The Building Official shall, in accordance with standard City purchasing procedures, select and contract with archiving contractors, software vendors, cloud service vendors, and electronic hardware vendors to migrate the records storage practices of the Building, Planning and Zoning, Health, and Property Maintenance Departments from paper to electronic and microfilm storage; endeavor to recall, digitize and, once digitized, according to law, eliminate all historic Building Department paper records; catalog, index, and label such records to make them electronically searchable, retrievable, and reproducible; provide for public access to such records; archive and store documents in compliance with state public record statutes and regulations; provide a web-based permit application portal; and modernize the software and hardware used for inspection purposes.
The Building Department operating budget shall be amended to include an expense line item for digitization of incoming documents as determined by the Building Official from time to time, to accurately reflect the cost of third-party digitization services for new applications. In addition, the Director of Finance shall track in separate revenue accounts building permit archive project fees equal to $4 per $1,000 of the value of construction cost stated on the permit or reconciliation form, post all expenses related to this project in the Building Department archive expense account, and also track revenue from itemized record archive fees received from permit applicants.