Pursuant to its Master Interagency Agreement with the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, the County of Sacramento is responsible for administering and staffing said District. As matter of practice and efficiency, the same administration and staffing arrangement has been extended to the Sacramento Area Sewer District. While both districts are separately governed, the County of Sacramento is responsible and accountable to those governing bodies. The District Engineer for both districts is selected by those governing bodies, but appointed, pursuant to requirements of the County Charter, by the County Executive Officer and confirmed by the Board of Supervisors.
This staffing arrangement and process, together with current administrative structure of the County in which the Department of Water Quality is placed within the Municipal Service Agency of the County has caused confusion as to the reporting relationships of County staff assigned to the Districts and to the applicability of MSA Agency and County policy and procedures to such assigned staff. The purpose of this article is to remove that confusion and to assure that the County of Sacramento is directly responsible for carrying out its responsibilities to the Districts.
(SCC 1431 § 1, 2009; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
There is established within County government a Sanitation Districts Agency. The Agency shall be under the control and direction of an Administrator. Upon appointment by the Districts, the District Engineer shall be recommended by the County Executive to the County Board of Supervisors for confirmation as Agency Administrator. The Administrator shall be subject to removal by the County Executive as provided in the Charter. The Agency shall consist of the following departments: Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Operations, Sacramento Area Sewer District Operations, Internal Services, Finance, Communications and Policy and Planning.
The Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
Perform such duties as authorized and directed by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and Sacramento Area Sewer District Boards of Directors;
Oversee the departments with County staff assigned to the Sacramento Regional Sanitation District and the Sacramento Area Sewer District and serve as the County's liaison to the governing bodies of those districts;
Study and make recommendations to the Boards of Directors of the districts and to the County Executive respecting delivery of sewer sanitation services, certain regulatory activities, sewer sanitation infrastructure, district facilities, and other matters assigned to the Agency;
Advise and assist officials of County agencies, departments, boards, and commissions with respect to matters assigned to the Agency;
Oversee the preparation and review of annual budgets and analysis of service rates and charges, in accordance with established procedures, for the support, maintenance, and operation of the departments and other activities within the Agency;
Represent the County and districts in dealing with other public agencies, organizations, groups, and individuals with respect to matters assigned to the Agency;
Maintain sewer sanitation relationships with the business, commercial, and industrial community; and
Perform such other duties and activities as may be required or authorized by the Board of Supervisors or the County Executive.
The Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, in consultation with the County Executive, may assign the responsibilities and duties for the functional areas of the Agency to the departments within the Agency.
Subject to the approval of the County Executive, the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator or the Director of a department within the Agency may create divisions and subdivisions within the departments as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this article, and change or abolish them from time to time.
The Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, subject to budget requirements and applicable requirements under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, may transfer positions or functions from one department to another as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this article.
(SCC 1431 § 1, 2009; SCC 1474 § 1, 2011; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1682 § 1, 2021; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
There is established within the Sanitation Districts Agency a Department of Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Operations. Subject to Section 2.09.710(C) and (D), the Department shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Perform such duties as authorized and directed by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Board of Directors;
Process all technical matters pertaining to Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District;
Recommend the awarding of contracts for the construction, repair, and maintenance of all facilities under the supervision of the Department of Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Operations;
Represent the County and Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District in dealing with other agencies, organizations, groups, and individuals with respect to department matters;
Advise and assist the officials of County agencies, departments, boards, and commissions with respect to Sanitation Districts, public infrastructure, administrative, management, and financial matters;
Prepare an annual budget in accordance with established procedures for the support, maintenance, and operations of the Department; and
Perform such other duties and activities as may be required or authorized by the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive, or the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator.
There is established within the Department of Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Operations the position of Director of Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Operations. The Director shall be head of the Department of Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Operations and in that capacity shall, subject to the control and direction of the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Department and shall supervise and direct the work of the staff assigned to the Department.
The Director shall act as the appointing authority for personnel matters within the Department.
The Director shall be recommended by the District Engineer/Agency Administrator which recommendation shall be considered by the County Executive. However, the Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive as provided in the Charter.
(SCC 1431 § 1, 2009; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
There is established within the Sanitation Districts Agency a Department of Sacramento Area Sewer District Operations. Subject to Section 2.09.710(C) and (D), the Department shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Perform such duties as authorized and directed by the Sacramento Area Sewer District Board of Directors;
Process all technical matters pertaining to Sacramento Area Sewer District;
Recommend the awarding of contracts for the construction, repair, and maintenance of all facilities under the supervision of the Department of Sacramento Area Sewer District Operations;
Represent the County and Sacramento Area Sewer District in dealing with other agencies, organizations, groups, and individuals with respect to department matters;
Advise and assist the officials of County agencies, departments, boards, and commissions with respect to Sewer District, public infrastructure, administrative, management, and financial matters;
Prepare an annual budget in accordance with established procedures for the support, maintenance, and operations of the Department; and
Perform such other duties and activities as may be required or authorized by the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive, or the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator.
There is established within the Department of Sacramento Area Sewer District Operations the position of Director of Sacramento Area Sewer District Operations. The Director shall be head of the Department of Sacramento Area Sewer District Operations and in that capacity shall, subject to the control and direction of the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Department and shall supervise and direct the work of the staff assigned to the Department.
The Director shall act as the appointing authority for personnel matters within the Department.
The Director shall be recommended by the District Engineer/Agency Administrator which recommendation shall be considered by the County Executive. However, the Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive as provided in the Charter.
(SCC 1431 § 1, 2009; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
There is established within the Sanitation Districts Agency a Department of Internal Services. Subject to Section 2.09.710(C), (D) and (E), the Department shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Perform such duties as authorized and directed by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and the Sacramento Area Sewer District Boards of Directors;
Be responsible for Agency administrative functions, including, but not limited to, information technology, contract and purchasing services, training, stores and warehouse services, and records management;
Oversight of fiscal matters, including but not limited to payment processing and revenue collection; and
Perform such other duties and activities as may be required or authorized by the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive, or the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator.
There is established within the Department of Internal Services the position of Director of Internal Services. The Director shall be head of the Department of Internal Services and in that capacity shall, subject to the control and direction of the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Department and shall supervise and direct the work of the staff assigned to the Department.
The Director shall act as the appointing authority for personnel matters within the Department.
The Director shall be recommended by the Agency Administrator which recommendation shall be considered by the County Executive. However, the Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive as provided in the Charter.
(SCC 1474 § 3, 2011; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1682 § 2, 2021; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
There is established within the Sanitation Districts Agency a Department of Districts Finance. The Department shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Perform such duties as authorized and directed by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and the Sacramento Area Sewer District Boards of Directors;
Administer and monitor the finances of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and the Sacramento Area Sewer District;
Prepare and review of annual budgets, in accordance with established procedures, for the support, maintenance, and operation of the Departments and other activities with the Agency;
Recommend the setting of rates and fees;
District accounting activities including preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and other financial reports;
Bond issuance and monitoring;
Reserve management; and
Perform such other duties and activities as may be required or authorized by the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive, or the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator.
There is established within the Department of Districts Finance the position of Director of Finance. The Director shall be head of the Department of Districts Finance and in that capacity shall, subject to the control and direction of the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Department and shall supervise and direct the work of the staff assigned to the Department.
The Director shall act as the appointing authority for personnel matters within the Department.
The Director shall be recommended by the Agency Administrator which recommendation shall be considered by the County Executive. However, the Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive as provided in the Charter.
(SCC 1682 § 3, 2021; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
There is established within the Sanitation Districts Agency a Department of Districts Communications. The Department shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Perform such duties as authorized and directed by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and Sacramento Area Sewer District Boards of Directors,
Develop, implement, and manage strategic communications projects and efforts for the Sacramento Area Sewer District and Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District;
Lead and recommend media relations activities and associated strategies;
Plan and manage public outreach and community engagement events;
Design, implement, and manage public outreach and community education programs, and develop associated outreach collateral;
Provide strategic communications counsel;
Prepare an annual budget in accordance with established procedures for the support, maintenance, and operations of the Department; and
Perform such other duties and activities as may be required or authorized by the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive, or the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator.
There is established within the Department of Districts Communication the position of Director of Communications. The Director shall be head of the Department of Districts Communications and in that capacity shall, subject to the control and direction of the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Department and shall supervise and direct the work of the staff assigned to the Department.
The Director shall act as the appointing authority for personnel matters within the Department.
The Director shall be recommended by the Agency Administrator which recommendation shall be considered by the County Executive. However, the Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive as provided in the Charter.
(SCC 1474 § 5, 2011; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
There is established within the Sanitation Districts Agency a Department of Policy and Planning. Subject to Section 2.09.710(C) and (D), the Department shall have and exercise the following duties and responsibilities:
Perform such duties as authorized and directed by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and Sacramento Area Sewer District Boards of Directors;
Monitoring and directly engaging in the regulatory processes governing District;
Monitoring and advocating for the District on Federal and State legislative issues;
District Master Planning efforts;
District sustainability efforts;
Administration of the District's pretreatment programs;
Administration of the District's source reduction program, maintenance, and operations of the Department;
Prepare plans and contract documents for projects within his or her jurisdiction; and
Perform such other duties and activities as may be required or authorized by the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive, or the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator.
There is established within the Department of Policy and Planning the position of Director of the Department of Policy and Planning. The Director shall be head of the Department and in that capacity shall, subject to the control and direction of the Sanitation Districts Agency Administrator, carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Department and shall supervise and direct the work of the staff assigned to the Department.
The Director of Policy and Planning shall act as the appointing authority for personnel matters within the Department.
The Director shall be recommended by the District Engineer/Agency Administrator which recommendation shall be considered by the County Executive. However, the Director shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, and shall be subject to removal by the County Executive as provided in the Charter.
(SCC 1431 § 1, 2009; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, for purposes of determining orders of layoffs of any employee within any department of the Sanitation Districts Agency, the Agency shall be treated as a single department.
(SCC 1431 § 1, 2009; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)
In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this article and the provisions of Chapter 2.165, Title 2 of this code, the provisions of this article shall prevail.
(SCC 1431 § 1, 2009; SCC 1606 § 11, 2017; SCC 1689 § 1, 2022)