[History: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Charleston 9-5-2023 by Ord. No. 162. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as the "Charleston Township Motor Vehicle Nuisance Ordinance."
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
This chapter is adopted pursuant to Section 702, clauses XII (Nuisances); XXIV (Parking); XIX (Health); XLVII (Public Safety); and LXII (General Powers), of the Second Class Township Code, Act of 1933, May 1, P.L. 103, as amended, 53 P.S. §§ 66529, 67328, 65729, 66601, 66527 and 66506; and Section 6109 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 6109.
The Charleston Township Board of Supervisors find that the existence of motor vehicle nuisances on private or public properties in the Township constitutes:
A hazard to children;
An attraction to vermin and rodents;
A blight upon neighborhoods;
An unsightly use of land; and
A danger to the environment due to broken glass, leakage of oil and other fluids, rust and the decomposition of tires, vinyl and other substances.
The Township of Charleston declares that the parking of wrecked, abandoned, junked, stripped, inoperable, uninspected or unlicensed motor vehicles in open areas on public or private property in the Township constitutes a public nuisance and is detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety.
It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain a motor vehicle nuisance upon open land owned, leased or otherwise controlled by such person, except in accordance with the regulations contained in this chapter.
A "motor vehicle nuisance" is defined as any motor vehicle which does not have a current and valid vehicle inspection sticker as required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and possesses any one or more of the following physical defects:
Physical defects.
Any motor vehicle which is unable to move under its own power;
Any motor vehicle which cannot be safely operated upon a street because of lack or failure of steering control, brakes, lights or other controls or equipment necessary for operating a vehicle safely on the streets;
One or more flat or open tires or tubes which could permit vermin harborage;
Missing doors, windows, hood, trunk or other body parts which could permit animal harborage;
Missing tires resulting in unsafe suspension of the motor vehicle;
Upholstery which is torn or open which could permit animal and/or vermin harborage;
Broken windshields, mirrors or other glass with sharp edges;
Broken headlamps or taillamps with sharp edges;
Broken grill with protruding edges;
Broken vehicle frame suspended from the ground in an unstable manner;
Disassembled chassis parts apart from the motor vehicle stored in an disorderly fashion or loose in or on the vehicle;
Protruding sharp objects from the chassis;
Any body parts with sharp edges including holes resulting from rust;
Leaking or damaged oil pan or gas tank which could cause fire or explosion;
Exposed battery containing acid;
Inoperable locking mechanism for doors or trunk;
Open or damaged floor boards including trunk and fire-wall;
Damaged bumpers pulled away from the perimeter of vehicle;
Loose or damaged metal trim and clips;
Suspended or unstable supports;
Such other defects which could threaten the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the municipality.
It shall be unlawful for any person or landowner to park, place, maintain, allow, suffer or permit the unenclosed storage of motor vehicle nuisances on any lot or plot of land in Charleston Township. Motor vehicle nuisances, as defined in § 271-9 below, may be stored in enclosed areas subject to the following regulations:
No more than two motor vehicles which constitute nuisances may be stored upon any single lot or plot of land in the municipality.
Motor vehicle nuisances shall be stored inside, within a garage or other enclosed building, or outside, within an area completely surrounded by an opaque fence or wall at least six feet high.
Motor vehicle nuisances may also be stored outside in an area surround by a chain-link fence at least six feet high, provided such fence is effectively screened by sight-obscuring shrubbery to the height of the fence.
All gates, doors or entrances to the areas, garage or enclosed structures in which motor vehicle nuisances are stored shall be locked at all times when unattended.
All gasoline, oil, transmission fluid, steering fluid, and other flammable liquids shall be removed from the motor vehicle nuisances prior to storage.
Motor vehicle nuisances shall be kept free of vermin or rodent infestation at all times.
The provision of this chapter shall not apply to:
Storage of three or more motor vehicles which constitute motor vehicle nuisances shall be considered a junkyard subject to regulations as the municipality has adopted or shall adopt licensing and regulating junkyards; or
Vehicle service stations or vehicle repair garages operating in conformity with Chapter 300, Zoning, of Charleston Township Code; or
Abandonment and stripping of vehicles, which are regulated by Section 3712 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3712;
Farm truck, as defined in Section 102 of the Vehicle code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 102; or
Implement of husbandry, as defined in Section 102 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 102; or
Farm equipment, as defined in Section 102 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 102.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meaning indicate, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
Any type of mechanical devise which is propelled by a motor, and in which persons or property may be transported upon the public streets or highways.
Township of Charleston, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.
Any condition, structure or improvement which constitutes a danger or potential danger to the health, welfare and safety or residents of the municipality.
A natural person or a firm, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity.
The Code Enforcement Officer of the municipality is authorized and empowered to go upon and inspect private or public property on which motor vehicles are stored or maintained to determine if there is compliance with this chapter.
If the Code Enforcement Officer of the municipality determines that a motor vehicle nuisance exists contrary to the provision of this chapter, said Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a written notice to be served by personal service, registered or certified mail, upon the owner, lessee or person in charge of the premises, or if the whereabouts of the owner, lessee or person in charge is unknown, by posting the notice conspicuously upon the offending premises.
The notice specified in § 271-10 above shall:
Identify the owner, lessee or person in charge of the property on which the motor vehicle nuisance exists.
Describe the condition constituting a violation of this chapter.
State a time period within which the condition or violation is to be corrected.
The Code Enforcement Officer of Charleston Township is designated as a law enforcement officer as defined in Pa.R.C.P. 103 for the purpose of issuing citations and enforcing this chapter.
It shall be a violation of this chapter to fail to remove any motor vehicle nuisance within the time stated in the notice provided in §§ 271-10 and 271-11 of this chapter.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction of a summary offense, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600. Each day that a violation of this chapter continues shall constitute a separate offense.
If the owner, lessee or person in charge of the land upon which a motor vehicle nuisance exists in violation of this chapter fails to comply with the notice provided by §§ 271-10 and 271-11 above within the time limit stated, the municipality may remove or abate the nuisance and collect the costs of said removal or abatement together with a penalty of 15% of the cost of said removal or abatement. Said penalty may be collected in summary proceedings or by action or assumpsit or in the manner provided for collection of municipal claims.
The Code Enforcement Officer of the municipality may institute proceedings in courts of law or equity to abate motor vehicle nuisances or violations or the chapters.
The remedies provided herein for the enforcement of this chapter, or any remedy provided by law, shall not be deemed mutually exclusive; rather, all remedies may be employed simultaneously or consecutively.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances which are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
If any sentence, clause, section, or part of this chapter is for any reason found to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such unconstitutionality, illegality or invalidity shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, sentences, clauses, sections or parts of this chapter. It is hereby declared as the intent of the Board of Supervisors of Charleston Township that this chapter would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, illegal or invalid sentence, clause, section or part thereof not been included herein.
This chapter shall become effective five days after enactment.