[Amended 2-13-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-01]
In expansion of the declaration of legislative intent and statement of community development objectives found in §§ 500-101 and 500-102 of Article I of this chapter, it is the intent of this article to provide regulations for light industrial uses and limited commercial and neighborhood shopping center uses that are generally consistent with the goals and recommendations of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan, the Upper Hanover Township Open Space and Environmental Resource Protection Plan Update (2006) or any successor plan thereto, and the following objectives:
Permit development of a broad range of employment-oriented manufacturing, research and development, laboratory and office uses on individual lots and in planned industrial/office centers in areas designated as LIC-1 and LIC-2.
Apply strict performance standards to limit potential pollution and other adverse environmental effects and minimize vehicular, fire and safety hazards resulting from permitted development in areas designated as LIC-1 and LIC-2.
Confine traffic impacts to major roads by applying the LIC-1 and LIC-2 Districts only to properties that front on arterial roads and by using railroad freight access to further reduce industrial impact on area roads.
Establish flexible lotting standards and operational, dimensional and landscaping standards to minimize adverse impacts on surrounding uses and natural features and to encourage superior site design in areas designated as LIC-1 and LIC-2.
Provide reasonable standards for the height and bulk of all buildings and other industrial, office and other structures and for the dimensions of yards and open spaces to make development more compatible with the rural character of the area.
Permit limited commercial uses in the LIC-1 and LIC-2 Districts that supplement office, industrial and other types of development in the area and that satisfy the needs and market demands of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Region, but which are restricted by dimensional, area and other standards to limit the extent, magnitude and/or intensity of development to less than that permitted under the CB Commercial Business District.
Permit neighborhood shopping center development only on land designated as LIC-2, in accord with standards appropriate for that level of shopping center and with appropriate protection of adjacent residential areas through landscaped buffering and screening and setback and other development standards intended to minimize adverse impacts of noise, lighting, paving and buildings.
[Amended 8-12-2003 by Ord. No. 03-05; 9-9-2003 by Ord. No. 03-08; 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-10; 9-13-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-10; 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-04]
The following table lists the uses by category and specifies the districts in which these uses are permitted:
Use Categories
Light industrial
Manufacturing and processing.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Scientific or industrial research, or engineering facilities.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Printing, publishing, lithography and similar processes.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Recycling facilities limited to collection, storage, baling and shipping.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Accessory uses customarily incidental to the uses listed above.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Offices, services, and other nonindustrial businesses
Corporate headquarters, administrative offices and buildings.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Business, professional, medical, and/or dental offices.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Veterinary hospitals and adjunct facilities, including kennels.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Training or product development facilities.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Nursery, preschool, or day-care centers.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Emergency services (fire, ambulance, police).
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Self-service storage facilities in compliance with § 500-835 of this chapter.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Radio or television studios and transmission facilities.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Electric, telephone or gas distribution facilities and/or transmission lines.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Wireless telecommunications facilities in compliance with § 500-833 of this chapter.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Public or private sewer and/or water utilities, including treatment facilities.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Accessory uses customarily incidental to the uses listed above.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Garden center or other establishment for wholesale or retail sale of landscape, yard and garden tools and supplies, including mulch, soil, soil additives, decorative stone, flowers, trees, shrubs and other plants, utilizing greenhouses, outdoor and partially covered storage areas. Office space and interior display areas, such as a gift and flower shop, are considered accessory to the garden center.
Permitted by right
Permitted by right
Other uses
Permitted by right or conditional use
Permitted by right or conditional use
Institutional uses, in compliance with Article XXVI, Institutional Use Regulations, of this chapter.
Permitted by right or conditional use
Permitted by right or conditional use
Recreational uses, in compliance with Article XXVII, Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Regulations, of this chapter.
Permitted by right or conditional use
Permitted by right or conditional use
Accessory uses customarily incidental to the uses listed above.
Permitted by right or conditional use
Permitted by right or conditional use
Limited small scale individual commercial uses
Banks, financial institutions.
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Restaurants, including fast food.
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Wholesale businesses.
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Individual retail stores, including convenience stores with gasoline filling stations.
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1703
Limited large-scale individual commercial uses
Motel, hotel or similar accommodations.
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1704
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1704
Restaurants with banquet facilities.
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1704
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1704
Large-scale indoor commercial, public or nonprofit recreation facilities, such as bowling alleys, tennis and racket clubs, skating rinks, fitness centers, and/or outdoor nonmotorized sports facilities.
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1704
Permitted by conditional use in compliance with § 500-1704
Uses of similar character
Uses of similar character to those listed above may be permitted by conditional use only when evidence is provided to the Board of Supervisors sufficient to prove that the proposed operations, magnitude of development, and effects on the environment and vehicular traffic will be essentially the same as those of uses specifically identified above.
Permitted by conditional use
Permitted by conditional use
Neighborhood shopping center
Not permitted
Permitted in compliance with § 500-1705
Community shopping center
Not permitted
Permitted by right in compliance with § 500-1705B
The following dimensional standards shall be applied to subdivision and/or land development proposals and other construction and uses classified herein:
Conventional subdivision. For tracts proposed for standard or conventional subdivision or for development without subdivision, the standards in the table below shall apply.
Planned industrial/office parks. For tracts proposed as integrated or planned industrial and/or office parks or centers, the standards in the table below shall apply.
[Amended 10-10-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
Table of Standards
Conventional Subdivision
Planned Industrial/Office Park
Minimum lot area
2 acres
1 acre; with an average of 1.5 acres
Minimum lot width at the building line:
On roads internal to an industrial subdivision
225 feet
150 feet
On roads external to an industrial subdivision
350 feet
Not permitted
Minimum building setbacks measured from:
Ultimate right-of-way line
65 feet
50 feet
An abutting residential or institutional district boundary line or a property line of such a use
100 feet
75 feet
An abutting commercial or industrial use property line or district boundary line
50 feet
30 feet
Minimum parking, driveway and/or loading setbacks measured from:
Ultimate right-of-way line
65 feet
50 feet
An abutting residential or institutional district boundary line or a property line of such a use
100 feet
100 feet
An abutting commercial or industrial use property line or district boundary line
25 feet
25 feet
Maximum building coverage
Maximum impervious coverage
Building height.
[Amended 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-02]
The height of a structure shall be determined in accordance with § 500-832.
The maximum height of a building is 40 feet, excluding mechanical penthouses the height of which are determined with reference to the International Building Code. Any building height in excess of 40 feet requires conditional use approval by the Board of Supervisors. In considering an application for conditional use related to building height, the Board of Supervisors shall consider the following factors:
The nature of the building itself and the extent to which it is consistent or inconsistent with the landscape and structures in the vicinity of it;
The height of other buildings in the area;
The proximity of residences and the extent to which the height of the building diminishes the quality of life for those residing in proximity to the building, also considering topography and the extent to which the building is visible from nearby residences.
Limited small-scale individual commercial uses shall be permitted by conditional use in accordance with the following standards:
Minimum tract size to permit these uses shall be 20 acres.
Maximum tract area that may be used for these uses shall be 10% of the net area of the tract.
The dimensional standards of the § 500-1702B table pertaining to conventional subdivisions shall apply, except for items pertaining to building and impervious coverage. If a new building lot is not formally created for these uses, an equivalent lot area shall be drawn on the plan for each use proposed in compliance with those standards.
Maximum building coverage (of the building lot or equivalent lot area): 10%.
Maximum impervious coverage (of the building lot or equivalent lot area): 30%.
No more than one building shall be permitted per building lot or equivalent lot area.[1]
Editor's Note: Original section 1703.7, pertaining to small-scale individual commercial uses, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 4-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-01, which ordinance also renumbered original section 1703.8 as 1703.7.
Building characteristics.
Bulk and construction.
Building bulk and construction shall be similar to one or more of the historic or culturally significant types of residential or mixed-use buildings along "main street" in the nearby boroughs or the valley's vintage farmsteads.
Building materials, windows, doors and detailing shall be similar to and compatible with the architectural heritage of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Region and shall consist of the same quality on all sides of the building.
Rooflines. All buildings shall have pitched roofs covering at least 80% of the building with a minimum pitch of six vertical inches to every 12 horizontal inches.
Building entrances.
Building entrances for everyday use shall be visible and accessible from sidewalks along parking areas and walkways or courtyards between buildings.
Buildings with multiple leaseholds shall have at least one everyday entrance along the facade facing the street.
Locations of building entrances shall be emphasized by appropriate building articulation, such as chamfered corners, turrets, porches, canopies or other similar building features.
Windows and doors. All building walls that face a street, driveway, parking area, walkway or courtyard shall contain windows compatible with the style and scale of the building and shall have compatible doors in appropriate locations.[2]
Editor's Note: Original section 1703.8.E, pertaining to leasable areas, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 4-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-01.
Limited large-scale individual commercial uses shall be permitted by conditional use in accordance with the following standards:
Minimum tract size to permit these uses shall be 25 acres.
Maximum tract area that may be used for these uses shall be 20% of the net lot area of the tract.
Minimum lot area shall be five acres and the dimensional standards of the § 500-1702B table pertaining to conventional subdivisions shall apply, except for items pertaining to minimum lot size, building and impervious coverage. If a new building lot is not formally created for these uses, an equivalent lot area shall be drawn on the plan for each use proposed, in compliance with those standards.
Maximum building coverage (of the buildable lot area of the building lot or equivalent lot area): 25%.
Maximum impervious coverage (of the buildable lot area of the building lot or equivalent lot area): 45%.
No more than two buildings shall be permitted per building lot or equivalent lot area.
No more than two large-scale individual commercial uses may be permitted in one building.
[Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-10]
Development of a neighborhood shopping center shall be permitted by conditional use in accordance with Article XV, CB Commercial Business District.
Development of a community shopping center shall be permitted in accordance with the following standards.
Tract, area, yard and setback regulations.
Minimum tract area: 25 acres.
Minimum tract width: 500 feet.
Minimum development: 100,000 square feet gross floor area.
Building setbacks applicable to the entire tract.
Setback from an arterial street as determined by Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development, for a building having a front street-facing facade less than 120 feet in width: 75 feet.
Setback from an arterial street as determined by Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development, for a building having a front street-facing facade of 120 feet or greater in width: 300 feet.
Setback from a street right-of-way not an arterial street: 50 feet.
Side yard setback: 50 feet.
Rear yard setback: 40 feet.
Minimum building setback from a residential or institutional use or district boundary line:
For buildings having a length of less than 100 feet facing the boundary line: 75 feet.
For buildings having a length of 100 feet or greater facing the boundary line: 100 feet.
Minimum parking and loading setbacks from.
Ultimate right-of-way line: 25 feet.
An abutting residential or institutional use or district boundary line: 50 feet.
Other property boundaries: 25 feet.
Maximum building coverage, based on net lot area of tract: 20%.
Maximum impervious coverage, based on net area of tract: 70%.
Maximum height of building or structures: 40 feet.
Principal uses, whether attached or freestanding, shall include:
Commercial and retail establishments.
Commercial services.
Personal service businesses.
Bank and financial institutions.
Day-care center.
Restaurant, sit-down and fast-food.
Outdoor dining permitted.
Health club.
Business office, such as real estate sales, travel agency, insurance sales, advertising, post office.
Professional office.
Studios for activities such as dance, exercise, martial arts, music, art or photography.
Gasoline filling station.
Accessory uses included.
Drive-through facilities, provided that:
A minimum of a five-car stacking lane shall be provided, including the space at the pickup window.
The car-stacking lane shall not interfere with the use of other required parking spaces.
Outdoor garden and patio furniture sales.
Seasonal outdoor sales:
Maximum area: 15,000 square feet.
Location shall comply with all standards that would otherwise apply for buildings and shall be disclosed on the development plan but in no event shall be located less than 300 feet from an arterial street.
Location may include parking lot, provided main access drives are kept clear and the minimum number of required parking spaces shall be maintained at all times.
Sidewalk displays located not more than 50 feet from a perimeter building wall of an anchor tenant having a minimum of 100,000 square feet or within a garden center shall be permitted but shall be limited to not more than two facades of the anchor tenant.
Parking shall comply with Article IX, Off-Street Parking,[1] provided that:
Minimum parking space dimensions shall be:
Not less than 70% of the total number of spaces: 10 feet by 18 feet.
The balance of the total number of spaces not covered above: 9 1/2 feet by 18 feet or greater.
Double-line striping shall be required for spaces less than 10 feet in width.
Parking aisle shall be not less than 24 feet in width.
Major service driveways shall be not less than 30 feet in width.
Minimum parking ratio of four parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, including area devoted to permanent outdoor sales, shall apply to shopping centers having a total of 100,000 square feet or greater of gross floor area.
Parking spaces shall be allocated so that a minimum ratio of two parking spaces per 1,000 square feet gross floor area shall be maintained within 300 feet of a customer entrance.
Editor's Note: Parking ratio for shopping centers: one space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Signs shall comply with Article X, Signs, except as modified below. Sections 500-1003A(1) and (2) shall not apply.
One freestanding sign which identifies the name of the center and may include tenants of the center. Maximum sign area of 250 square feet and maximum height of 20 feet shall be permitted.
Buildings greater than 300 feet from an arterial street may have signage per facade calculated on the basis of not greater than two square feet of signage for each foot in length of facade but in no event greater that 15% of each perimeter facade. No individual facade sign shall exceed 200 square feet.
Individual pad sites [not regulated in B(9)(b)].
One freestanding sign per retail lot (or individual pad building). Maximum size not greater than 100 square feet and a maximum height of 20 feet.
In addition, facade signs shall be permitted to a total of 200 square feet for not more than three sides of a building, provided no single sign shall exceed 100 square feet.
Directional signs no greater than 15 square feet each shall be permitted along interior driveways.
All signage shall be permitted to be internally illuminated.
Individual lots.
Where the Board of Supervisors shall have approved plans of a shopping center pursuant to § 500-1705 herein, the subsequent division of that tract or part thereof into lots incident to the development of the shopping center shall thereafter be exempted from the provisions of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development, provided that the deeds conveying lots or parts of the tract shall contain covenants requiring the purchasers to, at all times, operate and maintain such lots or parts of the tract in good order and repair and in a clean and sanitary condition; that cross-easements for parking areas and all appurtenant ways, pedestrian access, and utilities shall be maintained between all lots; and that such deed covenants shall be subject to the approval of the Township Board of Supervisors upon the advice of the Township Solicitor.
The purchaser of any lot, parcel or other real estate in the approved shopping center shall so covenant and agree thereby to be bound by such conditions as set forth in the paragraph above.
Section 500-1707, Other development regulations, shall apply, with the exception that § 500-1707B(1) shall apply only to an arterial street(s) and § 500-1707B(2) shall not be applicable.
Section 500-1707E shall apply, subject to the following specific standards:
[Amended 4-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-01[2]]
Parking lot landscaping may provide more than 10 continuous parking stalls in a row, provided that required islands are grouped into larger planting islands or parking areas containing more than 250 parking spaces shall be separated by landscape strips not less than 10 feet in width from other parking areas. The Board of Supervisors may accept an alternative layout if, in its discretion, such layout implements the parking lot landscaping goals of this section.
Editor's Note: This ordinance repealed original sections 1705.2.L.1 and 1705.2.L.3 and renumbered original section 1705.2.L.2 as 1705.2.L.1.
Design standards.
The applicant shall submit sufficient information in the form of conceptual architectural elevations or sketches of the common areas and any proposed building in order to demonstrate that the shopping center is designed as a harmonious development of related structures which incorporates common access drives, shared parking, common area maintenance and a common stormwater management plan.
The elevations or sketches submitted shall also demonstrate the use of compatible building materials among the various buildings proposed. Buildings partially or wholly within 200 feet of an arterial road shall incorporate building characteristics as provided for in § 500-1504C(2) to the maximum extent possible; the Board of Supervisors may permit deviation from these requirements when necessary to maintain characteristics that the user requires to maintain the brand and/or identity of the user and proper functioning of the building. When this requirement conflicts with that in the next sentence, this requirement shall take precedence. Further, no buildings located partially or wholly within 600 feet of an arterial road shall appear to have a flat roof. Building and streetscape design (including sidewalk surface treatment, landscape design, and streetlights) along any Route 29 frontage shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the East Greenville Borough and Pennsburg Borough Economic Revitalization Plan (2001), as adopted by said Boroughs. Any proposed deviations from said recommendations shall be submitted for approval by the Township Supervisors.
Pedestrian access. Pedestrian access shall be provided into, within and through the property by means of a continuous network of street sidewalks, internal sidewalks, designed pedestrian crossings and walkways to connect different areas of the property.
Riparian corridor regulations. Section 500-2901 shall apply, provided that § 500-2901A(4), Wetlands and ponds, shall apply only in the event wetlands or ponds individually, and combinations thereof, are greater than one acre in area.
Plans for subdivision and/or land development in the LIC-1 and LIC-2 Districts shall be submitted for review in compliance with Article III, Plan Submission Requirements and Processing Procedures, of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development. This shall include submittal of sketch plans for expansion of existing development to determine the level of review required. In addition to the SALDO requirements, such plans shall include the following:
Architectural plans and elevations for any proposed buildings.
A description of existing and proposed equipment, processes and products, with engineering and architectural plans in sufficient detail to describe the production and control of effects regulated by the standards of this chapter.
Engineering and architectural plans, including completed DEP planning modules, for the treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial waste.
Designation of any fuels or potentially toxic or hazardous matter to be utilized and measures proposed to control access to, combustion of, and emissions from those materials.
The proposed number of shifts to be worked, and the maximum number of employees on each shift.
An environmental assessment statement in accordance with the provisions of § 500-820 of this chapter, unless deemed unnecessary by the Board of Supervisors and/or Township Planning Commission.
Environmental protection plans and narrative as required in § 500-819 of this chapter (§ 500-819B).
Letters or certificates of approval showing compliance with applicable state and/or federal and other legal requirements.
Any other pertinent data or evidence that the Planning Commission may require.
All development and utilization of property and improvements thereon in the LIC-1 and LIC-2 Districts shall comply with all other relevant development regulations in this chapter found in Article VIII, General Regulations; Article IX, Off-Street Parking; Article X, Signs; Article XXVIII, Noise Control, and the following standards:
Performance standards. All development proposed and/or utilized in the LIC-1 and LIC-2 Districts shall conform to the performance standards contained in § 500-817 of this chapter.
Parking and loading areas.
[Amended 8-12-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-05; 10-10-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
No parking or loading areas shall be permitted to be located between a building permitted by this district and a property line of a lot used for residential or institutional purposes.
No loading areas shall be permitted to be located between a building permitted by this district and an ultimate right-of-way of a street except for local access streets when both sides of the local access street are zoned LIC-1 or LIC-2.
When parking is located closer to a road ultimate right-of-way than the front, side or rear of the building, the parking shall occupy no more than 50% of the lot area between the building and the ultimate right-of-way.
Electrical power. Every use shall be so designed and operated so that the service lines, substation, etc., shall conform to the most acceptable safety requirements recognized by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Labor and Industry; shall be so constructed, installed, etc. as to be an integral part of the architectural features of the plant; or if visible from abutting residential properties, shall be concealed in accordance with the landscaping requirements in Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Public water service. Industrial uses shall be served by public water where available. Water shall be supplied from on-lot wells only after an approved or accepted geologic study furnished by the applicant, and certified by a professional geologist, that the underground water supply and levels will not be appreciably altered in such a way as to endanger the water level and supply for other properties. All water resources shall be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and may be subject to review and approval by the Delaware River Basin Authority (DRBA).
Landscaped buffers and screens. Landscaped buffers and/or screens shall be installed and maintained within a strip a minimum of 50 feet wide when a light industrial or limited commercial use abuts a residential or institutional use or district and 25 feet wide when abutting a nonresidential use or district. Landscaped buffers and screens shall comply with standards of Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Reservation of trail corridors. When an LIC-1 or LIC-2 District property contains or abuts a watercourse or utility transmission line, a minimum seventy-five-foot-wide corridor shall be reserved to permit a potential trail interconnection with other existing or proposed trails in the area, consistent with the recommendations of the Upper Hanover Township Open Space and Environmental Resource Protection Plan Update (2006), or any successor plan thereto, and the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan. At the time of preliminary plan approval, a specific location may be required or a note regarding a generalized easement shall be shown on the applicant's plans.
[Amended 2-13-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-01]
[Amended 6-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-04]
The uses listed in § 500-1807, Prohibited uses, of Article XVIII, LI Limited Industrial District, and electrical power generation are prohibited in the LIC-1 and LIC-2 Districts. Warehouses are prohibited in the LIC-1 and LIC-2 zoning districts.
Subdivision and development of planned office and/or industrial parks shall comply with the following:
External access. The tract must have direct access to an arterial or major collector street, or the applicant shall upgrade the connecting local street to meet collector street standards.
Internal access. All building lots shall have direct access to interior roads, rather than to exterior streets, although emergency access to exterior streets may be permitted where no other alternatives are feasible.
Land development plan required. A land development plan shall be submitted for Township review for each lot that is proposed for development, in compliance with Chapter 425, Subdivision and Land Development.
Unified standards. The planned industrial/office park shall be designed with unified standards for landscaping, lighting and access to interior roads. These standards shall be submitted in the form of restrictive covenants that shall be binding upon developers of individual lots.
Development agreement. A development agreement shall be executed between the applicant and the Township for development of the entire park, including, but not limited to, the following:
Generalized internal road layout and access points to surrounding roads, on-site and off-site road improvements.
Stormwater management facilities.
Existing landscape material and other natural amenities to be protected.
Standards for landscaping, lighting and access to interior roads.
Reduction of setback requirements. In order to permit more efficient use of lot areas and improvements built thereon, side yard and rear yard setback requirements may be reduced by the Board of Supervisors by conditional use under the following conditions:
Where the side or rear lot lines involved are new lot lines totally within the tract being subdivided; this does not apply to the perimeter of a tract being subdivided.
Where the result is shared parking and/or loading areas and/or attachment of buildings on abutting lots by means of a party wall(s).
Where the owners of the abutting lots agree in writing to the reduction and provide cross-easements, where appropriate.
On any lot, only one side yard and/or the rear yard requirements may be reduced, and then only in correspondence with the immediately abutting side and/or rear yard of an abutting lot.
Access to all sides of buildings so attached must be provided for emergency vehicles, in compliance with applicable Township requirements.