General purpose. The purpose of Centre City residential overlay zone is to provide standards for development in the Centre City residential area that will encourage the revitalization of the area.
Applicability. The CCR (Centre City residential) overlay zone shall be used in conjunction with the R-4 (residential multifamily) zone. If there is any conflict between these zones, the standards established with the CCR zone shall prevail.
(Ord. No. 93-21, § 1, 8-18-93)
Underlying zone. All permitted, conditional and accessory uses and structures permitted by the zone with which the CCR zone is being combined shall remain as specified by the underlying zone.
Permitted principal uses and structures. In addition to the uses and structures imposed by paragraph (a) above, the following use shall also be permitted:
Day nurseries-child care center (with plot plan review and notice to property owners within a 500 foot radius for child care centers for more than 12 children).
Density bonus. Within the CCR overlay zone, the provisions of Article 67 (Density Bonus Ordinance) of the Zoning Code may also be applied to projects that contain less than four units.
(Ord. No. 93-21, § 1, 8-18-93)
Underlying zone standards. Property development standards as set forth in the provisions of the zone with which the CCR overlay zone is combined, shall apply.
Front yard. Each lot or parcel in the CCR overlay zone shall have a front yard of not less than 15 feet in depth, except that a garage having an entrance fronting on the street shall be set back at least 20 feet from the street property line.
Building height. No lot or parcel of land in the CCR overlay zone shall have a building or structure used for dwelling purposes or public assembly in access of 35 feet in height, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
Parking. Parking shall be provided according to Article 39 of this code, except as follows:
Multiple Dwellings
one parking space per unit
One bedroom
one and one-half (1½) parking space per unit
Two or more bedrooms
one and three quarter (1¾) parking space per unit. Each unit shall have a minimum of one covered parking space
In addition, there shall be provided a guest parking space for each four units or fraction thereof. On-street parking spaces contiguous to the site, when approved by the staff development committee, may be counted towards the guest parking requirement.
Tandem parking spaces may be counted towards the off-street parking requirement when both parking spaces are assigned to the same dwelling unit.
Open space. Each lot or parcel of land in CCR overlay zone shall provide on the same lot or parcel of land 200 square feet of usable open space, as defined in section 33-283.(f), for a one bedroom dwelling, and 400 square feet of usable open space for a two bedroom or larger dwelling unit.
Access. New driveway access from Centre City Parkway will not be permitted.
Landscaping. Development along Centre City Boulevard shall provide landscape screening consistent with the Centre City Parkway landscape plan.
(Ord. No. 93-21, § 1, 8-18-93)
The following design guidelines shall apply to all new projects in the CCR overlay zone:
The structure shall provide an orientation towards the street using design principles providing variety and creativity such as varied roof planes, archways, framed windows, dormer windows, courtyards, and varied roof heights.
Balconies and windows should be located to avoid overviewing adjacent properties.
Building height, bulk and material should be sensitive to existing residential uses. Techniques such as architectural elements, split levels, or stepping back of second stores should be considered.
New developments should be sensitive to existing historic structures in terms of bulk, scale and architecture. Exhibiting historic structures should be preserved whenever possible.
Vehicular circulation should be designed to maximize efficiency, minimize automobile and pedestrian conflicts, and create unobtrusive parking areas.
Parking for multifamily developments should be located at the back of the site. Garages should be located at the back of the site and accessed from the alleys whenever possible.
(Ord. No. 93-21, § 1, 8-18-93)