It is the purpose of this chapter to describe procedures for the processing and payment of demands, bills and other claims against the City arising out of contract, including bills for labor, material and supplies furnished; not including payroll or claims for damages.
(Ord. 96-04)
The demands shall contain a brief description of the labor, material or supplies furnished and the date and price.
The demands shall be accompanied by a requisition/purchase order, approved by two City employees designated by the originating department director or City Manager ordering the labor, material or supplies, or shall be submitted via manual check request, signed by the department requester and approver and by the Director of Finance or his/her designee.
Contracts executed by the City calling for specific payments on specified dates shall constitute a demand for payment on such dates.
Demands shall be submitted to the Finance Department.
(Ord. 2003-04; Ord. 2003-13)
The Finance Department will prepare a weekly register of demands showing check number, vendor, purpose of check and amount. The register will be certified and signed by the Director of Finance or his/her designee.
After the completion of all staff processing and approvals, warrants shall be released at the direction of the Director of Finance in accordance with scheduled payment dates and terms. The weekly registers will then be submitted to the City Clerk in time to permit the City Clerk to attach the registers to the next available Council agenda.
Council Members shall review the register of checks as a part of the agenda packet. Questions can be directed to staff prior to the Council meeting or at the meeting. The register will become a register of audited demands.
(Ord. 2003-13)