It is the purpose of this chapter to establish procedures for imposing fees to pay for the costs of providing administrative services.
A "fee for providing an administrative service" is a fee which does not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged.
This chapter does not apply to fees which are imposed as an exaction upon development of land.
Fees for producing copies of public records.
Type of Record
Photo copy - per page
City Clerk's certification
1st page
2nd page
Add'l pages
Audio/video cassette and CDs
1st tape
Add'l tapes
$5.00 ea.
Search for subject matter when document not identified (subject to available time and resources)
Hourly rate of employee plus applicable city overhead rate
Transmit FAX copies
1st page
Add'l pages
Copying by commercial firm (actual cost plus administrative fee)
Blueline reproduction
Citywide zoning map ("E" size 34″x 44″)
Special map requests
Hourly rate of employee plus applicable City overhead rate plus cost of printing map
(Ord. 87-15; Ord. 2002-16; Ord. 2003-06)
This chapter applies to the levying of new fees and to the increasing of existing fees for administering the following:
Zone variances, zone changes, use permits.
Building inspections and building permits.
Specific plans.
Producing copies of public record documents.
Documents required by the California Environmental Quality Act.
See Chapter 1.12.
Water and sewer connection and service charges.
Prior to levying a new fee or service charge, or prior to approving an increase in an existing fee or service charge, a local agency shall hold at least one public meeting, at which oral or written presentations can be made, as part of a regularly scheduled meeting.
At least 14 days prior to the hearing, notice shall be sent in response to written requests.
Notice shall be published twice in a newspaper of general circulation within the City at least 10 days prior to the hearing with at least five days intervening between the dates of first and last publication.
At least 10 days prior to the hearing, the City shall make available to the public data indicating the amount of the cost, or estimated cost, required to provide the service for which the fee is charged and the revenue sources anticipated to provide this service, including general fund revenues.
(Ord. 91-30)
If the proposed fee will exceed the estimated costs required to provide the service for which the fee is levied, the City Council may:
Adopt a fee which does not exceed the cost;
Abandon the proposal; or
Adopt a resolution approving the fee and referring the matter to a vote of the electorate. The proposed fee will become law upon the approving vote of two thirds of those electors voting on the measure.
A flat fee may be charged for a request or application which is within established criteria defining a standard request or application.
If the department providing the service initially determines that the request or application exceeds the criteria for a standard request or application, or if such department determines during the course of the processing of a request or application that the matter will exceed the criteria defining a standard request or application, then the department may require the applicant to deposit with the City an amount sufficient to reimburse the City for the time and expense actually incurred in providing the service. During the course of providing the service, additional deposits may be required. At the completion of providing the service or upon the termination of the process by the applicant, any unused amount remaining on deposit shall be returned to the applicant.
Except as otherwise provided, the fee shall be effective 30 days after the adoption of the ordinance imposing the fee.
An ordinance increasing a fee upon single-family or multifamily development will be effective 60 days following its adoption. However, the City Council may adopt an urgency measure imposing the fee immediately for an interim period.