The appointing authority shall determine the hours of work for each employee in accordance with the needs of the department.
The hours of work, including authorized absences with pay, for all full-time employees except department heads and elective officials shall be normally considered as eight hours per day or 40 hours per week.
The hours of work, including authorized absences with pay, of all part-time employees shall be established by the appointing authority but shall normally be less than eight hours per day or 40 hours per week.
Employees who work eight-hour shifts and who are allowed a lunch period as part of each shift may be excused at the end of the shift at the discretion of the appointing authority; provided, however, that any such shift shall be extended to include a full eight hours of work for an employee, without additional compensation, whenever the needs of the department so require.
A work week shall consist of a fixed and regular recurring period of 168 consecutive hours. It shall include seven consecutive 24 hour periods. It need not coincide with the calendar week. It may begin on any day and at any hour.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
Overtime shall be discouraged; however, the appointing authority may require an employee to work overtime when necessary for the protection of persons or property or in other circumstances when the public interest requires overtime work.
Except as otherwise provided, employees required to work in excess of eight hours per day or 40 hours per week shall be compensated for such overtime with pay at one and one-half times the hourly rate or by compensating time off on the basis of one and one-half hours off for each hour of overtime worked. If the department is unable to schedule and grant time off within one year from the date the overtime was performed, cash payment shall be made in lieu of compensating time.
All absences with pay except sick leave shall be counted as time worked. Time worked in excess of eight hours in a day shall not be counted in determining whether an employee has worked in excess of 40 hours in a week.
Part-time employees shall be compensated for overtime at their regular hourly rate or one hour of compensating time off for each hour worked in excess of their normal work day or week; provided, however, for work performed in excess of eight hours per day or 40 hours per week, they shall be compensated as provided in subsection B.
Employees covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act shall be paid for hours worked as prescribed by the act.
Employees who promote into a management job classification and who have accumulated CTO prior to the promotion, shall be paid for the accumulated CTO upon promotion into the management classification and at the employee's rate of pay at the time of payment.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975; SCC 1104 § 7, 1998; SCC 1588 § 1, 2015)
Employees in executive, administrative or professional positions shall be exempt from the overtime provisions of Section 2.78.520.
The determination as to which positions are exempt from Section 2.78.520 shall be made by the Director of Personnel Management in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, except that no position shall be designated exempt that receives time and one-half overtime pay pursuant to Section 2.78.520 or any labor agreement. Exempt employees shall be paid on a salary basis. Such employees shall regularly receive each pay period a predetermined salary constituting all or part of the employee's compensation which amount is not subject to reduction because of variation in the quality or quantity of the work performed. Such employees pay shall not be subject to deductions for absences of less than one day.
Employees in classes which have been designated "exempt-cto" by the Board of Supervisors in the annual salary ordinance shall accrue one hour of compensating time off for each hour worked in excess of eight hours per day or 40 hours per week. Unless provided otherwise by applicable labor agreements, if the department is unable to schedule and grant time off within one year from the date the overtime was performed, the Department head shall authorize cash payment in lieu of compensating time.
Employees in classes which have been designated "exempt" by the Board of Supervisors in the annual salary ordinance shall not accrue compensating time off or earn overtime pay for time worked in excess of eight hours per day or 40 hours per week, but shall be expected to work whatever time reasonably is required to perform the duties of their positions. Such employees are authorized, subject to approval of their immediate supervisors, to take reasonable time off for personal use during normal working hours without loss of compensation.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975; SCC 641 § 1, 1986; SCC 0822 § 1, 1991; SCC 0966 § 1, 1994; SCC 1159 § 1, 2000)
Overtime work shall be allowed and compensated only in accordance with the departmental overtime policy, which shall be prepared by each appointing authority and approved by the County Executive or the Board of Supervisors. Overtime may be authorized only by designated supervisory personnel. Employees who work overtime shall promptly and accurately report such time in the manner prescribed by the departmental overtime policy. Overtime shall be distributed fairly among employees insofar as circumstances permit. Accurate records of all overtime worked shall be kept by each department.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
Any employee who is required to remain on standby for emergency work shall be paid the equivalent of two hours' pay for each standby shift, whether or not he is called to work. A standby shift shall be eight or less hours.
The employee who performs emergency work on standby duty shall be compensated therefor as overtime work. A minimum of two hours overtime compensation per shift shall be paid to an employee who is called back, in addition to the standby pay to which such employee is entitled pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.
Any employee called in to work shall be compensated a minimum of two hours' pay.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
Employees assigned to a four-day workweek schedule normally shall work ten hours per day, four days per week. Four-day workweeks shall be subject to the following policies:
Employees shall earn overtime compensation in accordance with Sections 2.78.520, 2.78.525 and 2.78.530, except that such overtime shall be earned when employees work in excess of ten hours per day or forty hours per week.
Sick leave with pay shall be accrued, accumulated and taken in accordance with Sections 2.78.740, 2.78.745, 2.78.750 and 2.78.755.
Vacation leave with pay shall be accrued and taken in accordance with Section 2.78.730.
Employees participating in a four-day workweek shall be granted the day off in accordance with Section 2.78.110 if a holiday falls on an employee's scheduled workday, except that the remaining two hours must be taken off as leave without pay, or from accumulated compensating time off or accumulated vacation time. If a holiday falls on an employee's scheduled day off during the normal Monday through Friday workweek, the employee shall accrue eight hours' compensating time off.
Employees who work in a unit for which the normal work schedules include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall accrue eight hours' holiday time every four weeks, in accordance with subdivision (b) of Section 2.78.710, except that the in-lieu days off shall be for a ten-hour workday.
All other County rules and policies, including but limited to the requirements of this chapter, shall apply to employees who work a ten-hour day/forty-hour workweek in the same manner as such provisions apply to employees who work a regular eight-hour day/forty hour workweek.
No four-day workweeks shall be scheduled without the express approval of the Board of Supervisors, or its designated representative. All requests for four-day workweeks shall be made to the County Executive, or his designated representative. The County Executive, or his designated representative, shall recommend to the Board of Supervisors approval of four-day workweek schedules which the County Executive deems appropriate.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
"Part-time employee," for the purposes of this chapter, means any employee who is assigned to work substantially less than the normal hours of work during the employee's period of employment.
A part-time employee may be either a "regular" or an "extra help" employee, and eligibility of such employee for the benefits provided in this chapter shall be determined accordingly.
An employee assigned on a part-time basis shall accrue salary and benefits on the basis of actual time worked, including authorized absences with pay.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
Subject to the discretion and control of the appointing authority, all employees may be allowed rest periods not to exceed fifteen minutes during each four consecutive hours of work.
Such rest periods shall be scheduled in accordance with the requirements of the department, but in no case shall rest periods be scheduled within one hour of the beginning or the ending of the work shift or lunch period.
The appointing authority may designate the location or locations at which rest periods may be taken.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
All County employees normally shall be allowed a lunch period of not less than thirty minutes nor more than one hour which shall be scheduled generally in the middle of the work shift.
Whenever it is necessary for an employee to work overtime in excess of two consecutive hours, the employee shall be granted an additional lunch period, the taking of which is optional with the employee.
Lunch periods shall not be counted as part of total hours worked, except for those employees for whom lunch periods include the actual performance of assigned duties.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
Employees in the following classes shall be exempt from the provisions of subsection (a) of Section 2.78.490 and subsection (b) of Section 2.78.520:
Census area supervisor;
Census crew leader;
Census crew leader (PEP);
Census enumerator.
(SCC 226 § 2, 1975)
An appointing authority, with the prior approval of the County Executive, may approve requests of unrepresented employees in their department to work a 9/80 work schedule.
For employees who do not receive time and one-half overtime pay, the workweek will remain from 12:00 a.m. on Sunday to 12:00 a.m. the following Sunday, a period of seven consecutive twenty-four hour periods.
For these employees, the 9/80 work schedule is a schedule which during one week of the bi-weekly pay period the employee is scheduled to work four nine-hour workshifts for a total of thirty-six hours, and during the other week of the pay period, is scheduled to work four nine-hour workshifts and one eight-hour shift.
For these employees working the 9/80 work schedule who are eligible to earn straight-time overtime, overtime shall be earned when the employee is required to work in excess of nine hours when normally scheduled to work the nine-hour workshift, and in excess of eight hours when normally scheduled to work the eight-hour workshift. Overtime shall also be earned when an employee eligible for overtime is required to work in excess of thirty-six hours during the week the employee is scheduled to work thirty-six hours, or in excess of forty-four hours during the week the employee is scheduled to work forty-four hours.
For employees who do receive time and one-half overtime pay, the individual employee's workweek must be redesignated by the County so that it commences in the middle of the eight-hour workshift as described in subsection (b)(1) above. This redesignated workweek must be in writing and specifically state the day of the week and time of day that the workweek commences and the effective date of the redesignated workweek. This must be completed and approved prior to the employee working the 9/80 schedule, and be filed in the employee's personnel file. This redesignated workweek must be changed prior to the employee altering the day of the week or time of day that the eight-hour workshift occurs; the redesignated workweek must always commence during the middle of the eight hour workshift. This redesignated workweek must also be changed back to the standard Sunday through Saturday workweek upon the employee moving off of the 9/80 schedule.
For these employees, the 9/80 work schedule is a schedule in which during each redesignated work-week the employee works four nine-hour workshifts and one four-hour workshift. The two four-hour workshifts are worked consecutively in a manner to constitute one eight-hour work period, similar to the eight-hour workshift provided in subsection (b)(1) above.
For these employees overtime shall be earned when the employee is required to work in excess of nine hours when normally scheduled to work the nine-hour workshift, and in excess of forty hours during the designated workweek. Additionally, overtime will be earned when the employee is required to work more than four hours when normally scheduled to work either of the four-hour workshifts.
Employees working a 9/80 schedule shall take an unpaid meal period in the middle of their nine-hour and eight-hour workshifts, or between the two four-hour workshifts, as provided in Section 2.78.555. Employees may receive one rest period during the first half of the employee's nine-hour or eight-hour work shift and one rest period during the second half of the nine-hour or eight-hour workshift, as provided in Section 2.78.550. Employees who work two four-hour workshifts may receive one rest period during each four-hour workshift.
An employee shall be granted a holiday that falls on the employee's scheduled eight-hour workshift. If the holiday falls on the scheduled nine-hour workshift, the remaining hour must be taken off as leave first from accumulated compensating time off or holiday in lieu, and second from accumulated vacation time; and, if there are no leave balances, then leave without pay. If the holiday falls when the employee is scheduled to work the two four-hour workshifts, then both four-hour workshifts shall be deemed to be the holiday. If a holiday falls on an employee's scheduled day off, the employee shall accrue eight hours compensating time off.
Full shift absences on vacation, sick leave, compensating time off, or holiday in lieu taken by employees on a scheduled nine-hour workshift shall result in the deduction of nine hours from the employee's accrued leave balances. Full shift absences on the eight-hour workshift shall result in the deduction of eight hours from the employee's accrued leave balances. Full shift absences from either four-hour workshift shall result in the deduction of four hours from the employees accrued leave balances.
Employees may return to the standard five-day, forty-hour workweek upon the approval of their appointing authority.
The appointing authority shall have the right to return employees to the standard five-day, forty-hour workweek schedule after providing advance written notice of two full pay periods to the affected employees.
(SCC 0840 § 1, 1991; SCC 0846 § 1, 1991)