[Ord. No. 1263, 5-9-2023]
There shall be established a Charter Review Committee as required by Article 10, Section 10-5, of Chapter 72 of the Acts of 2013. The Charter Review Committee is a multiple-member body as defined in Article 1, Section 1-7, of Chapter 72 of the Acts of 2013 and Article 3, Section 3-3, of Chapter 72 of the Acts of 2013. Each member shall be appointed by the Mayor and subject to City Council approval. The Mayor may remove a member subject to City Council approval. The Charter Review Committee shall comply with the procedural requirements as set forth in Article 10, Section 10-6, of Chapter 72 of the Acts of 2013.
[Ord. No. 1263, 5-9-2023]
The Charter Review Committee shall consist of seven members, one of whom shall be a member of the City Council. All members of the Committee shall be registered voters of the City of Pittsfield.
Except for the City Councilor who shall serve their two-year term so long as they hold office, the term of the initial members of the Charter Review Committee shall begin on April 1, 2023, and end on March 31, 2025. The Mayor may remove a member subject to City Council approval; in which event, the Mayor shall fill said vacancy as soon as practicable. In the event of a vacancy, the Mayor shall appoint a successor as soon as practicable, subject to City Council approval, and said successor shall fulfill the unexpired term of the member whose seat was vacated.
On or before March 1 of every year ending with "3" the Mayor, shall appoint new members to the Charter Review Committee, subject to City Council approval, for a twenty-four-month term beginning on April 1 of the year ending with "3."
[Ord. No. 1263, 5-9-2023]
In accordance with Article 10, Section 10-6(a) of the City Charter enacted by Chapter 72 of the Acts of 2013, the members of the Charter Review Committee shall serve without compensation and the Committee shall choose its chair and its secretary from among its members by a majority vote of its members. The Charter Review Committee shall keep an accurate record of all meetings held and the business transacted by the Committee.
[Ord. No. 1263, 5-9-2023]
The Committee is charged with:
Reviewing the City Charter and preparing proposed revisions.
Hold hearings and solicit input from residents, City Councilors and stakeholders.
The Committee shall issue a preliminary report to the Mayor and City Council within 18 months of its appointment and shall issue a final report to the Mayor and City Council within 24 months of its appointment.
[Ord. No. 1263, 5-9-2023]
The Charter Review Committee shall meet as often as its business may warrant or require. Regular or special meetings may be called by the Chair or any three members of the Committee. In accordance with Article 10, Section 10-6(b) of the City Charter enacted by Chapter 72 of the Acts of 2013, the Committee shall make rules governing its meetings.