Note: Ordinance approved by vote of the people.
The appropriation and/or expenditure of public funds/revenue in excess of one million dollars (inclusive of financing) by any city representative or representatives, or agency (inclusive of housing authorities and/or redevelopment agencies) for the redevelopment or development of public facilities, shall be contingent on a mandate expressed by the registered voters of the city of Lawndale, county of Los Angeles. For purposes of this section, the term "a mandate expressed by the registered voters" means approval by a majority of those registered voters of the city voting on any ballot measure submitted to them as required by this section and the term "public funds/revenue" means all funds administered or controlled by the city. This section shall not apply to any appropriation and/or expenditure where the action of the city representative or representatives or city agency in approving an appropriation or expenditure is administrative in nature and not legislative, or where this section is in conflict with or preempted by state or federal law.
(Prior code § 2-9-1; Ord. 567-88 § 1)
Section 2.72.010 shall not be construed to require an election on:
The conduct of feasibility studies, design work, or other planning or preconstruction activity, so long as no commitment has been made to construct the public facility;
The maintenance, repair, or operation of any public facility;
The redesign or modification of any public facility during construction which has already received voter approval, provided that the cost of any such redesign or modification does not exceed ten percent of the original expenditure and/or appropriation approved by the voters.
(Prior code § 2-9-2; Ord. 567-88 § 1)