Note: For charter provisions as to recall of elective officers, see Charter, Art. IV, § 2. As to official oaths, see Charter, Art. VI, § 18. As to examination of official conduct of officers and employees by city manager, see Charter, Art. IX, § 1, subsection 6. As to initiative, referendum and recall generally, see Charter, Art. XVIII, §§ 1 and 2. For authority of city manager to assign clerks, etc., to work in any department of the city, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 1. As to vacancy in city offices, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 5. For duty of officers and boards to deliver papers, etc., to successors in office, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 7. As to interest of officers and employees in city contracts, etc., see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 8. For provision requiring officers and employees in city contracts, etc., see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 8. For provision requiring officers and employees to be U.S. citizens, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 9. As to acceptance of gifts, etc., by officers and employees, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 11. As to prohibited conduct of officers and employees in connection with contracts, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 12. As to wilful approval, etc., by officer of unauthorized demand on treasury, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 13. As to inspection of books and records of officers and employees, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 15. For duty of officers to report fees, etc., monthly, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 22. For provisions relative to employees' retirement, see Charter, Art. XXV, § 1.
The city manager shall authorize the employment of such number of persons in each classification as the city manager may find from time to time to be necessary to perform the work thereof; provided, that the total expense incurred for such work shall be limited to the amount appropriated by the council therefor; and provided, further, that nothing contained in this chapter shall require such authorization in those cases where an appointment is made or approved by the council pursuant to the charter.
(Prior code § 4-1)
Officers and employees of the city shall be appointed and removed as provided by the City Charter.
(Prior code § 4-2)
The personnel director, pursuant to the rules of the civil service commission, is authorized to investigate statements or information furnished by an applicant or employee in connection with employment with the city, and is further authorized pursuant to Section 11105 of the Penal Code of the state of California to obtain state and local summary criminal history information with respect to such applicant or employee. Actions taken with respect to such applicants, candidates or eligibles for employment or employees based on the information contained in such summary criminal history information shall be in conformity with the published rules and regulations of the civil service commission which specify or describe conduct which is of such a nature that it would make such applicant or candidate ineligible for employment or make such employee subject to disciplinary action.
Pursuant to Section 11105 of the Penal Code of the state of California, the city council, city manager, city attorney and city clerk are authorized to have access to and utilize state summary criminal history information where it is needed to assist them in fulfilling licensing duties set forth in this code.
(Prior code § 4-2.5)
No full-time officer or employee of the city shall follow any other calling or occupation or engage in any business, unless the city manager finds that such outside employment or business will not tend to impair the efficiency of such officer or employee, and will not be incompatible with his or her position with the city.
(Prior code § 4-3)
For all employees of the city, except employees whose compensation is fixed on an hourly basis and except as in this chapter is otherwise specifically provided, forty hours shall constitute a week's work.
(Prior code § 4-4)
The workweek in the division of fire protection for employees in the classification of battalion chief, fire captain, fire engineer and firefighter shall be based on a fifty-six-hour schedule, except those assigned to a forty-hour week by the fire chief. For all other employees of the division of fire protection, forty hours shall constitute a week's work.
(Prior code § 4-5)
Public Safety Department. The chief of police or the fire chief, in their respective divisions, may prescribe schedules of working hours differing from the provisions of Sections 3.04.060 and 3.04.070 if under such schedules, the average number of working hours of each employee, over a period of time, equals the applicable number stated in such sections, in which event the time so scheduled shall be considered the times regularly required for employment. No such schedule nor any amendment thereof shall become effective until a copy thereof has been approved by the city manager and delivered to the director of finance and administrative services nor shall any such schedule or amendment have any retroactive effect.
Public Service Division. The general manager and chief engineer of the public service division may prescribe, for employees in his or her division designated by the city manager, schedules of working hours under which each such employee averages, over a period of time, forty-two working hours per week; in which event the time so scheduled shall be considered the times regularly required for employment. No such schedule nor any amendment thereof shall become effective until a copy thereof has been delivered to the director of finance and administrative services nor shall any such schedule or amendment have any retroactive effect. During such time as an employee is scheduled as provided by this section, the employee shall be compensated at a rate eleven percent higher than the rate otherwise applicable to the employee's classification, but the provisions of Sections 3.08.010 through 3.08.060 shall not apply to him or her, and the employee's vacation allowance shall not exceed ten working days under Section 3.24.010 nor five working days under Section 3.24.020
The city manager may prescribe for any employee hours of employment differing from those provided by this chapter, if the city manager shall find that the nature of the employee's duties or that proper organization or functioning of the division in which such employee is employed logically requires or permits a different number of hours of employment. If the city manager shall so prescribe, the provisions of this chapter relating to hours of employment, leaves of absence and overtime compensation shall not be applicable to such employee, but such employee shall be entitled to such leaves of absence and overtime compensation as the city manager shall determine.
(Prior code §§ 4-6—4-8)
All city offices and divisions whose continuous functioning is not essential to the public welfare shall be closed to the public on every Saturday, every Sunday and every holiday. If, however, the city manager determines that the functioning of any division is necessary on Saturday morning in order to avoid unreasonable inconvenience to the public, the city manager may direct that such division remain open with only such personnel present as the city manager finds necessary.
(Prior code § 4-9)
As to office hours of city officers, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 17.
The provisions of this chapter relating to hours of employment shall not apply to the city manager, the assistant city manager, the assistant to the city manager, the research and budget officer, the director of purchases, the chief examiner, or the head of any division and their chief assistants, it being the intention of the council that such persons shall devote as much time to their positions as may be necessary for the efficient operation of the city government; provided, however, that leaves of absence with pay for them shall be governed by Section 3.12.010A.
(Prior code § 4-10)
Any officer or employee who, by reason of his or her employment with the city and pursuant to orders by lawful authority, performs services in connection with civil defense or disaster activities, shall be deemed to have performed such services as an officer or employee and not as a volunteer.
(Prior code § 4-11)
All salaries of officers and employees of the city shall be payable in semimonthly installments.
(Prior code § 4-12)
For charter provisions as to compensation of officers and employees, see Charter, Art. IV, § 3. As to increase in compensation of elective officers, see Charter, Art. XXIII, § 4.
No officer or employee shall assign his or her salary, wages or compensation earned or to be earned, and any assignment thereof shall be void, except when related to the purchase of government bonds, or to a city employee group activity, with the approval of the city manager, or in connection with a trust agreement for a deferred compensation plan. Neither the city nor any officer or employee thereof acting pursuant to such an approved assignment shall be liable for any loss resulting from failure or delay in applying the funds so assigned.
(Prior code § 4-13)
Except as herein provided, the compensation and other economic benefits provisions in the memoranda of understanding between the city of Glendale and the Glendale management association entered into on July 1, 2001, for the period commencing July 1, 2001, and terminating on June 30, 2011, for sworn police managers; July 1, 2006, and terminating June 20, 2012, for fire sworn managers; and July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010 for general managers, are hereby adopted herein by reference as the ordinances implementing each of said memoranda of understanding, as if set forth in full and by this reference are made a part hereof.
Any provision set forth in said memoranda of understanding which is inconsistent with any provision with this Ordinance No. 5701 or the Glendale Municipal Code shall prevail and supersede the inconsistent provision of this Ordinance No. 5701 or the code.
(Prior code § 4-14; Ord. 5698, § 13, 6-22-2010; Ord. 5699, § 12, 6-22-2010; Ord. 5700, § 13, 6-22-2010; Ord. 5701, § 13, 6-22-2010)
Employees may take rest periods at such times and in the manner authorized by the head of their division. The rest period time shall be based upon the total hours worked daily at the rate of fifteen minutes per four hours or major fraction thereof, and shall be counted as time worked for which there shall be no deduction from salary.
(Prior code § 4-15)
All claims against the city, the council or any board, commission, officer or employee, arising out of this chapter, must be in writing, verified and presented to the city clerk, and to the board, commission, officer or employee against whom it is intended to bring action, within one year after the occurrence of the event upon which the claim is based. Such claims shall specify the name and address of the claimant, the basis of the claim and the date on which it arose. No action shall be brought against the city or against the council, or any board, commission, officer or employee thereof unless a claim has been presented as required in this chapter and rejected in whole or in part. Claims filed with the city clerk shall be forwarded by the city clerk to the city attorney and shall be processed and governed by the provisions of Government Code Sections 900 et seq. and as subsequently amended. Approval, compromise or rejection of claims against the city shall be made by the council, except that the city manager may approve, compromise or reject any such claim where the amount thereof, or the compromise amount of payment thereof, does not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. Unless acted upon within four weeks after presentations, claims shall be deemed to be rejected.
(Prior code § 4-16)
The beginning rate of compensation in case of an original appointment to a position shall be step R where designated or step A in the schedule of compensation rates set forth in the salary ordinance, as such ordinance now exists or may hereafter be amended or reenacted; provided, that the beginning rate of compensation for an original appointee may be fixed by the city manager at any one of the steps established therefor, if the city manager shall find that such person is reasonably entitled, because of his or her experience and ability to a rate above the minimum, or that it is impracticable to obtain qualified appointees for such position at the established minimum rate. In no instance shall the rate of compensation allowed for any position be lower than the minimum prescribed therefor, except in circumstances where a reduction or suspension of compensation is authorized by the provisions of Article XXIV of the charter or the rules of the civil service commission adopted pursuant thereto.
(Prior code § 4-17)
Except as to certain employees of the fire division and employees designated as management in Section 4.11 of Ordinance 4401, when the city manager finds that any person shall have attained sufficient efficiency and experience in his or her position, the city manager may increase the rate of compensation for any such person to any one of the steps established therefor by the schedule of compensation rates of the salary ordinance, as such ordinance now exists or may hereafter be amended or reenacted. In so increasing rates of compensation, the city manager shall, subject to the provisions of the salary ordinance, give consideration to the following interpretation of the salary steps established and set forth in the salary ordinance.
Step B should be considered as an incentive adjustment to encourage an employee to improve his or her work. An employee should normally receive this step after the completion of six months of service in a given classification.
Step C should be considered the proper step for a normally qualified, experienced and ordinarily conscientious employee who has completed one year of service in step B in the same classification.
Step D should be considered the proper step for a normally qualified, experienced and ordinarily conscientious employee who has completed one year of service in step C in the same classification.
Step E should be considered the proper step for a normally qualified, experienced and ordinarily conscientious employee who has completed one year of service in step D in the same classification.
Step M should be reserved as a reward for outstanding performance. An employee should normally not be considered for this step until the employee has completed one year of service in step E in the same classification and the city manager should require division heads to furnish convincing proof of the qualifications of employees before granting this increase.
Certain employees as designated in the schedule of compensation rates shall have a seven-step salary range, R through M. Step R should be considered an entry level step for these employees and shall automatically be raised to step A after the completion of six months of service in step R. Increases in the rates of compensation shall thereafter follow the schedule listed in this section.
Certain employees designated as management in Section 4.11 of Ordinance 4401 may have either a five-step salary range A through E or else a "flat rate" salary as may hereafter be approved by ordinance of city council. Employees designated as management with a five-step salary range shall advance from step A through step D as set forth above. However, step E should be reserved as a reward for outstanding performance. A management employee should normally not be considered for this step until the employee has completed one year of service in step D in the same classification and the city manager should require division heads to furnish convincing proof of the qualifications of employees before granting this increase.
Nonmanagement employees of the fire division who are classified as "safety members" shall be automatically raised to step A after the completion of six months of service in step R, to step B after the completion of six months of service in step A, and thereafter shall proceed automatically from each step to the next higher step after the completion of each subsequent year of service.
All step increases shall be made effective at the commencement of a regular pay period.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, the city manager may increase the rate of compensation of an employee of the fire division who is a "safety member" whenever in the city manager's judgment such an increase is necessary to avoid what the city manager considers to be an inequity to such employee.
(Prior code § 4-18)
The rate of compensation of a person appointed from a layoff or reinstatement list shall be fixed by the city manager at any one of the steps established for the classification.
(Prior code § 4-19)
Any person promoted to another classification may receive a compensation at the step for such classification second greater in amount than the actual compensation which he or she received in the classification from which he or she was promoted; provided, however, that in the event of promotion of a person receiving compensation in excess of the maximum rate of compensation for his or her classification to a classification having a higher salary range, such person shall receive compensation at the step fixed by the city manager within the salary range for the classification to which such person has been promoted.
(Prior code § 4-20)
The rate of compensation of a person permanently transferred or reduced to a classification with a lower salary range shall be fixed by the city manager at one of the steps within the salary range for the classification to which the person has been transferred or reduced.
(Prior code § 4-21)
When a personnel action, such as a demotion due to layoff, reallocation or reclassification results in the lowering of the incumbent employee's salary range, the affected incumbent's salary may be "y-rated." "Y-rated" means the maintenance of the incumbent employee's salary rate at the level effective the day preceding the effective date of the personnel action placing the employee in a lower salary range. The employee's salary shall remain at the same level until the salary range of the new classification equals or exceeds the Y-rated salary.
(Prior code § 4-22)
Any person going from a part-time position to a full-time position shall have his or her compensation fixed in the same manner as an original appointee to such position.
(Prior code § 4-23)
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, a person employed for less than one month, or for part-time only, shall be compensated at an hourly rate of pay for hours actually worked which shall be based on the minimum monthly step established in this chapter for such position; provided, that if the city manager shall find that it is impracticable to obtain qualified persons at an hourly rate based upon such minimum, such hourly rate may be based on any step established for such position not exceeding the maximum step.
(Prior code § 4-24)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or of the salary ordinance, a person temporarily employed for park or playground construction, street or highway construction, storm drain, or sanitary sewer construction, or power plant, electrical substation, electrical transmission or reservoir construction, may be appointed for such purpose to a position in any appropriate classification named in the salary ordinance or in Resolution No. 8036, adopted by the council on the fourth day of March, 1948, as the same is now or may hereafter be amended, and in such event shall be compensated at a rate fixed by the city manager which shall be not less than the minimum step nor greater than thirty-five percent above the maximum step designated in the salary ordinance for such classification, or not less than fifteen percent below nor greater than fifteen percent above the rate designated in the resolution, as amended for such classification, and shall not be entitled to the leaves of absence with pay authorized in this code, but shall be entitled to such leaves of absence with pay as the city manager shall authorize. On any personnel requisition used for an appointment under this section, the title of the classification shall be followed by the letters "TCW."
(Prior code § 4-25)
The city manager is authorized to contract or approve contracts for the personal services of persons to render professional, scientific, technical or expert services of an occasional and exceptional character, including artists, musicians, stage electricians, radio operators, such other persons as may be especially required in the staging of attractions at the municipal auditorium, public parks and places in the city, and consultants at such terms or at such rates of compensation as the city manager may find to be in harmony with the demands of the occasion and the nature of the services to be performed.
(Prior code § 4-26)
In lieu of a monthly rate, the city manager may fix the compensation of any person at an hourly rate. Except for employees of the public safety department, the hourly rate shall be determined by dividing the actual monthly rate by one hundred seventy-four. The hourly rate of employees of the public safety department shall be determined by dividing the actual monthly rate by the average number of hours per month regularly required by their positions.
(Prior code § 4-27)
There shall be two pay periods in each month. The first shall begin on the first day of the month and end on the fifteenth day of the month. The second shall begin on the sixteenth day of the month and end on the last day of the month. One-half of the monthly salary shall be paid after the close of each pay period.
"Initial pay period" or "final pay period" means that pay period in which an officer or employee is first or last employed in a position.
"Time actually worked" includes holiday and sick leave time of an officer or employee which comes after the first day of actual work for beginning officers or employees and precedes the last day of employment for terminating officers or employees.
For the initial pay period of employment or upon resignation, retirement or removal from the service of the city, an officer or employee compensated on a monthly basis shall be paid salary for the time actually worked in his or her initial or final pay period at an hourly rate computed by dividing one-half his or her monthly rate by the number of hours in the working days and holidays in such pay period for his or her position.
(Prior code § 4-28)
Any employee in the public service division occupying a position designated by the city manager as appropriate for standby pay and who is required to hold himself or herself subject to call when not otherwise rendering service shall be compensated for such standby time as follows:
Water section personnel at a rate equal to one-fifth of the applicable hourly rate between the hours of four-thirty p.m. to eight a.m. daily;
All other public service division employees at a rate equal to one-third of the applicable hourly rate between the hours of four-thirty p.m. Friday to eight a.m. Monday, and twelve midnight and eight a.m. daily;
Eligible employees shall receive standby pay only for those hours assigned duty and shall not receive standby pay for any overtime worked during those assigned standby hours.
(Prior code § 4-29)
A full-time nonsafety general employee, as defined in the supplementary salary ordinance, who after receiving written direction from the division head, and who has been performing the duties of a vacant position for at least fifteen consecutive calendar days, may be given an acting assignment. A vacant position is one in which the incumbent is on some form of leave or has been terminated, or is a newly created position.
Acting assignments may be made only to fulfill the responsibilities of the vacant position until such time as an appointment is made or until such time as the incumbent has returned to duty.
Upon the approval of the division head and the notification of the finance division and personnel division, acting assignments may be granted for a period not greater than ninety calendar days. Extension of acting assignments beyond ninety calendar days must be approved by the city manager.
Acting assignments are limited to one move up per vacancy. Vacant positions created by acting assignments shall not be deemed vacancies for the purpose of this provision. Upon assignment of an acting assignment, an employee will begin to earn a salary which is equal to step A of the salary range of the position assigned to, but shall receive at least a salary five percent above the current base salary of the employee's permanent position, unless the five percent exceeds the step M of the acting assignment classification. In this event, the acting assignment salary range shall be the step M of the acting assignment classification.
While working in an acting capacity, an employee shall accrue time toward salary step increases in his or her permanent position.
(Prior code § 4-29.1)
The city manager may expend such moneys as are appropriated by the council to the employee relations budget account for purposes necessary or beneficial to the employees as a group.
(Prior code § 4-30)
When any employee enrolls in an upper division or graduate level university course or other course of college level, which course of study is directly related to such employee's work and is approved by the division head and the city manager, payment of one-half of the tuition therefor and one-half of the cost of required course books for same may be made to the employee upon successful completion of such course; provided, however, that in the event such reimbursed employee leaves the employment of the city for any reason except layoff within a period of one year following the completion of such course of study, the amount paid by the city for such tuition and books shall be repaid to the city by having the director of finance and administrative services deduct same from the severance pay or last salary paycheck of such employee.
(Prior code § 4-30.1)