Plot plan means a zoning instrument used primarily to review the location and site development of certain permitted land uses. The plot plan review process is required when any of the following are proposed in a multifamily, commercial, or industrial zone:
A new building, structure, or addition;
A new permitted use of land or existing structure that may require additional off-street parking;
A modification of an existing development affecting the building area, parking (when a reduction in parking spaces is proposed), outdoor uses, or on-site circulation. Changes to parking areas that do not result in a reduction in parking spaces are exempt from plot plan review, but require design review, as provided in section 33-1355(b)(2);
As may otherwise be required by this chapter.
Plot plan review is not required for residential development created by a planned development or residential subdivision of single-family lots.
Minor plot plan may include, but shall not be limited to, a change in use with no additional floor area, minor building additions, outdoor storage as an accessory use in the industrial zones, or other site plan changes affecting site circulation and parking, as determined by the director.
Major plot plan may include, but shall not be limited to, new construction, reconstruction and additions of facilities permitted in the underlying zone, or other projects that exceed thresholds for a minor plot plan, as determined by the director. All two-family dwelling projects proposed pursuant to section 33-115 shall be subject to the approval of a major plot plan.
Pursuant to AB 1397, rezoning of sites for the RHNA past the April 15, 2021 statutory deadline is subject to by-right approval of housing projects that include 20% of lower income units. Select sites identified in the city's adopted Suitable Sites Inventory (Appendix B of the City's Housing Element) are subject to the required by-right provisions of AB 1397 (Government Code section 65583.2). The select sites identified in the city's adopted Suitable Sites Inventory provide by-right approval through the plot plan review process for multi-family housing consistent with the densities and development standards established for the specific plan areas. To be consistent with AB 1397, this section further specifies that housing projects setting aside 20% of the units for lower income households are permitted by-right, without discretionary review.
(Ord. No. 2023-15, 10/25/2023)
Authorization. The director, or designee, shall have the authority to grant, conditionally grant or deny a plot plan application, or refer it to the planning commission as provided for in Section 65900 et seq. of the California Government Code, based on sound principles of land use.
Procedure. Application for a plot plan may be initiated by the property owner or agent of the property affected. Application shall be made on forms provided by the city and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee. A discretionary project application shall further be accompanied by such materials as required by the director. The project shall be reviewed for conformance to all applicable requirements of the general plan, zoning code, specific plans, area plans, city design standards, building and safety requirements, and other applicable city standards, to the satisfaction of the director.
Modifications. The director may approve or conditionally approve minor modifications to a project that are consistent with the intent of the plot plan approval and do not intensify the use(s) on the site.
(Ord. No. 2023-15, 10/25/2023)
Findings. The decision of the director shall be in writing and shall state the reasons therefor. In granting a plot plan approval, the director shall issue a conditional letter of approval and shall make the following findings:
That the use is a permitted use in the zone in which it is located.
That the plot plan is granted subject to such conditions as deemed necessary to meet the standards of the use and zone in which it is located and to comply with applicable design standards.
That the plot plan is granted subject to such additional conditions as deemed necessary and desirable to preserve the public health, safety and general welfare.
Notification of action. The director's written decision, the conditional letter of approval, shall be filed in the planning division and a copy provided to the applicant at the address shown on the application. The applicant must sign and return the conditional letter of approval, thereby agreeing to the conditions of approval, prior to submittal of applications for construction permits.
Appeals. Appeals shall be governed by the provisions of Division 6 of this article. Any final action which denies any application for a plot plan shall prohibit the refiling of a similar or substantially similar application for at least one year from the date of denial.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17)
Unless otherwise specified in the action approving a plot plan, said approval shall become automatically null and void unless the project authorized by the plot plan approval has been substantially implemented within 24 months from the approval date. The abandonment or non-use of a plot plan approval for a period of 24 months shall also result in such approval becoming automatically null and void. The director shall have authority to grant extensions to the deadlines in this section. Once any portion of a plot plan is utilized, the other conditions thereof become immediately operative and must be strictly complied with.
(Ord. No. 2017-03R, § 4, 3-22-17; Ord. No. 2023-06, § 3, 3-8-23)