The following executive team positions consisting of heads of departments and department managers in the City Manager's Department are established; each of which shall have the duties, responsibilities and authority necessary for the performance of the position, to include, without limitation, the authority to appoint and promote and for cause remove or demote any employee who works for such executive team member:
Assistant City Manager;
Deputy City Manager;
Director of Finance/City Treasurer;
Director of Parks and Recreation;
Director of Public Works;
Director of Utilities/General Manager;
Director of Engineering;
Fire Chief;
Director of Development Services;
City Clerk/Director of Legislative Services;
Director of Human Resources and Workers' Compensation;
Director of Information Technology;
Director of Administrative Services.
(Ord. 2010-18; Ord. 2012-10; Ord. 2014-12; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2017-04; Ord. 2017-09; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The City Manager is authorized to appoint, remove, promote and demote all heads of department and department managers designated as part of the executive team.
All heads of department and department managers designated as executive management serve at the pleasure of the City Manager.
(Ord. 2017-04; Ord. 2022-18)
The salaries, compensation, and benefits of executive managers shall be fixed by resolution of the City Council. The City Manager is authorized to determine the salaries, compensation, and benefits within City Council fixed limits at appropriate levels for each executive manager.
(Ord. 2017-04; Ord. 2017-09; Ord. 2022-18)
It shall be the duty of all heads of department to cooperate with and assist the City Manager in administering the affairs of the City in an efficient, economic, and harmonious manner, so far as may be consistent with their duties as prescribed by law.
(Ord. 2022-18)
The Assistant City Manager shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Assistant City Manager shall be to:
Perform those functions specified in this Code.
Assist the City Manager in fulfilling City Council priorities.
Assist the City Manager in planning, coordinating and directing the activities of the City.
Supervise, direct and provide leadership to the staff of the City Manager's Department, and Department Directors, as assigned.
Oversee, direct and perform a variety of special projects.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2010-18; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Deputy City Manager shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Deputy City Manager shall be to:
Perform those functions specified in this Code.
Support the City Manager in planning, coordinating and directing the activities of the City.
Supervise, direct and provide leadership to the staff of the City Manager's Department, and Department Directors, as assigned.
Oversee, direct and perform a variety of special projects.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Finance/City Treasurer shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Director of Finance/City Treasurer shall be to:
Perform the functions specified in this Code.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the Finance Department.
Be responsible for the administration of contracts for services obtained from other public agencies, private contractors, and consultants relating to the Finance Department.
Act as chief accounting officer for the City and assume the duties of City Treasurer. The financial and accounting duties imposed upon the City Clerk by the Government Code are hereby transferred to the Director of Finance.
Act as Director of Finance/City Treasurer, Treasurer for the San Dieguito Water District, Housing Authority of the City of Encinitas and Encinitas Public Financing Authority.
Furnish a corporate bond in the amount of $100,000.00 for the faithful performance of the duties imposed on the Director of Finance. The premium of such bond shall be a proper charge against the City.
Administer laws and ordinances pertaining to taxes, licenses, and permits as directed.
Cause current accounts to be kept of all funds, revenues, receipts, expenditures, and financial commitments of the City.
Maintain a system of budgetary accounting for the recording of actual and estimated revenues and expenditures in such a manner as to show the financial position of each fund and department of the City at all times.
Collect, receive, and deposit all moneys of the City and keep proper records thereof.
Assist the City Manager in the preparation of the annual budget and certify to the accuracy of anticipated revenues to meet the proposed budget.
Serve as the custodian of the City's permanent accounting records.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2003-04; Ord. 2010-18; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Parks and Recreation shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Director of Parks and Recreation shall be to:
Perform those functions specified in this Code.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies and private contractors and consultants.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas of recreational services, cable television, animal control, and park and beach acquisition, development, and maintenance.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2003-04; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2017-04; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Public Works shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Director of Public Works shall be to:
Perform those functions specified in this Code and by state law.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the Public Works Department.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies, private contractors and consultants.
Ensure the maintenance and repair of all streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, storm drains, street lights, and traffic control devices owned by the City of Encinitas.
Maintain contacts with professional organizations of Public Works Directors.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2012-10; Ord. 2014-12; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2017-04; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Utilities/General Manager shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Director of Utilities/General Manager shall be to:
Perform those functions specified in this Code and by state law.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the Utilities Department, San Dieguito Water District (SDWD) and Encinitas Wastewater Division (EWW).
Serve as General Manager for the San Dieguito Water District or designate an individual to serve in that capacity under the supervision and direction of the Director of Utilities/General Manager.
Oversee the operation and maintenance of the systems responsible for water treatment, water distribution, wastewater collection, recycled water, and underground stormwater to the City of Encinitas residence.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies, private contractors and consultants.
Maintain contacts with professional organizations of Utilities Directors/General Managers.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Engineering shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Director of Engineering shall be to:
Perform those functions specified in this Code.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the Engineering Department.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies and private contractors and consultants.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas of the Engineering Department including capital improvement projects, traffic engineering.
Perform the functions of City Engineer as specified in this Code.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under the general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Fire Chief shall be:
Perform those functions specified in this Code.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs of the Fire Department, including, but not limited to, fire prevention, fire suppression, investigation and inspection, emergency medical services, and public education.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies, private contractors, and consultants relating to the Fire Department.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned areas.
Maintain contacts with professional organizations of fire chiefs.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2003-04; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Development Services shall be appointed by the City Manager and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Director of Development Services shall be to:
Perform those functions specified by state law and this Code.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the Development Services Department, to include planning, building, engineering, and code enforcement services.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies and private contractors and consultants.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
The Director or designee shall make a final determination as authorized by the Code for the following applications:
Minor use permits;
Minor variances;
Tentative parcel maps;
Waivers of Section 30.16.010B.10;
Administrative design review;
Lot line adjustments;
Certificates of compliance;
Extension requests;
Agriculture permits;
Other applications and duties as required by this Code.
Procedure. Public notification shall be provided as specified for each application type in Section 2.28.090F. For coastal development permits, public notice procedures shall conform to the requirements in Chapter 30.80, Coastal Development Permit, in addition to the requirements of this section. Standard procedure shall consist of administrative review and written determination. The Director may elect to conduct a public hearing in order to gather information and/or resolve conflicts. Projects with significant issues or controversy shall be referred to the Planning Commission with a recommendation from the Director.
Appeal of Director Decision. All decisions of the Director shall be posted at City Hall and shall become final 10 days thereafter unless a timely appeal is filed to the City Council in accordance with provisions of this Code. (See Chapter 1.12.)
(Ord. 94-06; Ord. 2003-04; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2016-08; Ord. 2017-04; Ord. 2022-06; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The City Clerk/Director of Legislative Services shall be appointed by and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities and authority of the City Clerk/Director of Legislative Services shall be:
Perform duties of the office as defined by California Statutes and the Municipal Code, and undertake all responsibilities associated with this function. Remain abreast of legislation which would affect City Clerk/Director of Legislative Services activities.
Direct, administer and coordinate the operation and activities of the City Clerk/Director of Legislative Services Department. Establish policies, standards and procedures to ensure the efficient administration of the department. Prepare an annual budget for the department.
Perform Council-related coordination and Council clerical and secretarial support services. Prepare official correspondence and reports. Prepare certain nontechnical resolutions, ordinances, proclamations and commendations.
Prepare Council agendas and packets. Attend all City Council meetings and keep minutes record of the action, indexing the same. Upon request, advise City Council regarding parliamentary procedures.
Act as City's records manager and administer the records management program of the City. Maintain public records and official files. Perform research through City records. Respond to requests for production of records.
Serve as the City's election official and provide for the conduct of municipal elections. Act as the filing officer for all Fair Political Practices Commission reports. Monitor the City's Conflict of Interest Code and filings.
Act as keeper of the City Seal. Certify and attest to official documents. In accordance with Government Code Section 40814, administer oaths.
Maintain the Municipal Code, and distribute revised pages. Publish/post legal and official notices.
Respond to questions from the public by phone and in person.
Accept service on behalf of the City.
Receive and open bids for various departments.
Maintain contacts with professional organizations of City Clerks.
Serve as Board Secretary for the Encinitas Public Finance Authority and the Housing Authority of the City of Encinitas, and Board Clerk for the San Dieguito Water District.
The City Clerk/Director of Legislative Services shall furnish a corporate surety bond in the amount of $100,000.00 for the faithful performance of duties imposed. The premium for such bond shall be a proper charge against the City.
(Ord. 99-08; Ord. 2010-18; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Human Resources shall be appointed by and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities and authority of the Director of Human Resources shall be:
Perform those functions specified in this Code and by federal and state law.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the human resources functions.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies, private contractors and consultants.
As delegated by the City Manager, exercise the Municipal Code Chapter 12 responsibilities and authorities of the Personnel Officer.
Serve as the Employee Relations Officer as defined by the Employer-Employee Organizations Relations Resolution. Exercise Human Resources Director responsibilities and authorities as defined by memoranda of understanding with represented employee bargaining units, administrative manual policies, and personnel rules.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2012-10; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2017-09; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Information Technology shall be appointed by and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities and authority of the Director of Information Technology shall be:
Perform those functions specified in this Code and by federal and state law.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of the information technology and geographical information systems functions.
Oversees the development, operations, cyber security, and maintenance of information technology infrastructure in support of the City, San Dieguito Water District and San Elijo Joint Powers Authority.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies, private contractors and consultants.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager and City Council in assigned program areas.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2012-10; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2022-18; Ord. 2023-11)
The Director of Administrative Services shall be appointed by and serve under general direction of the City Manager. In addition to other and further duties or functions as the City Manager may from time to time prescribe, the duties, responsibilities and authority of the Director of Administrative Services shall be:
Perform those functions specified in this Code and by federal and state law.
Plan, organize, and direct, under general administrative direction, the programs and personnel of risk management functions.
Administration of Citywide legal services with outside special council and coordinate with the City Attorney.
Administer contracts for services obtained from other public agencies, private contractors and consultants.
Render advice and consultation to the City Manager, City Attorney and City Council as assigned program areas.
Coordinate safety programs for the City.
Manage litigation and legal issues and prepare for closed sessions.
Manage government tort claims and risk management programs.
Represent the City/District on Joint Powers Authority as a Board of Directors.
Perform related work as required.
(Ord. 2012-10; Ord. 2016-02; Ord. 2022-18)
The following office is established which shall have the duties, responsibilities and authority necessary for the performance of the position in accordance with the Municipal Code and other applicable law: City Attorney.
(Ord. 99-08; Ord. 2022-18)
The City Council is authorized to appoint, remove, promote and demote all officers.
All officers serve at the pleasure of the City Council.
(Ord. 2022-18)
The salaries, compensation, and benefits of officers shall be fixed and determined by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 2022-18)
It shall be the duty of all officers to cooperate with and assist the City Manager in administering the affairs of the City in an efficient, economic, and harmonious manner, so far as may be consistent with their duties as prescribed by law.
(Ord. 2022-18)
The City Council shall appoint a City Attorney and may appoint an Assistant City Attorney on such terms and conditions as the City Council deems appropriate.
The City Attorney and the Assistant City Attorney shall be members of the State Bar of California.
The City Attorney and any appointed Assistant City Attorney shall perform those duties directed by the City Council to include working with other attorneys designated as special counsel for the City on particular matters.
(Ord. 2022-18)