After a Final Map or Parcel Map is filed in the office of the County Recorder, it may be amended by a certificate of correction or an amending map, pursuant to Article 7 of Chapter 3 (beginning with Section 66469) of the Map Act.
(Ord. 96-26, § 1, Exh. A, 9-11-96; Ord. 2022-02, § 4, 1-26-22)
A written request to amend or correct a recorded Final Map or Parcel Map shall be submitted to the Engineering Department. In addition to the submittal requirements of the Map Act, the application shall also include each of the following:
The amending map or certificate of correction prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor;
A copy of the original recorded map with the proposed changes shown and highlighted; and
Any other information or materials as may be required by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 96-26, § 1, Exh. A, 9-11-96; Ord. 2022-02, § 4, 1-26-22)
The City Engineer, and the City Council if applicable, shall review map corrections or amendments pursuant to the provisions of the Map Act.
(Ord. 96-26, § 1, Exh. A, 9-11-96; Ord. 2022-02, § 4, 1-26-22)
The amending map or certificate of correction approved and certified by the City Engineer, and if applicable, approved by the City Council, shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder by the applicant, and a copy of the recorded document returned to the City Engineer.
(Ord. 96-26, § 1, Exh. A, 9-11-96; Ord. 2022-02, § 4, 1-26-22)