No permit(s) shall be granted, no building shall be erected, structurally altered or expanded, and no grading shall take place on any lot or parcel in the multiple-family residential, business and industrial zoning districts where a development plan is required unless such development plan is approved by the Village Board in consideration of prior recommendation by the Plan Commission. A site development plan pursuant to this article shall not be required for signs or a new use on an already developed property which does not involve the following activities: 1) new construction; 2) expansion of parking areas and/or outdoor storage/display areas; or 3) expansion of an outdoor use. Copies of the development plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator, drawn to scale, and shall contain at least the following information. The Zoning Administrator will provide copies to the Plan Commission and Village Board for review and consideration at their respective meetings.
Total area in the development project.
Location, shape, area and dimension of the lot, lots or acreage to be used.
Present zoning of the subject property and adjacent property.
All public and private rights-of-way and easement lines located on and adjacent to the subject property which are proposed to be continued, created, relocated or abandoned.
Location and total number of curb cuts, driveways, off-street parking spaces and loading spaces.
Proposed exterior building dimensions (horizontal and vertical), gross floor area, number of floors and proposed uses.
Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, walks, malls, open areas, walls, fences, screen plantings and/or other landscaping.
Existing and proposed sewer, water and other utility lines plus location and type of sewage treatment facility and water source.
Required setbacks of the zoning district.
Area of subject property to be covered by buildings.
Location, size, height and orientation of all signs.
Development plans for residential projects (multiple-family developments and mobile home parks) shall include the following information:
Minimum floor area of dwelling units.
Total number of units proposed.
Number of bedrooms per unit in multiple-family developments.
Areas to be used for open space and recreation.
Such other information regarding the development area that may be required to determine conformance with this chapter.
Outdoor storage.
No outdoor storage of any material shall be permitted in the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3), General Business (B-1), Community Business (B-2), and Light Industrial (I-1) Districts unless such materials are to be screened from view from any street right-of-way and adjacent property through means of evergreen vegetation and/or fencing, subject to review and approval by the Village Board.
Exterior lighting. No lighting shall be permitted which would glare from the subject lot or parcel onto any street right-of-way or onto any adjacent property.
Building design compatibility. It is the intent to preserve the existing architectural image of the Village.
Building size and massing shall be compatible with other structures on adjoining properties.
Proposed exterior roofing and building/siding materials shall be compatible with materials and colors of other structures on adjoining properties.
For developments that will infill between adjoining developed properties, such developments shall be compatible in massing, scale, use of exterior materials and general aesthetic design in such a manner to enhance the overall appearance of the entire grouping of properties.