Words used in this chapter, which are defined in the Map Act but not specifically defined in this chapter, shall have the same meaning as they do in the Map Act. Words used in this chapter which are not defined in this chapter or in the Map Act shall have the same meaning as in the Escondido Zoning Code. Whenever the following words are used in this chapter, they shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this division.
"Adjustment plat":
An adjustment to the property lot line(s) between two or more existing lots by means of a plat prepared pursuant to Division 32.402 of this chapter and certified by the Director of Planning and Building as having been approved pursuant to this chapter and filed in the Planning Division.
"Advisory agency":
As the term is used in the Map Act (including Map Act section 66415) or this chapter, the advisory agency shall be defined as follows:
The Planning Commission is hereby designated as the advisory agency as to the final review and decision for Tentative Subdivision Maps pursuant to section 32.105.03;
The Director of Community Development is hereby designated as the advisory agency as to certificates of compliance pursuant to section 32.404.03, boundary adjustments, substantial compliance, environmental document certification (including environmental impact report addenda, mitigated negative declarations and categorical exemptions) pursuant to section 32.105.02, tentative map and tentative parcel map extensions of time pursuant to section 32.210.02, tentative map modification pursuant to section 32.211, minor modifications of design standards pursuant to section 32.105.05; and
The City Engineer is hereby designated as the advisory agency as to the approval of Final Maps, Parcel Maps, minor modifications of design standards, Final and Parcel Map modifications and corrections, abandonment of public easements granted without remuneration, plan approval, acceptance of improvements as complete, filing of notices of completion, release of security pursuant to section 32.205.03, and the approval and execution of improvement agreements subject to this chapter, including pursuant to section 32.205.01.
The California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000—21177, and the state CEQA Guidelines for implementation prescribed by the Secretary for Resources.
"Certificate of compliance":
A document describing a unit or contiguous units of real property and stating that the division thereof complies or conditionally complies with applicable provisions of the Map Act and City ordinances enacted pursuant thereto.
"Certified map":
A revised tentative map incorporating all modifications and changes required by the Tentative Subdivision Map or Tentative Parcel Map approval, which is determined by the Planning Division to be in substantial conformance with the tentative map approval.
"City engineer":
As used in this chapter, City Engineer shall mean the City Engineer of the City of Escondido or their authorized representative.
"Complete application":
Submittal of an application with all information required to evaluate conformance with the General Plan and Zoning Code.
The number of residential dwelling units per acre of lot area excluding areas of remainder parcels, areas of nonresidential development, the panhandle portion of a flag lot, and areas of dedication for street rights-of-way, adjustments for floodways as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA — see Flooding Map) or the City, slope categories, and other environmental factors as designated.
"Discretionary action":
The review process which requires consideration of and action on a request at a duly noticed public hearing by the Planning Commission and/or the City Council, including, but not limited to, tentative subdivision maps, variances, zone changes, general plan amendments, conditional use permits, zoning code amendments, development agreements, planned development proposals, annexations, and condominium permits.
"Final map":
A final map prepared pursuant to Chapter 2, Article 2 of the Map Act in accordance with the approved or conditionally approved tentative map.
"Improvement, on-site and/or off-site":
In addition to its definition in Section 66419 of the Map Act, all those items necessary to satisfy the needs of the subdivision including, but not limited to, local neighborhood traffic, drainage, flood control, fire protection, sanitation and water requirements as a condition prior to the approval of a Final Map or Parcel Map.
"Infill development":
Development that occurs on contiguous vacant lots scattered within areas that are already predominantly developed or urbanized to the highest intensity allowed by the Zoning designation and the General Plan.
"Legislative body":
The City Council is the legislative body of the City of Escondido.
"Lot area":
The horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot.
"Net lot area":
The horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot exclusive of:
The area of any street or alley right-of-way, dedication, offer of dedication, and road easements.
Any fenced flood-control easement.
Any portion of the lot which is less than 35 feet wide for a distance of 50 feet or more and which is designed or used to provide vehicular or pedestrian access to the part of such lot which is designed for use as a building site.
"Map act":
The Subdivision Map Act as set forth in Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code (Sections 66400 et seq.) of the State of California.
"Panhandle lot":
A lot having access to a street by a narrow extension of the lot.
"Parcel map":
A map prepared pursuant to Chapter 2, Article 3 of the Map Act in accordance with the approved or conditionally approved tentative map.
"Remainder parcel":
That portion of land which is not divided for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing when only a portion of real property is subdivided, which meets the minimum development standards of the General Plan and Zoning Code as if it were a lot.
"Resident purchase of a mobilehome park":
The purchase by existing residents of a mobilehome park for the purpose of conversion to a mobilehome condominium project, mobilehome stock cooperative or any similar project where the member of the project owns a home ownership share, fee lot, or condominium unit.
"Substantial conformance":
A determination by the Director of Planning and Building that a revised map complies with the conditions of the map approval where no additional grading exemptions, units, property, or parcels are involved, the approved minimum lot size is maintained, no significant environmental impact is created, and the revisions are consistent with the character of the original approval.
"Through lot":
A lot having a frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets.
The maximum allowable number of dwelling units permitted for a proposed subdivision, reflective of all General Plan and Zoning Code criteria. The yield is the sum of the density calculations for all lot area within each General Plan Land Use Designation and slope category and/or other constrained land category. For the purpose of calculating yield, the lot area excludes the area of remainder parcels, areas of nonresidential development, and ultimate Circulation Element street rights-of-way, and includes the area of any interior noncirculation element streets. See "Yield Example."
"Zoning Code":
The Escondido Zoning Code, Chapter 33 of the Escondido Municipal Code.
(Ord. 96-26, § 1, Exh. A, 9-11-96; Ord. No. 2020-31R, § 6, 1-13-21; Ord. 2022-02, § 4, 1-26-22)