Effective with the billing period that ends on or about July 15, 2014 and billing period that ends on or about July 15, 2015, the electrical user rates shall be set as follows:
Residential Service (EL-1—Rate Code - RE):
Resident: This rate is available to existing and new single-family, single-phase residential dwellings in the area served by the Town of Basin. It is applicable to uses of electric energy for such domestic purposes as cooking, water heating and lighting. This rate does not apply to consumers who use electric energy as their principal source of heat.
Single Meter: Service will be through a single meter, at one point of delivery. Additional service at other points of consumption will be metered and billed separately.
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Energy Charge
0.1367 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
Commercial Service (EL-2—Rate Code - CE):
Resident: This rate is available to existing and new single-phase services and three-phase commercial consumers in the area served by the Town of Basin. The rate is applicable to consumers engaged in: selling, warehousing, and distributing a commodity; some form of business activity or profession; other forms of economic or social activity.
Single Meter: Service will be through a single meter, at one point of delivery. Additional service at other points of consumption or at different voltage and phase will be metered and billed separately.
Commercial Service Rates: The following monthly rates will be charged to single- and three-phase commercial customers who have an estimated demand of less than 20 kilowatts:
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Energy Charge
0.1387 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
General Service (EL-3—Rate Code - GE): Deleted by Ord. 618, 9-11-2012.
General Demand Service (EL-4—Rate Code - DE):
Resident: This rate is available to existing and new demand metered consumers in the area served by the Town of Basin.
Single Meter: Service will be delivered through a single meter, at one point of delivery. Additional service at other points of consumption or at different voltage and phase will be metered and billed separately.
Determination of Billing Demand:
Billing demand, determined by meter measurement, shall be the maximum 15 minute integrated kilowatt demand used during billing period.
All customers with an actual or estimated billing demand of 20 kilowatts or more will be demand metered.
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Demand Charge
$14.50 Per KW Of Demand
Energy Charge
0.1100 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
Industrial Demand Service (EL-5—Rate Code - IE):
Resident: This rate is available to existing and new demand metered consumers in the area served by the Town of Basin, with a minimum usage of 150 kilowatts per billing period.
Single Meter: Service will be delivered through a single meter, at one point of delivery. Additional services at other points of consumption or at different voltage and phase will be metered and billed separately.
Determination of Billing Demand:
Billing demand, determined by meter measurement, shall be the maximum 15 minute integrated kilowatt demand used during billing period.
All customers with an actual or estimated billing demand of 150 kilowatts or more will be demand metered.
Monthly rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Demand Charge
$16.25 Per KW Of Demand
Energy Charge
0.1100 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
Security Lighting Service (Rate Code - YL):
Resident: This rate is available for controlled dusk to dawn security lighting systems used by consumers in the area served by the Town of Basin.
Monthly rate
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2017
Nonresidential Service:
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Energy Charge
0.1572 Per KW
Monthly Minimum Bill
Noncommercial Service:
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Energy Charge
0.1595 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
Non-General Service:
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Energy Charge
0.1231 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
Non-General Demand Service:
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Demand Charge
$16.68 Per KW Of Demand
Energy Charge
0.1208 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
Non-General Demand Service:
Monthly Rate:
Effective July 16, 2023
Customer Charge
Demand Charge
$18.69 Per KW Of Demand
Energy Charge
0.1137 Per KWH
Monthly Minimum Bill
Deposits: Electric deposits shall be made as follows:
Residential Service: A two hundred dollar ($200.00) deposit shall be made to receive electric service. This deposit shall be refundable to property owners after one year with a good credit rating, or to property owners without a good credit rating and lessees when the final bill is paid in full.
Commercial, General and General Demand Service: A four hundred dollar ($400.00) deposit shall be made to receive electric service. This deposit shall be refundable to property owners after one year with a good credit rating, or to property owners without a good credit rating and lessees when the final bill is paid in full.
Good Credit Rating: Any bill paid on or before the fifteenth (15th) of the following month.
The electric deposit may be waived for property owners upon establishing good credit with the Town of Basin. It may also be waived by providing verifiable documentation showing at least six months electric service from another provider no more than one month prior to service start date.
Upon disconnect for nonpayment the town treasurer may demand a double deposit before reestablishing service.
An immediately prior electric billing from another utility that shows the account paid in full can be provided and independently verified by the Town of Basin in order to establish good credit. The prior account must have been for a minimum of six months and have been in good-standing for the duration of the service period.
Connection Fee: There will be a connection fee of $50 to hook up an existing electric service and a ten dollar ($10.00) fee to transfer service from one resident to another during normal working hours. After hours the fee will be $100.
Reconnection Fee: Upon disconnection for nonpayment of an account, the account becomes due in full and there will be a fifty dollar ($50.00) reconnect fee during working hours. After hours the fee will be $100.
Electric Tap Fee: The electric tap fee for a new service, temporary or permanent, shall be $125. There will be full construction charges for materials, labor, and equipment. The deposits required above shall also apply.
Summer is defined as June 16th through October 15th. Winter is defined as October 16th through June 15th.
Effective on June 25, 2018, a one and one-half percent (1.5%) charge shall be applied on all electric utility accounts that remain delinquent after the 20th day of the month following the billing date.
(Ord. 579, 8-3-2009; Ord. 598, 6-14-2011; Ord. 600, 6-14-2011; Ord. 618, 9-11-2012; Ord. 623, 5-4-2013; Ord. 630, 7-1-2014; Ord. 642, 9-13-2016; Ord. 652, 8-10-2017; Ord. 659, 6-14-2018; Ord. 701, 5-12-2022; Ord. 706, 6/8/2023)
Effective with the meter readings on or about July 16, 2023, the water user rates shall be set as follows:
General Service (Rate Code - WA):
Resident: This rate is available to existing and new customers as determined by the Town of Basin to be part of the "general service" rate class. It is applicable to resale service.
Multi-Family Dwellings: Where one water meter serves more than a single-family unit, the customer charge and monthly minimum will be multiplied by the number of dwelling units served. Applicability of this rate for large use customers shall be determined by the Town of Basin.
Effective commencing on July 16, 2023, the monthly usage charge shall be set as follows:
Active Service
3/4″ (min) Service
$44.34 per month
1″ Service
$59.84 per month
1.5″ Service
$104.06 per month
2″ Service
$165.46 per month
3″ Service
$340.94 per month
4″ Service
$589.14 per month
6″ Service
$1,306.02 per month
Usage charge
$3.12 per 1000 gallons
Usage charge only
$3.12 per 1000 gallons
Inactive Service
3/4″ (min) Service
$30.94 per month
1″ Service
$45.94 per month
1.5″ Service
$90.16 per month
2″ Service
$151.56 per month
3″ Service
$332.04 per month
4″ Service
$571.82 per month
6″ Service
$1,274.56 per month
Deposits: Water deposits shall be made as follows:
One hundred dollars general service (3/4″ tap)/$200 large users service (over 3/4″ tap) shall be made to receive purified water service. This deposit shall be refundable to property owners after one year with a good credit rating, or to property owners without a good credit rating and lessees when the final bill is paid in full.
Upon disconnection for nonpayment, the town treasurer may demand a double deposit before reestablishing service.
The water deposit may be waived for property owners upon establishing good credit with the Town of Basin.
An immediately prior water billing from another utility that shows the account paid in full can be provided and independently verified by the Town of Basin in order to establish good credit. The prior account must have been for a minimum of six months and have been in good-standing for the duration of the service period.
Good Credit Rating: Any bill paid on or before the 15th of the following month.
Connection Fee: There will be a connection fee of $50 to turn on an existing water service and $10 to transfer from one resident to another during normal working hours. After hours, the fee will be $100.
Reconnection Fee: Upon discontinuation of service for nonpayment of an account, the account becomes due in full and there will be a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) reconnect fee during normal working hours. After hours, the fee will be $100.
Tap Fee: The water tap fee for a new service or relocation of existing service will be $1,200 regardless of the tap size. There will be full construction charges for materials.
Users Hauling Water: Domestic users that haul their water shall be charged $10 per 1,000 gallons calculated on a monthly basis. There is a minimum charge of $10 per month with usage and a prorated charge for usage after the first 1,000 gallons for the month. There is no charge if no usage during a month. The deposit for a magnetic credit card will be $50. The deposit will be refunded upon return of the credit card, providing no balance is due from the holder of the card.
Request to Disconnect: If any property owner requests to disconnect from the purified system by having the curb stop and/or the service tap permanently removed, there will be a two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) charge, in advance, plus material and labor costs to disconnect such tap. All active or inactive service charges will cease at that time.
Effective on June 25, 2018, a one and one-half percent (1.5%) charge shall be applied on all water utility accounts that remain delinquent after the 20th day of the month following the billing date.
Delinquent Inactive Tap Fees: Inactive taps incur monthly EDU charges that are the responsibility of the real property owner and which are ultimately paid by the town to the Big Horn Regional Water System for operation and maintenance. At such time an inactive tap becomes delinquent in the amount of $250, the town shall have the authority to eliminate the inactive tap by filling the curb stop riser with sand. In order to activate the tap, the property owner will be required to pay for a new tap but will not be required to pay for the labor and construction charges affiliated therewith.
(Ord. 545, 11-7-2005; Ord. 568, 8-4-2008; Ord. 591, 6-23-2011; Ord. 598, 6-14-2011; Ord. 601, 6-14-2011; Ord. 615, 7-10-2012; Ord. 629, 9-15-2014; Ord. 645, 4-11-2017; Ord. 656, 3-8-18; Ord. 659, 6-14-2018; Ord. 666, 2-14-2019; Ord. 673, 9-26-2019; Ord. 677, 12-12-2019; Ord. 690, 4-8-2021; Ord. 695, 8-12-2021; Ord. 701, 5-12-2022; Ord. 706, 6/8/2023)
Applicability: The rates hereinafter set forth are available to existing and new property owners as determined by the Town of Basin to be part of the "general service" rate class. They are applicable to all property owners that live within the corporate limits of the Town of Basin only.
Effective Date: These rates will be effective with the meter readings on or about July 16, 2023.
Rates: The raw water rates for the Town of Basin shall be as follows:
Tap Size
Monthly Property Owner Fee
$8.17 per month
$10.00 per month
$21.00 per month
$29.75 per month
$56.75 per month
Water Bills: All town raw water bills will be sent on approximately the 20th day of each month and are due on or before the 10th of the following month or will be considered delinquent, unless other arrangements are made with the Town of Basin treasurer. A one and one-half percent (1.5%) charge shall be applied on all raw water utility accounts that remain delinquent after the 20th day of the month following the billing date.
Delinquent Account: Any delinquent account will receive a written 10 day "grace period" notice, and service may be discontinued at the expiration of the 10 day grace period, unless other arrangements are made with the Town of Basin treasurer. There will be a fifty dollar ($50.00) reconnect fee during working hours. After hours, the fee will be $100.
Repair of Water Spigot:
By Town: Any water spigot which comes into disrepair, other than by normal wear and tear, may be repaired by the employees of the Town of Basin.
Cost of Repair: If the town employees repair any water spigot for a landowner, the said owner shall be responsible for the expense of such repair.
Cross Connection:
Prohibited: Landowners are hereby prohibited from cross connecting the raw water system with the Town of Basin drinking water system.
Penalty: Any landowner found in violation of making a cross connection is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of no more than $500. Each day of continuing violation shall be deemed a separate offense.
Original Tap or Additional Tap Fee: Subsequent to the construction of the raw water system, any property owner who desires either an original tap, or a second or third tap shall be charged $125. There will be full construction charges for running the raw water service. Billing will occur after tap is installed.
Request to Disconnect: If any property owner requests to disconnect from the raw water system, there will be a two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) charge, in advance, plus material and labor costs to disconnect such tap.
Open Ditch Charge: There shall be an open ditch charge of $6.10 per acre per year, one acre minimum, to all landowners within the corporate limits of the Town of Basin who use raw water to irrigate said farm ground.
(Ord. 511, 8-11-1997; Ord. 545, 11-7-2005; Ord. 571, 8-4-2008; Ord. 580, 8-3-2009; Ord. 592, 3-7-2011; Ord. 594, 4-12-2011; Ord. 603, 6-23-2011; Ord. 655, 12-14-2017; Ord. 674, 9-26-2019; Ord. 706, 6/8/2023)
Effective with the bills sent which coincide with the meter reading occurring on or about July 16, 2023, the garbage service rates shall be as follows:
Resident: The town shall charge for residential garbage services on the basis of the number of collections needed per week, limited to a dumpster or rollout container:
1 collection per week
Weekly Collections: The town shall charge for commercial garbage services on the basis of the number of collections needed per week. Commercial shall be defined as any business or other facility that has one (1) approved dumpster or rollout container:
1 collection per week
2 collections per week
3 collections per week
4 collections per week
5 collections per week
Unscheduled Collections: The town shall charge for additional unscheduled commercial garbage services, or picking up more than one approved/contracted dumpster on a basis of a flat rate per collection regardless of the number of containers as follows:
Each additional unscheduled collection:
$36.70 per collection
Resident base
Plus 15 percent
Fees for garbage service may be waived, in monthly increments, with prior notice, for properties that are vacant or not being inhabited for a period of time.
(Ord. 545, 11-7-2005; Ord. 557, 8-6-2007; Ord. 593, 4-12-2011; Ord. 604, 8-9-2011; Ord. 607, 10-11-2011; Ord. 612, 6-12-2012; Ord. 622, 3-12-2013; Ord. 631, 9-18-2014; Ord. 658, 5-10-2018; Ord. 706, 6/8/2023)
Effective with the bills sent which coincide with the meter readings occurring on or about July 16, 2023, the sewer service rates shall be set as follows:
General Service
$29.48 per month for up to a 3/4 inch water tap
$0.55 per month for each 1,000 gal. purified water
Large User
$41.48 per month for all water meters over 3/4 inch
$0.55 per month for each 1,000 gal. purified water
General Service
$33.90 per month for up to a 3/4 inch water meter
Tap Fee: The tap fee for a new sewer service shall be $150. There will be full construction charges for any labor, materials and equipment furnished by the Town of Basin.
Purified Water Customers: All purified water customers are to be charged for sewer; some exceptions may be given on an individual account basis.
Abandoned Sewer Lines: Abandoned sewer lines must be removed or plugged at the owner's expense.
Sewer Lagoon Services:
Outside User—Payable in Advance:
1,000 gallon tank capacity
1,001 to 2,000 gallon tank capacity
2,001 to 3,000 gallon tank capacity
Each increment of 1 to 1,000 gallon tank capacity above these amounts
The above charges allow an individual or firm to dump directly into the sewer lagoon for septic tank dumping purposes only.
Such an outside user shall be allowed only to dump material from septic tanks.
Dumping hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m.
There shall be no dumping on Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, or when the Town of Basin office is closed.
(Ord. 546, 5-8-2006; Ord. 555, 8-6-2007; Ord. 569, 8-4-2008; Ord. 602, 6-23-2011; Ord. 660, 6-14-2018; Ord. 706, 6/8/2023)
There will be a mosquito control charge of four dollars per month, which shall be included in each active utility account, commencing with the billing nearest July 16, 2023.
(Ord. 605, 6-14-2011; Ord. 616, 7-10-2012; Ord. 667, 4-11-2019; Ord. 683, 8-13-2020; Ord. 706, 6/8/2023)
Building Permit: Any new structure or any building which may change the exterior dimension of property, of any structure, shall require a building permit. The permit fee shall be the sum of $25 with each application. Each permit fee paid shall be retained by the town and is nonrefundable regardless of the permit being granted or not.
Digging Permit: Excavation on town property shall be the sum of $25 with each application. Each permit fee paid shall be retained by the town and is nonrefundable regardless of the permit being granted or not.
Fence or Sidewalk Permit: Replacing or new construction of fence or sidewalks on private property shall be the sum of $25 with each application. Each permit fee paid shall be retained by the town and is nonrefundable regardless of the permit being granted or not.
Sidewalks on Town Property Permit: Replacing or new construction of sidewalk on town property shall be at no charge, but a permit is required before construction starts.
(Ord. 572, 9-2-2008; Ord. 664, 10-11-2018)
Disconnection of Service: All town utility billings are due on or before the tenth day of the month and are considered delinquent 10 days thereafter. Any delinquent account will receive a written 10 day "shut-off" notice. The account owner shall either pay the account in full prior to the shut-off date or enter into a payment plan with the town. Any account that reaches the shut-off date without a payment plan shall have services disconnected. If an account owner enters into a written payment plan to avoid disconnection, the plan shall require that the account owner must pay the entire current utility bill plus the agreed upon payment plan amount on the past due balance, or the utility will be disconnected for failure to abide by the payment plan. Only one payment agreement per account shall be allowed per calendar year. Exceptions are required to be brought before the town council.
Subject to Lien: Any real property owner who becomes delinquent on the payment of his or her electric bill, water bill including the annual raw water fee, garbage pick up, etc., shall be subject to having a lien filed against his or her property for all prior delinquencies.
The lien to be filed shall include an amount for all prior delinquencies of utility bills, shall set forth the description of the real property, and shall be filed with the county clerk.
The lien shall include all of the property owner's past delinquent fees, shall include attorney fees for preparing the lien and the filing fee.
Notice to Owners/Landlords: Lessees who make application for utility service are required to authorize the town, in writing, to advise the owners/landlords of the leased property receiving utility service of any delinquent accounts or problems with payments thereon. Said owners/landlords will receive written notice of such delinquent accounts or with payments thereon.
(Ord. 489, 8-3-1992; Ord. 511, 8-11-1997; 2003 Code; Ord. 598, 6-14-2011; Ord. 665, 10-11-2018; Ord. 702, 7-14-2022)
Notice: Upon finding a meter that is not working properly, the town clerk-treasurer will issue a notice or make arrangements with the user for the town to repair said water meter within 30 days.
Frozen Meters: Any meter found to be frozen during the winter will be repaired or replaced at the expense of the user.
(Ord. 511, 8-11-1997)
It is the user's responsibility to provide access at all times so that meters can be read. Failure to allow access will be cause for the utility bill to be estimated at the previous 12 month average. Further deliberate denial of access will result in discontinuance of service until such time as access is provided. There will be a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) reconnect fee to restore each utility disconnected during normal working hours. After hours, the fee will be $100.
(Ord. 511, 8-11-1997)
Prosecution for Breaking and Entering: The town may prosecute for "breaking and entering" any person(s) suspected of deliberately tampering with or altering any electric or water meters or remote readers.
Unlawful Connection: Any person who connects onto another person's electrical or water meter, or any person who allows another person to connect onto his or her electric or water meter, is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to penalty as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code.
(Ord. 511, 8-11-1997; 2003 Code)
See also Sections 4-1-14 and 8-2-8 of this code.
There will be budget billing offered to any customer of the town.
(Ord. 511, 8-11-1997)
Customers of all Town utilities, including, electricity, potable water, raw water, garbage, sewer and mosquito control, shall have the option of prorating the base fee and minimum fee in situations involving a new connect and a final billing.
(Ord. 675, 11-14-2019)