The Police Chief shall be the head of the Police Department.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1175)
There shall be a Police Chief's secretary who shall be appointed by the City Manager upon recommendation of the Police Chief. Said secretary shall serve at the Police Chief's discretion and may be removed by the Police Chief at any time. This position is created by the authority given the Council by Section 75 of the Charter and shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 76.1 of the Charter, but the appointee shall meet such job specifications as are adopted by the Council.
The Police Chief and members of the police department shall be responsible for the enforcement of all laws within the city, and all ordinances of the city unless this power and duty is specifically given to another officer or department and in such case, the Police Chief and all members of the police department shall provide any assistance required by such other officer or department in enforcing laws and ordinances so designated.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1176)
Members of the Police Department in the lawful exercise of their functions, shall have all powers, privileges and immunities which are or may hereafter be conferred upon sheriffs or peace officers by the laws of this state and shall in the same respects be entitled to protection.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1178)
The Police Chief shall keep a record of arrests and property. He or she shall cause to be entered in such book the full name with alias, if any, of every person brought in, the time and place of arrest, the offense committed, the name of the officer or officers making the arrest, the name of the court issuing the warrant, if any, and the amount of bail, if any. The Police Chief shall cause to be entered in the property book in detail a description of all property which any prisoner may have on his or her person at the time of arrest, or which is brought into the Police Office and is alleged to have been stolen or embezzled. He or she must assign a number to each article of property and make the corresponding entry thereof in the property book.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1180)
The Police Chief is authorized to draw up regulations governing the operation of the Police Department and the duties of the members of said Department. These regulations when approved by the City Manager shall govern the operation of the Department and the conduct of its members. A copy of these regulations with the written approval of the City Manager endorsed thereon shall at all times be kept in the office of the Police Chief.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1177)
In order to qualify to receive aid from the state pursuant to Section 13522 of the State Penal Code, the city will adhere to the standards for recruitment and training established by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training which are adopted by reference the same as though fully set forth herein.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1177; O1489)
The Police Chief and members of the Police Department shall have responsibility for the execution and return of all processes issued and directed to them by any regular authority. They shall, in a manner and mode prescribed by law for the service of summons in a civil action, be responsible for the service of all notices issued by the City Clerk with regard to special meetings of the Council and see that a return thereof is made in writing and filed with the City Clerk.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1179)
All abandoned, unclaimed and unidentified personal property in the possession of the Police Department, including bicycles, shall be held by the Police Chief for a period of at least three months. Thereafter, and if not claimed within said three month period by the rightful owner entitled to the same, said personal property shall be sold by the Police Chief, at public auction, to the highest bidder. If no bid can be obtained for any of such personal property, the same shall be destroyed by or under the direction of the Police Chief.
Notice of such sale shall be given by the Police Chief at least five days before the time fixed therefor, by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county.
(Rev. Code 1954 § 1009; O1574; O2082; O4207)