As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
"County" shall mean the County of Sacramento;
"Board" shall mean the Board of Supervisors of County;
"City" shall mean the City of Sacramento;
"Council" shall mean the City Council of City;
"Mayor" shall mean the Mayor of City;
"Commission" shall mean the Sacramento Commission of History and Science;
"Member" shall mean a person appointed as a member of the Commission;
"Division" shall mean the History and Science Division of City's Department of Parks and Community Services.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
The Sacramento Commission of History and Science is hereby established.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
The Commission shall consist of 15 Members, who shall be appointed as follows:
Five Members to be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Board;
Five Members to be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Mayor with the approval of the Council;
One Member to be jointly appointed by, and serve at the collective pleasure of, the Mayors of the Cities of Folsom, Isleton, and Galt. Provided, however, the Chairperson of the Board may make such appointment, subject to approval by the Board, should such Mayors fail to do so within 30 days following written request therefor from County;
Four Members to be appointed by, and serve at the collective pleasure of, the Board, and the Mayor with the approval of the Council, from candidates recommended as follows:
One candidate recommended by the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Science Center and Junior Museum;
One candidate recommended by the Board of Trustees of the Sacramento History Center Association;
One candidate recommended by the American River Natural History Association; and
One candidate recommended by the Sacramento County Historical Society.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 512 § 2, 1982; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
Except as otherwise provided by this section and Section 2.23.070, each Member shall serve for a term of three years.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, the Members first appointed shall serve from the date on which the Commission holds its first meeting for the following terms:
Two Members appointed by the Board and two Members appointed by the Council shall each serve for a period of one year;
Two Members appointed by the Board and two Members appointed by the Council shall each serve for a period of two years;
One Member appointed by the Board and one member appointed by the Council shall each serve for a period of three years;
The Member appointed pursuant to subparagraph (c) of Section 2.23.020 shall serve for a period of three years;
The Member appointed upon the recommendation of the Sacramento History Center Association Board of Trustees shall serve for a period of one year;
The Member appointed upon the recommendation of the Sacramento Science Center and Junior Museum Board of Directors shall serve for a period of two years;
The Member appointed upon the recommendation of American River Natural History Association and the Member appointed upon the recommendation by the Sacramento County Historical Society shall each serve for a period of three years.
No Member shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms, except a Member appointed to complete an unexpired term, or whose initial term is less than three years, may serve up to two consecutive three-year terms in addition to such initial term.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
The Members shall elect a Chair and a Secretary who shall each serve for a term of one year. The Chair shall be entitled to vote, participate in discussions, and make or second motions without relinquishing the chair. In the absence, or inability to serve, of the Chair, the Members present shall select a Member to act as temporary Chair.
The Commission shall have the following four standing Committees, whose Chair and Members shall be appointed by the Chair of the Commission from among the members of the Commission:
Executive Committee;
History and Science Committee;
Community Outreach and Education Committee; and
Grants and Awards Committee.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
The commission shall hold regular meetings at least once every other month, at a time and place selected by majority vote of the entire Commission. The Executive Committee of the Commission shall meet monthly. All other standing Committees of the Commission shall meet at least two times per year. The members shall not be compensated for attendance at Commission or standing Committee meetings. For attendance at noncommission meetings or events, each Member shall receive travel and subsistence expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of his or her official duties as a Commission Member.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 169 § 1, 1974; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
Any vacancy occurring on the Commission shall be filled by the appointing authority for that position, subject to recommendation where applicable. Such appointment shall be for the remaining term of the position being filled.
The position of any Member who fails to attend, in succession, three or more regular Commission meetings shall automatically become vacant.
The position of any standing Committee Member who fails to attend, in succession, three or more regular meetings of that Committee without the prior approval of the Committee Chair shall automatically become vacant.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
The powers and duties of the Commission shall be as follows:
Analyze the annual budget for Division, as prepared by Division Staff, and provide recommendations thereon to the Board and to the Council, whose joint approval thereof shall be required;
Designate sites and landmarks of historic and scientific importance throughout the incorporated and the unincorporated areas of the County of Sacramento;
Analyze an annual work plan for the Commission, as prepared by Division Staff, and provide recommendations thereon to the Board and to the Council, whose joint approval thereof shall be required;
Provide an annual review to the Board and to the Council of the status of local history and science museums, projects, and/or programs;
Provide an annual review to the Board and to the Council of collections and archives managed by the Division;
Authorize the removal of items from collections and archives when proposed by the Division Manager, and if in conformance with the Division's collection policies as approved by the Board and the Council;
Provide an annual review to the Board and to the Council of history and science education throughout the County of Sacramento;
Submit an annual report to the Board and to the Council which shall include a summary of the status of the Commission work plan for the prior year, Commission votes, attendance of Commission Members, and standing Committee actions; and
Evaluate, upon request, applications for science and history grants and awards, funded from County's Transient Occupancy Fund pursuant to County's Cultural Awards Program, in accordance with the following guidelines:
County refers all applicants to Commission;
Commission evaluates proposals, interviews applicants, and ranks proposals;
Commission forwards recommendations on all proposals to the Board;
Board awards grants;
County's Administration and Finance Agency issues contracts, disburses funds, and monitors contracts; and
Neither the Commission nor the Division will be staffed to provide project monitoring.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)
County and City shall, within the limits of available funding, jointly share the cost of maintaining and financing the activities of the Commission. The Division shall provide administrative staff and fiscal control services to the Commission.
(SCC 113 § 1, 1973; SCC 0791 § 2, 1990)