The Records Management Officer (RMO) shall have all the necessary powers to carry out the efficient administration and determination of value, use, preservation, storage and disposition of the public records kept, filed or received by the officers and departments of the Town.
The RMO shall continually survey and examine public records to recommend their classification to determine the most suitable method to be used for maintaining, storing and servicing them under the following guidelines:
Disposition. Records deemed obsolete and unnecessary according to the New York State Records Retention and Disposition Schedule are subject to disposition.
Archival retention. Records containing information with administrative, legal, fiscal, research, historical or educational value which warrants their permanent retention are subject to archival retention.
Active retention. Records not yet subject to disposition according to state law are subject to active retention.
The RMO shall establish guidelines for proper records management in any department of the Town government in accordance with local, state and federal laws and guidelines.
The RMO shall operate a central records management storage facility for storage, processing and servicing of all Town records for all Town departments and agencies.
Additional requirements of the RMO include but are not limited to:
Development of a comprehensive records management program.
Conduct of an initial survey and analysis of all records, to be followed up annually with a report of records stored.
Encouragement and coordination of the continuous legal destruction of obsolete records through the adoption and use of the State Archive Records Retention and Disposition Schedules.
Development of suitable retention periods for records not covered by the New York State Records Retention and Disposition Schedules. (Subsequently, the RMO must secure approval of such retention periods from the New York State Commissioner of Education and gain adoption from the Town Board of any proposed change before the retention period takes effect.)
Assistance to each department for the establishment of a records management system to support the overall Town records management program and encouragement of the continued efficient management of records within respective departments.
Setting up and overseeing a center for the storage of inactive records.
Maintenance of archival materials which are not official Town records, but which have historical value to the community or close relationship to the existing archival collection. This shall be subject to archive space, staff and cost limitations and to the potential endangerment of such materials if they are not collected by the archives.
Coordination of and carrying out or participating in the planning for development of advanced records management systems and equipment.
Preparation of special and annual reports for the Town Board on the records management program's progress, cost savings and cost avoidance problems and additional issues.