Any person who knowingly or willfully violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(SCC 672 § 1, 1986; SCC 683 § 1, 1987)
Any candidate or other resident of the County may bring an action, at any time during an off-election year, an election year or thereafter, in a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin actual or threatened violations of, or to compel compliance with, or to obtain judicial declarations regarding, the provisions of this chapter.
(SCC 672 § 1, 1986; SCC 683 § 1, 1987)
The Board of Supervisors may maintain on behalf of the County, or a candidate or other resident of the County may maintain on their own behalf, a civil action to recover personally from a candidate any contributions received by the candidate in excess of the contribution limitations established by this chapter, any contributions which a candidate fails or refuses to remit to the Registrar of Voters or return to the donor pursuant to Section 2.115.300, 2.115.310 or 2.115.320, any campaign expenditures made in excess of the expenditure limitations established by this chapter, and any funds received by the candidate from the Campaign Reform Fund in violation of any provision of this chapter.
Any money recovered in any action maintained pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Campaign Reform Fund.
The Board of Supervisors may maintain an action pursuant to this section only after the election in which a candidate is elected to the County elective office for which the election is held. A candidate or other County resident may maintain an action pursuant to this section at any time during an off-election year, election year or thereafter.
(SCC 672 § 1, 1986; SCC 683 § 1, 1987; SCC 1642 § 17, 2019)
It is the intent of this Article to prohibit civil enforcement of this chapter by the County until such time as an election is over and a candidate has been elected. It is the further intent of this Article not to authorize the County to file actions for injunctive or declaratory relief.
(SCC 672 § 1, 1986; SCC 683 § 1, 1987)