There is created within the County an Equal Employment Opportunity Committee.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972; SCC 179 § 1, 1974; SCC 221 § 1, 1975; SCC 267 § 2, 1976; SCC 1230 § 1, 2002)
The purpose of the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee is to advise the Civil Service Commission, Board of Supervisors, County Executive, Director of Human Resources and other County agency administrators and department heads on the implementation of the County's equal employment policy to all areas of employment. This Committee will support and advance the Board of Supervisors' initiative to achieve workforce diversity through policy development, implementation and effective service delivery strategies.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972; SCC 131 § 1, 1973; SCC 179 § 2, 1974; SCC 219 § 1, 1975; SCC 267 § 3, 1976; SCC 309 § 1, 1977; SCC 1230 § 2, 2002)
The specific duties of the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee are to conduct the following activities to meet the needs of a diversified community:
Review all agency efforts to develop and implement specific recruitment and selection procedures to ensure a workforce representative of Sacramento County, including internships and education;
Review and recommend promotion and career advancement procedures to enable all employees to have an equal and fair opportunity to complete for and attain County promotional opportunities, including mentoring, education and training;
Review statistical information and data concerning the composition of the County workforce as compared to the demographics of the County for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the County's Equal Employment Opportunity program and identifying Equal Employment Opportunity problem areas;
Recommend departmental and occupational priorities to guide the county in its Equal Employment Opportunity program;
Review issues, terms and conditions of equal employment consistent with applicable employment policies, processes and procedures following existing applicable state and federal laws;
Review agency service delivery procedures, communication between county agencies and direct contact with community organizations relative to services provided.
(SCC 219 § 2, 1975; SCC 267 § 4, 1976; SCC 309 § 2, 1977; SCC 1230 § 3, 2002)
The Committee shall consist of 15 members who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors as follows:
Seven citizen members appointed from persons who are registered voters of the County and are not County employees and who have submitted letters to the Board requesting appointment and indicating their interest in and qualifications for serving on the Committee.
Four County department heads appointed from nominations submitted to the Board by the County Executive;
Four representatives of recognized employee organizations appointed from nominations submitted to the Board by recognized employee organizations.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972; SCC 179 § 3, 1974)
The terms of office of three citizen members of the Committee, two County department head members of the Committee, and two representatives of recognized employee organization members of the Committee shall expire December 31, 1982, and on the 31st day of December of each second year thereafter. The terms of office of four citizen members of the Committee, two County department head members of the Committee, and two representatives of recognized employee organization members of the Committee shall expire December 31, 1983, and on the 31st day of December of each second year thereafter. The expiration of the term of each existing member of the Committee, whether December 31, 1982 or December 31, 1983, shall be determined by the Committee by lot in advance of December 1, 1981, and, upon completion of such determination, the Secretary of the Committee shall record in the Committee's official minutes the date of expiration of office of each member of the Committee. Members of the Committee shall serve beyond the expiration of their terms until appointment of their successors. A vacancy during an unexpired term shall be filled solely for the remainder of the term.
(SCC 484 § 1, 1981)
Members shall serve without compensation until expiration of the Committee. A member may be removed by the Board. Any member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings, unless excused by the Committee, shall automatically cease to be a member.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972)
Each member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors, and may be removed during the member's term at the will of the Board.
(SCC 512 § 5, 1982; SCC 1230 § 4, 2002)
The Committee shall meet at least once a month at a regularly appointed time, which meeting shall be open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the Government Code commencing with Section 54950.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972)
At its first meeting the Committee shall select a Chair and a Vice-Chair who shall serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the Committee. The Director of Human Resources or designee shall serve as non-voting secretary of the Committee.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972; SCC 131 § 2, 1973; SCC 1230 § 5, 2002)
Half or more of the voting members in filled positions shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the members present at any meeting shall be required for any action.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972; SCC 131 § 3, 1973; SCC 1230 § 6, 2002; SCC 1722 § 1, 2023)
The Committee shall adopt such rules and procedures as it deems necessary or convenient for the conduct of its business and shall keep a record of its actions and determinations.
(SCC 86 § 1, 1972)