In connection with the definition set forth in Section 2.87.020 of the "Sacramento area" as used in Section 63 of the County Charter, the Board of Supervisors find as follows:
Notice of hearings by the Board of Supervisors to receive evidence, recommendations and comment concerning definition of the "Sacramento area" as used in Section 63 was given to all employee organizations who are exclusive representatives of bargaining units of County personnel.
Public hearings were held by this board for the purpose of receiving such evidence, recommendations and comment on October 30 and November 6 and 8, 1979. Deliberations by the Board occurred on November 8, 13, and 20, 1979, and further comment was received.
Effective administration of the provisions of Section 63 require that this board define the "Sacramento area" in order to give notice thereof to administrative representatives of the County whose responsibility it is to obtain and present survey data to employee organizations, and to members of the general public.
There is a single "Sacramento area" for all personnel to whom the provisions of Section 63 apply. It would not be either practical or consistent with the intent, wording, or history of Section 63 to define a different "Sacramento area" for each of the 26 bargaining units of County personnel. Nor does the evidence, comment or recommendations which this board received warrant the conclusion that there is justification for a definition of the "Sacramento area" which varies from one bargaining unit to another.
Bargaining with each exclusive representative of the 26 bargaining units of County personnel for the purpose of reaching agreement upon a definition of the "Sacramento area" would not be practical. Nor would establishing a definition of the "Sacramento area" by negotiated agreement be consistent with the legislative responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors. The acquisition, analysis and assimilation of data for purposes of compensation comparisons would be extremely burdensome should the "Sacramento area" be defined differently from bargaining unit to bargaining unit, and should such definition be subject to annual negotiation and agreement.
The "Sacramento area" as used in Section 63 consists of a limited geographical territory within the vicinity of Sacramento, and not some other geographical area which is similar economically, socially, culturally, in its cosmopolitan characteristics or otherwise, to Sacramento. Nor does the evidence, recommendations or comment presented reveal what, if any, areas within California or elsewhere are economically, socially, culturally or otherwise similar to Sacramento.
Whether there are employees of employers within the "Sacramento area" as defined whose jobs are sufficiently comparable to those of County personnel to permit compensation comparisons is an issue which is irrelevant to the question of how the "Sacramento area" ought to be defined, and which must be ascertained pursuant to particular prevailing rate determinations.
Section 63 is intended to ensure that Sacramento County effectively competed within the local job market with respect to compensation which it pays its personnel. Without regard to the order or relative importance, the following factors are relevant in defining the local job market which consists of the "Sacramento area": the areas where County personnel reside; the areas where applicants for County jobs reside; the areas which are included within and related to the Sacramento market as revealed by newspaper circulation and help wanted ads; the incidence of employment within Sacramento County by those living outside thereof; factors which employers within the Sacramento vicinity consider relevant in relating geographical area to recruiting or setting of compensation; and the service areas of public and public service agencies within the Sacramento vicinity.
(SCC 403 § 1, 1979)
Based upon the above findings and the evidence, recommendations and comment received, the "Sacramento area" as used in Section 63 of the County Charter consists of that area shown on that certain map which is marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and which by this reference is incorporated herein to the same extent as if set forth at length herein.[1]
Survey data shall be obtained from representative private employers and from public employers located within the area described on Exhibit A. When the area described on Exhibit A includes a city which is the County seat of a County government, the survey data shall include compensation data for comparable employment by the County government. When the area described on Exhibit A includes a portion of a County but does not include the city which is the County seat of that County, the survey shall not include compensation data for employment by the County government.
(SCC 403 § 1, 1979)
A copy of Exhibit "A" is included in this publication following Chapter 2.87.
This board shall conduct during each odd-numbered year, commencing not later than the 1st day of March and ending not later than the 31st day of March, public hearings for the purpose of determining whether the definition of "Sacramento area" as set forth in Section 2.87.020 should be amended or otherwise revised. Notice of such hearings shall be given to each and every employee organization who is an exclusive representative of a representation unit of County personnel and shall be published one time per week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within Sacramento County.
(SCC 403 § 1, 1979; SCC 432 § 1, 1980)
During the spring of each year the Director of the Department of Personnel Management shall obtain survey data for representative County benchmark classes from all public agencies and a representative sample of private employers within the "Sacramento area" as defined by Section 2.87.020. Survey data may, alternatively, be obtained through independent contract.
(SCC 403 § 1, 1979; SCC 432 § 1, 1980)
The prevailing rate as required by Section 63 of the Sacramento County Charter shall be subject to the "meet and confer" process established by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (Government Code, Section 3500 et seq.). The compensation established by each agreement governing the wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment of personnel within a representation unit between the County and an employee organization designated as the exclusive representative of the representation unit shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of Section 63 of the Sacramento County Charter during the term of the agreement.
(SCC 432 § 3, 1980)
In the event of inability of the County and employee organization to reach agreement concerning wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, and of a declaration by the Board of Supervisors of an impasse in negotiations, a prevailing rate hearing shall be scheduled. The hearing shall be scheduled to commence not earlier than 30 days and not later than 60 days after the date of declaration of impasse.
(SCC 432 § 3, 1980)
The purpose of the hearing conducted pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.87.060 shall be to determine the prevailing rate within the meaning of Section 63 of the Sacramento County Charter for personnel within that representation unit with respect to whom the impasse in negotiations has been declared.
The hearing shall be public, and written notice shall be given to the employee organization designated as the exclusive representative of the representation unit, and by publication one time per week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general publication within Sacramento County.
The hearing may be conducted by the Board of Supervisors, or at the election of the Board, by a Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer shall be appointed by the County Executive, subject to confirmation by the Board of Supervisors. The Hearing Officer may be an administrative employee of the County or any other person whom the County Executive and Board of Supervisors deem qualified to perform the function.
The director of personnel management shall prepare a report which contains data pertaining to the prevailing rate and recommendations in relation thereto. A copy of the report shall, in advance of the hearing, be transmitted to the employee organization who represents personnel within the unit for which the hearing is conducted, and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. The report shall be made available by the Clerk for inspection by any interested citizen.
In the event a Hearing Officer is appointed by the Board to conduct the hearing, the officer shall, at the conclusion of the hearing, prepare proposed findings of fact and recommendations concerning the prevailing rate. The proposed findings of fact and recommendations shall be presented to the Board of Supervisors for consideration and determination. The board shall be authorized, but shall not be required, to receive argument and further evidence in advance of making its determination. Nothing herein shall be deemed to either require the Board to or prohibit the Board from conducting a new hearing in advance of making its determination. No provision herein shall be construed to prohibit the Board from altering any proposed finding of fact or recommendation by a Hearing Officer based upon a review of the record of the hearing conducted by the Hearing Officer.
(SCC 432 § 3, 1980)