The city manager shall appoint the community services director.
(Ord. No. 2000-32, § 1, 10-18-00)
The community services director shall operate and coordinate the city's recreational services, older adult programs, library services programs, public art program, park areas and facilities, and provide coordination and support for other community organizations and agencies, as directed by city council and commissions. The director shall also assist with the planning for the acquisition of proposed beautification projects, parks and recreational facilities, and library facilities, in accordance with the advice and guidance of the community services commission, library board of trustees, and the city council, as applicable, pursuant to the general development plan and program needs for city parks, recreational facilities and library facilities, as set forth as an element of the city's general plan for community development. The community services director shall attend meetings of the community services commission and serve as secretary to the commission. The community services director shall prepare an annual community services budget for approval of the city manager and council in whole or in part.
(Ord. No. 2000-32, § 1, 10-18-00; Ord. No. 2012-15, § 3, 8-1-12)