[Added 8-31-2021 by Ord. No. 11-2021; amended 1-31-2023 by Ord. No. 1-2023]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-136 et. seq., there is hereby created the Office of Township Business Administrator to serve at the pleasure of the Governing Body and to perform those duties as set forth in the statues of the State of New Jersey and this article.
The position of Township Business Administrator may or may not be filled initially or after a vacancy for any reason. The Township Business Administrator shall be appointed by the Committee by resolution voting in the affirmative. The term of office of the Township Business Administrator shall be at the pleasure of the Committee. Termination of the Township Business Administrator may be without cause and without any stated reasons and without a hearing. If a vacancy shall occur as a result of the termination of the Township Business Administrator or for any other reason, said vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the appointment procedure hereinbefore mentioned, with the requirement being, at all times, that said appointment be authorized by the majority of the Committee voting in the affirmative.
The Township Business Administrator may be removed from office without cause or stated reason, and without a hearing, by a 2/3 vote of the governing body. The resolution of removal shall become effective three months after its adoption by the governing body. However, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-138, the governing body may provide that the resolution of removal shall have immediate effect; provided, however, that the governing body shall cause to be paid to the Township Business Administrator forthwith any unpaid balance of his or her salary and his or her salary for the next three calendar months following adoption of the resolution.
It shall be the obligation of the Committee to appoint and approve a Township Business Administrator on the basis of his or her administrative abilities, with special emphasis on the experience, education and training that said person has in the area of governmental affairs. The Township Business Administrator may hold any other nonelected position in the Township.
The Township Business Administrator shall act as the chief administrative officer of the Township. Duties shall include:
Personnel management and general coordination of departments, offices, boards and agencies of the municipality, all for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the municipal government and promoting its economic operation. All rules and regulations promulgated and implemented by the Township Business Administrator shall be filed with the Township Committee and shall become Township organizational policy unless specifically amended or rescinded by the Township Committee. The Township Business Administrator shall perform the duties as assigned by the Committee. The Township Business Administrator shall report annually to the Township Committee on the progress of each department; shall initiate goals and objectives to be reviewed on an annual basis with special emphasis on critical problems and deterrents to the achievement thereof. The Township Business Administrator will supervise and coordinate the administration of all departments and offices, under the direction of, and consultation with, the Committee Person/Director of each of the respective departments. Each department head will act under the direct supervision of the Administrator and will be directly responsible to him or her.
Supervise all personnel of the Township through the respective department heads unless otherwise provided for by law or this ordinance. Advise the Township Committee on all matters of personnel administration and organization and assign personnel to the performance of all duties in all departments.
Study, recommend, implement and enforce personnel organization and policy of the Township and implement personnel leave policies as established by the Township Committee for all departments, except as otherwise provided by law.
Maintain comprehensive personnel files and evaluation systems of job performance and duties.
Administer and negotiate on behalf of the Township all labor contracts. Serve as the personnel officer of the Township with the authority to hire, evaluate, transfer, promote, discipline and/or discharge all employees to the extent not prohibited by law or provided for elsewhere in the ordinances of the Township.
In those instances where the final authority rests with another agency, the Township Business Administrator shall assist that agency by recommending personnel actions which are consistent with those applied to other Township employees.
Investigate the affairs of any employee, officer, department, agency or authority of the Township when necessary or when directed by the Township Committee and submit a report relating thereto.
To continually review and maintain the personnel policies and practices of the Township and recommend to the Mayor and Commissioners proposed changes for a more efficient operation of the Township. The Administrator shall recommend, in writing, to the Mayor and the Commissioners the appointment, suspension or discharge of the head of a department, office or agency of the Township. The Administrator shall also recommend, in writing, to the Mayor and Commissioners the appointment, suspension or discharge of subordinate Township employees, provided that he or she has first received a written recommendation from the head of the department, office or agency.
Make reports to the Committee as requested and make recommendations to them as he or she deems necessary.
To assign office space, furniture and facilities among and within departments.
To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Committee.
The Municipal Administrator shall devote on a part-time basis no more than 24 hours per week to the interests of the Township. The position is hourly, and, therefore, his or her hours may include, but may not be limited to, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, as determined by the Committee.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-136, this article shall permit the person appointed as Municipal Administrator to be someone other than a resident of the municipality of the Township of Mullica, New Jersey.
The hourly rate for the position of Administrator shall be determined periodically by the Committee and included in the annual salary ordinances to fix salaries and wages of officers and employees of the Township of Mullica.
Nothing in this article shall derogate from or authorize the Municipal Administrator to exercise the powers and duties of the elected officials of the Township of Mullica. Also, nothing in this article shall derogate from or authorize the Municipal Administrator to exercise the powers and duties of the appointed officials of the Township of Mullica to the extent specifically reserved to the appointed officials by state statute, other applicable laws, rules and regulations promulgated by the state and county agencies, decisional law or ordinances of the Township of Mullica not repealed hereby.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances or resolution inconsistent with the provisions of this article, are hereby repealed to the extent of their inconsistencies.