Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, the most current published edition of the Wyoming public works standard specifications are hereby adopted by this reference, as if fully set forth herein, as the standards under which all public improvements within the town shall be constructed or made, from and after the effective date hereof.
(Ord. 445, 11-5-1984; 2003 Code)
The authority for adoption of these standards as the standards for the town is derived from Wyoming Statutes subsection 15-1-103(A)(xi), 1977, as amended.
(Ord. 445, 11-5-1984)
One copy of the Wyoming public works standard specifications, and one copy of any ordinance providing for amendments, modifications, additions or deletions to such standards shall be kept on file in the office of the town clerk-treasurer for inspection and use by the public, and shall be marked with the words "Town of Basin, Wyoming, Official Copy."
(Ord. 445, 11-5-1984)
Where special conditions exist in specific projects, the town council may add to or modify these specifications for the specific project with the approval of a majority of the members of the council.
(Ord. 445, 11-5-1984)
Water Service: The town will install water service lines from the water main to the property line, at which point a curb stop will be installed. The town's responsibility ends at the curb stop. It is the property owner's responsibility to continue the line from that point. All material used from the water main to the curb stop will be supplied by the town. All labor, equipment hours and material will be charged to the customer. A cost estimate of the charges will be given to the customer prior to starting installation.
Sewer Service: The town does not install sewer service lines. The town will, however, assist the customer with a location and depth of the sewer main. It is the property owner's responsibility to hire a licensed contractor to install the sewer service from the main to the property. The contractor is required to notify the town before backfilling the trench so as to inspect the sewer tap at the sewer main.
(2003 Code)
See subsections 9-2-2F, 9-2-3H, and 9-2-5C for tap fee requirements. See Sections 9-2-7 and 9-6-2 for requirement of customer or contractor to obtain digging permit before digging in streets, alleys, or on town property.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of these standards is guilty of a misdemeanor, and each person is guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of these standards is committed, continued or permitted.
(Ord. 445, 11-5-1984)