The power to supersede any law of this state now or hereafter in force, insofar as it applies to local or municipal affairs, shall be reserved to the town, acting by ordinance, subject only to restrictions of Article XX of the state Constitution and subsequent amendments to this Charter and by ordinance.
No action for recovery of compensation for personal injury, death, or property damage against the town on account of its negligence or other tort shall be maintained unless written notice of the alleged time, place and cause of injury, death or property damage is given to the town clerk by the person injured, his/her agent, or attorney, within ninety (90) days of the occurrence causing the injury, death or property damage. The notice given under the provisions of this section shall not be deemed invalid or insufficient solely by reason of an inaccuracy in stating the time, place, or cause of injury, if it is shown that there was no intent to mislead and that the town in fact was not misled thereby. This provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity the town may have now or in the future.
Council may sell, exchange or dispose of public utilities, or permanent public buildings or real or personal property with or without first obtaining the approval of a majority of the registered electors voting thereon. The council may lease, for such term as council shall determine, any real or personal property to or from any person, firm or corporation, public or private, governmental or otherwise.
The council, on behalf of the town, may receive or refuse bequests, gifts and donations of all kinds of property in fee simple or in lease hold, or in trust for public, charitable or other purposes, and do all things and acts necessary to carry out the in purpose of such gifts, bequests, and donations with power to manage, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the same in accordance with the terms of the gift, bequest or trust.
In case of riot, insurrection, or extraordinary emergency, the town manager shall assume the authority to execute any action necessary for the protection of life and property. Such authority may include but not be limited to establishing regulations governing conduct and activities related to the cause of the emergency, and if the emergency situation continues, the town manager shall convene the council who may take such action as it deems necessary. In the event it becomes necessary, the line of succession provided in section F of this article shall be followed.
The council shall have the power to provide for continuity of government of the town in the event of natural or enemy caused disaster. Such power shall be employed in a manner which will preserve representative government in the town and which will provide an orderly line of succession of officers, notwithstanding the provisions of this Charter. Such succession shall commence with the town manager, the mayor and the mayor pro tem and shall then revert to the councilmembers by order of seniority, then through an orderly line of succession of the administrative department heads.
If any provision, section, article or clause of this Charter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be found to be invalid by a court, such invalidity shall not affect any remaining portion or application of the Charter which can be given effect without the invalid portion or application, provided such remaining portions or applications are not determined by the court to be inoperable, and to this end, this Charter declared to be severable.
This Charter may be amended at any time in manner provided by the Constitution. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing the submission to the people of more than one (1) Charter amendment at any one (1) election. If provisions of two (2) or more proposed amendments adopted or approved at the same election conflict, the amendment receiving the highest affirmative vote shall become effective.
Except as otherwise specified, provided or indicated by the contents hereof, all words used in this Charter indicating the present tense shall be limited to the time of the adoption of this Charter but shall extend to and include the time the happening of any event or requirement for which provision is made herein. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular and the masculine gender shall extend to and include the feminine gender and neuter, and the word "person" may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate and to partnerships as well as to individuals.
The authorized amount of monies set aside for expenditures during a specified time for a specific purpose.
Town of Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado, municipal corporation.
The Town council of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, including the mayor, unless provided otherwise.
The Town manager of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte appointed pursuant to Article V, section A.
A person employed by the Town of Mt. Crested Butte.
Regular municipal election.
A municipal election held every two (2) years, on even years, at which candidates for elective offices of the town are voted upon in accordance with this Charter.
Public utility.
Any person, firm, or corporation operating heat, power, or light systems, communications systems, water, sewer or scheduled transportation systems, and serving or supplying the public under a franchise granted by the town.
Any person elected to office or appointed by council, including appointees to boards and commissions.
The Constitution of the state of Colorado.
The applicable laws of the state of Colorado as they now exist or as they may be amended, changed, repealed, or otherwise modified by legislative procedure.
A person otherwise qualified to vote in the municipal elections under applicable law whether registered or not.
Registered elector.
A person who is qualified to vote under applicable law and who is also registered to so vote in municipal elections.
Permanent board or commission.
A board or commission intended by council to be a part of the permanent governmental structure of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte as established by ordinance.