The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen and the Legislative Council, and with recommendation from the Board of Finance, shall appoint a Finance Director to an indefinite term. The First Selectman, Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance and Legislative Council shall choose and consider all candidates for the position of Finance Director solely on the basis of such candidate's professional qualifications, character, training, and experience in the field of financial management.
The Finance Director shall report to the First Selectman as provided in Subsection 2-110(b) of this Charter.
The Finance Director shall:
Keep all books of account of the Town and shall establish and maintain a general cost accounting system for all Town Departments, consistent with all State Laws and subject to the regulations adopted by the Board of Finance and approved by the Legislative Council;
Have all of the powers and duties imposed by the General Statutes or by special act or law on town treasurers, and shall be Treasurer of all funds held by the Town;
Receive and have custody of all funds belonging to or under the control of the Town or any Town Department or officer and shall make such deposits or investments as he or she deems in the best interest of the Town within the limits imposed on such deposits or investments by the General Statutes;
Determine when to issue authorized notes or bonds consistently with the provisions of Section 7-10;
Approve or disapprove of requisitions or other requests for disbursements of Town funds as provided for in Section 7-15; No disbursements of Town funds shall be made, except as authorized by the Finance Director;
Prepare and keep a detailed budget document during the different phases of the Annual Budget Process as described in Section 6-10;
Prepare Financial Impact Statements for Special Appropriations, gifts or financial assistance, and Real Property Acquisition in accordance with Sections 6-35, 6-40, and 8-05;
Maintain a capital improvement plan of at least 5 years with annual adjustments to allow for fiscal flexibility in accordance with the regulations [see Subsection 5-10(b)] of the Legislative Council and submit an updated version of such plan annually to the Board of Finance and Legislative Council no later than the fifteenth day of January each year;
Prepare a cost analysis of all labor contracts, pension plans and insurance plans prior to the signing of any such contracts or plans; and
Assist in all labor negotiations serving as a consultant to the labor negotiators representing the Town.
The Finance Director, with the approval of the First Selectman and Board of Selectmen and within the limits of the available appropriations, may hire qualified employees and delegate specific functions of the aforesaid duties. However, he or she shall at all times remain fully responsible for carrying out the duties and responsibilities imposed by this Charter.
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen and with the approval of the Legislative Council after a hearing before the Council, may remove the Finance Director from office, with or without cause.
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, shall nominate and appoint a Tax Collector to a term of 4 years commencing the first day of February of 1990 and every February first every 4 years thereafter. The First Selectman and the Board of Selectmen shall choose and consider all candidates for the position of Tax Collector solely on the basis of such candidate's professional qualifications, character, training and experience. The Tax Collector need not be a resident of the Town. The person appointed to fill the vacancy shall serve the balance of the unexpired term. The Tax Collector shall have the powers, duties and compensation set forth in the provisions of Subsection 4-10(b) of this Charter.
The Tax Collector shall exercise the powers and duties of a Tax Collector as provided by the General Statutes, except as hereinafter provided, and shall perform such other duties as required by this Charter. The receipts to be paid to the Tax Collector shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes or this Charter or ordinances of this Town and shall be deposited with the Finance Director of the Town. The Tax Collector shall also keep a record of receipts, which shall show the name of each person from whom money is received, the amounts thereof, and for what received. The expenses of the office will be provided for in the usual budgetary manner.
The Tax Collector shall receive a salary in lieu of all fees and other compensation.
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, shall appoint an Assessor to a term of 4 years who shall be chosen solely on the basis of professional qualifications, character, training and experience. The Assessor need not be a resident of the Town. Expiration of each 4 year term shall be computed from expiration of the initial term on February 28, 1972. The person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the balance of the unexpired term. The Assessor shall have the powers and duties prescribed for the office by ordinance and the General Statutes.
The duties and responsibilities of the office, the minimum qualifications for office and the methods to be used in the selection of the Assessor, including methods and agencies of administration of professional examinations, shall be prescribed by ordinance.
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, shall appoint a Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall have the qualifications prescribed by the General Statutes and shall have such other qualifications as may be prescribed by regulation of the Board of Selectmen. The Building Inspector shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by ordinance and by the General Statutes.
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, may appoint one or more Town Attorneys to furnish such legal services to any Town Body as the First Selectman authorizes.
The Legislative Council chairman may appoint, with the approval of the affirmative vote of at least eight (8) members of the Legislative Council, an attorney to furnish legal services to the Legislative Council.
The Emergency Management Director shall be appointed in accordance with the General Statutes.
There shall exist within the Town a Department of Public Works administered by such employees having such supervisory and administrative functions as may be determined by the First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen. The Department of Public Works shall perform such functions regarding the construction and maintenance of highways and the construction and maintenance of town-owned buildings and grounds, other than the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, the Edmond Town Hall and buildings the operation and control of which is vested in the Board of Education, as are assigned to it by the Board of Selectmen. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the First Selectman with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, from hiring independent contractors to perform such maintenance and construction. The Department of Public Works shall perform such maintenance on the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, the Edmond Town Hall and buildings subject to the operation and control of the Board of Education as is requested by the Trustees of the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, the Board of Managers of the Edmond Town Hall and the Board of Education, provided funds have been appropriated or transferred to the account of the Department of Public Works as are necessary to fulfill the requests of said Trustees and Boards.
The First Selectman may establish hours of work, set wages or salaries within the range set by the Board of Selectmen, and hire, suspend or dismiss employees of the Town, except employees of the Board of Education and employees whose employment and removal are otherwise provided for by this Charter or by the General Statutes. The First Selectman may, by written order, delegate this power to other departments of the Town with respect to employees of such departments.
Uniform procedures for the recruitment and removal of any class of employees which the First Selectman may hire, suspend or dismiss, a general merit system and a pension plan for employees of the Town may be established by ordinance.
All appointed employees of the Town other than those who work for the Board of Education shall report to the First Selectman for administrative purposes.
Any employee, other than the Finance Director, who has been suspended or dismissed by the First Selectman and for whom no grievance procedure is provided in a collective bargaining agreement may within 15 days of his removal, request in writing a hearing before the Board of Selectmen which hearing shall be held within 15 days from the date of receipt of such request. The employee may appear at the hearing with counsel. The Board of Selectmen shall, within 15 days after the conclusion of the hearing, act to affirm, modify or reverse the action of the First Selectman.
Not more than 7 constables shall be appointed by the First Selectman with the approval of the Board of Selectmen for a term of 2 years with no more than a bare majority from any one political party, and they shall have the powers and duties prescribed for constables by this Charter and the General Statutes.
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, shall appoint such other officers, committees or commissions as are required by the General Statutes.
The First Selectman, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, may appoint such other officers as are authorized by the General Statutes or by ordinance, subject to the provision of necessary appropriations.
The First Selectman with the approval of the Board of Selectmen may establish and maintain, subject to the provision of necessary appropriations, other departments for the administration of functions of the Town.