaced, and light-colored. All walls and ceilings shall be kept in a clean condition and in good repair.
The floor surfaces shall be of smooth, nonabsorbent material and constructed so as to be easily cleanable. The floors shall be kept in a clean condition and in good repair.
Adequate lighting and ventilation shall be provided.
Each tattoo establishment shall have a sink for the exclusive use of the tattoo artist for hand washing and preparing the customers for tattooing. The sink shall be supplied with hot and cold running water under pressure to a mixing-type faucet, a soap dispenser with soap, and single-use paper towels from a dispenser.
Water closet and hand basin shall be available on the premises for use by customers and tattoo artists. The plumbing fixtures and toilet room shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair.
All needles and instruments shall be stored in a manner so as to provide protection from contamination after sterilization. Adequate storage shall be provided for all needles and instruments.
Operating tables shall be constructed of metal or white enamel or porcelain finish or stainless steel. The operating tables shall be separated from observers and waiting customers by at least ten feet.
No smoking shall be permitted in the tattooing area.
Tattooing shall be the only activity conducted in a tattoo parlor establishment. Waivers for this section can be authorized by the County of San Diego Health Department.
Adequate, approved containers shall be provided for the disposal of wastes.
Instruments, dyes, inks, pigments, carbon, stencils, and other paraphernalia used in the tattoo parlor shall be stored exclusively in approved, closed cabinets.
No animals shall be allowed in the tattoo parlor at any time.
(Ord. No. 94-19 § 1, 6-15-94; Ord. No. 94-35 § 2, 9-11-94)
Potentially biohazardous waste materials generated by tattoo parlor establishments and mobile tattoo vehicles shall be disposed of in the following manner:
Sharps—which are objects or devices having acute rigid corners, edges, or protuberances capable of cutting or piercing—including, but not limited to, hypodermic needles, tattoo needles, blades, and slides, shall be disinfected and disposed of by one of the following methods:
By a cold disinfection method when used strictly in accordance to instructions and which has been approved by the state Department of Health Services. The sharps disposed of in this manner may be disposed of via the municipal solid waste hauler. Prior to pickup by the municipal solid waste hauler, the cold disinfection container shall be stored in a locked trash dumpster or a secured trash area to prevent tampering;
By disposal via a permitted biohazardous waste hauler or a State of California authorized medical waste hauler who possesses a permit from the appropriate regulatory agency;
By autoclaving the sharps to be disposed of for at least 30 minutes at 15 pounds per square inch (psi) at a temperature of two hundred fifty degrees (250°) Fahrenheit, bound in packs with temperature-sensitive, indicating tape. Once sterilized, the sharps must be contained before disposal in the municipal landfill;
Other disposal methods approved by the state Department of Health Services or the local health officer.
Gauze, wipes, tissues, unused dyes and inks, and other nonsharps used in a tattooing operation shall be contained and secured on-site to prevent unauthorized access. This material shall be disposed of in the municipal landfill by a licensed solid waste hauler (general trash hauler).
(Ord. No. 94-19, § 1, 6-15-94)