The city council may adopt an ordinance amending any prior zoning ordinance, the Escondido Zoning Code, or the Escondido Zone District map after a public hearing is held on the proposed amendment. To the extent required by state law, the planning commission shall hold a hearing and make recommendations on any such amendments prior to city council consideration.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17)
An application for a zoning amendment may be initiated by the city or by the owner of property subject to the amendment. Applications shall be on city forms and accompanied by the applicable fee.
An application for a general plan amendment/specific plan amendment may be initiated by the city or by the owner of property subject to the amendment. Applications initiated by the owner of the property subject to the amendment require initiation authorization by the city council. Applications shall be on city forms and accompanied by the applicable fees.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17; Ord. No. 2023-06, § 3, 3-8-23)
The planning commission's recommendation to the city council shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for approval or denial based on factors pursuant to section 33-1263. A recommendation of denial shall terminate the process unless timely appealed by the applicant to the city council.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17)
The decisions of the planning commission and city council shall be in writing and shall state the reasons therefore after consideration of the following factors:
That the public health, safety and welfare will not be adversely affected by the proposed change;
That the property involved is suitable for the uses permitted by the proposed zone;
That the uses permitted by the proposed zone would not be detrimental to surrounding properties;
That the proposed change is consistent with the adopted general plan;
That the proposed change of zone does not establish a residential density below 70% of the maximum permitted density of any lot or parcel of land previously zoned R-3, R-4, or R-5 unless the exceptions regarding dwelling unit density can be made pursuant to the provisions set forth in Article 6;
That the relationship of the proposed change is applicable to specific plans.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17)
The recommendation of the commission shall be filed in the planning division and a copy provided to the applicant at the address shown on the application.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17)
The city council may approve, modify or deny the proposed amendment. Any modification of a proposed change of zone by the city council not previously considered by the planning commission during its hearing, shall first be referred to the planning commission for report and recommendation. Such report and further recommendation may be made by the planning commission without holding a public hearing.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17)
Editor's note—Sections 33-1266—33-1269 were repealed by Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, enacted March 22, 2017.
Where a public street or alley or other public right-of-way is officially vacated or abandoned, the area comprising such vacated or abandoned right-of-way shall acquire the zoning classification of the property to which it reverts.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17)