There is established an Agricultural Advisory Committee, referred to hereafter in this chapter as the Commission.
(SCC 0802 § 1, 1990)
The Agricultural Advisory Committee is created to:
Provide assistance and guidance in the implementation of the Sacramento County General Plan, including, but not limited to, the Agricultural Element;
Provide recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding land use modifications that may impact agricultural operations in the County;
Provide input on applications for Williamson Act (Agricultural Preserve) contracts;
Provide input on administration of Williamson Act Contracts, including compliance issues;
Provide recommendations to the Agricultural Commissioner in regard to Right to Farm complaints and acceptable farming practices.
(SCC 1492 § 1, 2011)
The members of the Agricultural Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Committee shall be comprised of no more than nine persons. Seven representatives shall be professionals in their fields which may include agritourism, production of livestock, row crops, field crops, horticulture, orchards, or viticulture, or active involvement in land trusts, agricultural economics, land conservation or agricultural sustainability and who are familiar with current agricultural practices. Two representatives shall be of homeowners associations representing subdivisions located adjacent to agriculturally designated land, and a representative of the Cooperative Agricultural Extension Office. The Agricultural Commissioner may recommend nominees for Board consideration, or may comment on an applicant's qualifications, based on his or her knowledge of agricultural operations in the County. Members shall serve for four years per term but may be appointed to two-year terms, in order to create overlap in terms of service. Members shall serve at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. Committee members will not receive compensation for their participation.
(SCC 0802 § 1, 1990; SCC 1492 § 2, 2011)
Meetings will be called as needed by the Agricultural Commissioner, but not less than three times annually. Notice will be provided by mail, a minimum of 10 calendar days in advance of any meeting, to the members of the Committee and when issues related to Right to Farm Complaints or Williamson Act Contract compliance are to be considered by the committee, to the complainant, and the owner and operator of the agricultural operation about which the complaint has been filed. The Committee shall select a Chair as the first order of business of the first meeting. The Chair shall serve for a period of one year. Rules of procedures for the conduct of meetings will be established by the Committee at their first meeting. Meeting records, recommendations, and reports will be prepared and maintained by the Agricultural Commissioner as part of his or her budgeted expenses as approved by the Board of Supervisors on behalf of the Commission.
All meetings shall be conducted to conform with the Ralph M. Brown Act.
(SCC 0802 § 1, 1990; SCC 1492 § 3, 2011)