Each person owning the property or occupying the premises who fails to provide for the removal of refuse as provided herein is punishable as provided in Article 1.24 of this code. Each day's violation shall be considered and treated as a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 9.300)
Whenever the enforcement agency officer believes that any of these regulations have been violated, he or she may issue a citation to the person responsible for the violation. The citation may be issued personally by the duly authorized officer, or duly authorized officer, by any peace officer, officer of the court or other authorized person, or sent by certified mail.
Each citation shall include the following:
Each section of the regulations which is allegedly violated.
The facts alleged to constitute a violation of the regulations.
The time limit for abatement of the alleged violation(s) of the regulation, if appropriate.
The time and place the alleged violator shall appear before the appropriate court.
Every citation served shall constitute a notice to the person named on the citation to appear at the time and place specified to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty to the charged violations stated on the citation.
Nothing in this section prevents the enforcement officer from making efforts to obtain voluntary compliance or from referring the matter to the district attorney for the appropriate prosecution or initiating appropriate abatement procedures.
(Prior code § 9.310)
Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, any and all civil remedies provided by the laws of the state of California shall apply in addition to or as an alternative to criminal penalties set forth herein.
(Prior code § 9.320)