For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless it is apparent from the context that they have a different meaning.
"Approved when used in connection with any material, appliance or construction"
shall mean meeting the requirements and approval of the building department of the city.
"Occupancy or occupied"
shall mean the use of any trailer, in whole or in part, as the home, residence or sleeping place of one or more persons, either continuously, permanently, temporarily or transiently.
shall mean trailer coach.
"Trailer park street"
shall mean any roadway used or designed to be used for the general circulation of traffic within a trailer park.
"Trailer site"
shall mean any portion of a trailer park designed for the use or occupancy of one trailer, camp car or camping party.
(Code 1957, §§ 2401—2401.4)
As regulations for trailer parks in the city, the Trailer Park Act, Division 13, Part 2, [§§ 18000, and following] of the Health and Safety Code; the Rules and Regulations for Electrical Standards in Trailer Parks, Title 8, Chapter 9, Article 4 [5], [§§ 16465, and following], and the Rules and Regulations for Independent Trailer Coaches, Title 8, Chapter 9, Article 3 [§§ 16340, and following], of the California Administrative Code, are hereby adopted by reference, and made a part of this chapter as though set forth in full herein; provided, that if any provision of this chapter is more restrictive than those provided in said codes adopted by reference, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail.
(Code 1957, § 2400)
No provision of this chapter shall be construed to require a change in size of existing trailer sites, or a change in the size of existing trailer court streets or a structural addition, structural alteration, or a structural change in or on existing buildings; provided, however, that such existing sites, streets, buildings or structures shall be nonconforming uses or nonconforming buildings as the case may be; but, provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall exempt any trailer park from compliance with enforcement of any other section, ordinance or law to which it would otherwise be subject.
(Code 1957, § 2460)
It shall be the duty of the building inspector to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
For the purpose of securing enforcement of this chapter, the building, fire, police and health departments are hereby empowered to enter private property in accordance with the law to determine if a trailer park exists and are further empowered to so enter upon the premises of any trailer park or trailer site now operating within the city to inspect the same and all accommodations connected therewith.
(Code 1957, § 2402)
The owner or operator of a trailer park shall abate any nuisance in the park within five days, or within such longer period of time as may be allowed by the building department or fire department, after he has been given written notice in the manner prescribed in section 29-59 by the department to remove the nuisance. If he fails to do so within that time, the city attorney may bring a civil action to abate the nuisance in the superior court of the county in the name of the people of the state.
(Code 1957, § 2408.3(c))
Parking rules in trailer parks shall be enforced by the trailer park operator.
(Code 1957, § 2422)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter or disregarding any lawful order of the enforcement agencies or findings of the council with respect to said trailer park shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof may be punished by a fine not exceeding $500, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every person violating or contributing in any way to the violation of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day during which such violation continues, and may be punishable therefor as herein provided.
(Code 1957, § 2470)
All moneys received under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the city treasury and credited to the general fund.
(Code 1957, § 2408.2)
Every person who owns or operates a trailer park shall keep a register in which shall be entered:
The name and address of each tenant and all overnight guests for which accommodations are afforded or for which space is rented and the identification space of the trailer site the guest occupies.
The make, type and license number of the automobile and trailer, the name of the registered owner of the trailer, and the state in which such vehicle or vehicles are registered and the year and month of registration.
(Code 1957, § 2433(a), (b))
The register required in section 29-9 shall be made available to the police department or any of the enforcement officers of this chapter upon demand.
(Code 1957, § 2433(c))
The register required in section 29-9 shall be kept for a period of three years from the date of the last entry therein.
(Code 1957, § 2433(d))
The operator of a trailer park shall keep posted at all times, in a location accessible to all persons in the park, a notice which shall:
Contain information about emergency facilities, including the telephone number of the police and fire department, the address and location of the trailer park, the location of the nearest public telephone, the names, locations and telephone numbers of trailer park personnel and the telephone number of the trailer park.
Contain a statement that it shall be the duty of the trailer park operator to connect and disconnect water, fuel and electrical services.
Contain information stating whom to notify in the event any of the trailer park services should be interrupted.
State the location and number of all portable fire extinguishers on the premises.
Set forth the procedure to be followed in case of fire.
Require the cooperation and help of the tenants of the trailer park in keeping the area safe from hazardous conditions, including the freedom of the area from any accumulation of rubbish, prohibition on burning by tenants, and the location of fuel containers, empty or full.
Inform the tenants that operators of vehicular equipment shall observe all posted traffic signs or signals.
(Code 1957, § 2456(b))
The fire department shall prescribe the form of the notice required in section 29-12 and may provide such notices to trailer park operators at cost.
(Code 1957, § 2456(b))
A bulletin board indicating the location and number of each trailer site shall be displayed outside the office of the trailer park and shall be lighted at night.
(Code 1957, § 2411)
No trailer park shall be located or expanded within the city until the location and plan thereof is approved by the planning commission.
(Code 1957, § 2404)
It shall be the duty and responsibility of a trailer park operator to connect and disconnect water, fuel and electrical services.
(Code 1957, § 2456(b))
Unless otherwise permitted by this code, no trailer may be connected to any public utility within the city unless it is located within a licensed trailer park.
(Code 1957, § 2405)
A trailer park operator shall provide at all times at least one accessible public telephone for the use of trailer park residents.
(Code 1957, § 2436.6)
A public address system shall be prohibited in trailer parks except as approved by the planning commission.
(Code 1957, § 2432)
It shall be unlawful for any person owning or operating a trailer park, or any person occupying a mobile home in such park, to use, cause or permit to be used for occupancy:
Any trailer from which any tire or wheel has been removed, except for the purpose of making emergency repairs.
Any trailer which does not conform to the electrical, plumbing, gas and water ordinances of the city. No connections shall be made thereto unless specifically provided in such ordinances.
Any trailer which is permanently attached with underpinning or foundation to the ground.
Any trailer which does not conform to the requirements of the state vehicle code governing the use of trailers on public highways.
Any trailer which does not contain a valid license as honored by the state for the current year.
Any trailer which is in an unsanitary condition.
Any trailer which is structurally unsound or does not protect its inhabitants against the elements.
Cross references—Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 6; water, Ch. 31.
(Code 1957, §§ 2410—2410.7)
Unless otherwise permitted by this code, no trailer, mobile home or camper located outside a licensed trailer park shall be occupied as a dwelling for any period of time.
(Code 1957, § 2405)
Only independent trailers shall be permitted in trailer parks. The only exception is that residents of trailer parks may own and park within the trailer park a second dependent or independent trailer, provided that the second trailer is not occupied or attached to any utility service.
(Code 1957, § 2440)
A trailer in dead storage may not be used for human habitation, or for any other purpose, nor may it be connected with any public utilities.
(Code 1957, § 2425)
The area within a trailer park shall be adequately drained and graded and all areas other than landscaped areas or trailer park streets and trailer sites shall be covered or treated with at least an oil seal surface.
(Code 1957, § 2431)
The entire area of a trailer park shall be maintained at all times free from dry brush, leaves, weeds, rubbish, refuse or other debris.
(Code 1957, § 2430.1)
All garbage cans in trailer parks shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and owners of the cans shall be responsible therefor.
(Code 1957, § 2430)
Individual pickup in trailer parks shall be permitted in place of centralized garbage pickup, provided each space is supplied with individual garbage cans.
(Code 1957, § 2430)
In every trailer park there shall be provided a minimum of one trash or garbage can with a tight-fitting lid for each six trailers, or fractional part thereof, within any trailer park.
(Code 1957, § 2430)
A fence shall be erected around the perimeter of each trailer park.
The height, construction and type of material of fences required by this section shall be determined by the planning commission and specified in the conditional use permit.
(Code 1957, § 2423)
Roadways shall be provided in such a pattern as to provide reasonable and convenient traffic circulation within a trailer park and so that every trailer site fronts upon such roadway.
(Code 1957, § 2422)
All roadways in trailer parks shall be of sufficient width to permit two-way traffic. If automobile parking is to be prohibited on roadways, the minimum paved width of the roadway shall be 25 feet. If automobile parking is to be permitted on the roadway, the minimum paved width of the roadway shall be 40 feet.
(Code 1957, § 2422)
Approaches and roads to all trailers within trailer parks shall be kept clear for fire fighting.
Conductors of overhead wiring systems shall have a clearance of not less than 18 feet above trailer park roadways.
(Code 1957, § 2455)
All trailer park streets shall be surfaced with four inches of decomposed granite base with asphaltic concrete surface, or road oil mix, to be maintained free of any irregularities or holes, and so graded as to provide proper drainage.
(Code 1957, § 2422.2)
All driveways in a trailer park shall have a clear and unobstructed access to a public thoroughfare.
(Code 1957, § 2422.1)
On driveways in trailer parks where no parking is to be allowed, or where parking on only one side is allowed, adequate signs shall be posted and maintained indicating that parking is forbidden in such locations.
(Code 1957, § 2422.1)
Each trailer park shall provide adequate off-street parking facilities consisting of at least one parking space for each trailer site pursuant to and in accordance with the requirements of this Code; provided, however, that if a parking area is provided on the trailer site, no additional area shall be required for parking other than as set forth in sections 29-71 and 29-76.
(Code 1957, § 2424)
It shall be the responsibility and duty of a trailer park operator to inform all tenants about means for summoning emergency services in case of emergencies in such park.
(Code 1957, § 2456)
Water supply facilities in trailer parks for fire department operations shall consist of one of the following:
A public water supply system with hydrants located within 500 feet of all trailer parking sites.
A private hydrant system complying with National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 24, Outside Protection, except that where fire department services are available, no supply of hose shall be required, and hydrants so located that one will be within 500 feet of all trailer parking sites shall be sufficient.
(Code 1957, § 2457)
Approved fire alarm boxes, telephone facilities or other methods of notifying the fire department shall be provided in trailer parks and shall be readily accessible at all times. Such fire alarm facilities shall be approved by the fire department.
(Code 1957, § 2456(a))
Weatherproof cabinets, properly labeled, shall be provided for any fire-fighting appliances not otherwise housed. Appropriate arrangements shall be made to prevent freezing of fire-fighting equipment in any area subject to freezing.
(Code 1957, § 2458.2)
Approved facilities shall be provided in trailer parks for fighting fires of ordinary combustible materials (Class A), which shall be readily accessible to all trailer occupants and in readily visible locations. Such facilities may consist of Class A extinguishers, (soda-acid, pump tank, anti-freeze) in accordance with National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 10, Installation, Maintenance and Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers, so located that it will not be necessary to travel more than 100 feet from any trailer to reach the nearest extinguisher.
(Code 1957, § 2458)
One or more approved extinguishers of a type suitable for flammable liquid or electrical fires (Class B and Class C) in accordance with National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 10, Portable Fire Extinguishers, (carbon dioxide or dry chemical) shall be so located in all trailer parks that it will not be necessary to travel more than 100 feet to reach the nearest extinguisher. Such extinguishers shall contain a minimum of four pounds of dry chemical or 10 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2).
(Code 1957, § 2458.1)
No person shall camp or use tents or permit camping or the use of tents anywhere within a trailer park.
(Code 1957, § 2441)
<+>It is unlawful for any park owner or representative of a mobilehome park owner to require that capital improvements be installed by an existing or prospective tenant as a condition of residency in the mobilehome park.
For purposes of this section, the term <169>capital improvements<170> means driveways, garages, sheds, curbs, gutters, sidewalks or any other improvement which results in permanent alteration to the property and which is not subject to removal, or which is not removable at the time the tenancy in the mobilehome park terminates.
A violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as provided in Section 1-13 of the Escondido Municipal Code. A violation of this chapter is also deemed to be a public nuisance, and may be abated in an action commenced by the city attorney in any manner authorized by law.
(Ord. No. 90-12, § 1, 3-28-90)