The purpose of this chapter is to specify the title, purpose and applicability of the deemed approved alcoholic beverage serving establishment regulations and to require conformity to require compliance with the same.
(Ord. 2017-08)
The provisions of this chapter shall be known as the "Deemed Approved Alcoholic Beverage Serving Establishment Regulations."
(Ord. 2017-08)
The purpose of the deemed approved alcoholic beverage serving establishment regulations is to protect and promote the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare by requiring that all alcoholic beverage serving establishments lawfully operating pursuant to a valid ABC license (that authorizes the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption) comply with the deemed approved performance standards of this chapter and achieve the following objectives:
Protect residential, commercial, industrial, and civic areas and minimize the adverse impacts of nonconforming and incompatible uses;
Provide opportunities for businesses with retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption to operate in a mutually beneficial relationship to each other and to other commercial and civic services;
Provide mechanisms to address problems often associated with the public consumption of alcoholic beverages such as litter, loitering, graffiti, unruly behavior and escalated noise levels;
Provide that alcoholic beverage serving establishment activities are not the source of undue public nuisances in the community;
Provide for properly maintained alcoholic beverage serving establishments so that negative impacts generated by these activities are not harmful to the surrounding environment in any way; and
Monitor deemed approved activities so that they do not substantially change in mode or character of operation.
(Ord. 2017-08)
Applicability. The deemed approved alcoholic beverage serving establishment regulations shall apply, to the extent permissible under other laws, to all alcoholic beverage serving establishments lawfully operating pursuant to a valid ABC license (that authorizes the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption) within the City as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
Duplicated Regulations. Whenever any provision of the deemed approved alcoholic beverage serving establishment regulations and any other provision of law, whether set forth in this Code, or in any other applicable law, ordinance, or resolution of any kind, imposes overlapping or contradictory regulations, or contain restrictions covering any of the same subject matter, that provision which is more restrictive or imposes higher standards shall control, except as otherwise expressly provided in the deemed approved alcoholic beverage serving establishment regulations.
Relationship to State and Federal Regulations. The deemed approved alcoholic beverage serving establishment regulations shall be imposed as a matter of municipal law, and are in addition to any federal regulations or state alcoholic beverage regulations or license/permit conditions that may apply.
(Ord. 2017-08)
The meaning and construction of words and phrases as hereinafter set forth shall apply throughout the deemed approved alcoholic serving establishment regulations, except where the context of such words or phrases clearly indicates a different meaning or construction.
"Alcoholic beverage"
means alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer, which contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume and which is fit for beverage purposes either alone or when diluted, mixed, or combined with other substances, and sales of which requires a State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control license.
"Alcoholic beverage serving establishment"
means any establishment engaged in the retail sale (pursuant to a valid State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license) of any alcoholic beverage for on-site consumption. The term alcoholic beverage serving establishment shall include: (1) any alcoholic beverage serving establishment that is not in existence on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, but that is later permitted by the City and issued a valid ABC license; (2) any alcoholic beverage serving establishment engaged in the retail sale of any alcoholic beverage pursuant to a conditional use permit, adopted prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, and a valid ABC license; and (3) any legal nonconforming alcoholic beverage serving establishment activity operating pursuant to a valid ABC license.
"Alcoholic beverage serving establishment activity"
means the lawful operation of retail sale, for on-site consumption, of liquor, beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages.
"Condition of approval"
means a requirement which must be carried out by the activity in order to retain its deemed approved status.
"Deemed approved activity"
means any alcoholic beverage serving establishment lawfully operating pursuant to a valid ABC license (that authorizes the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption) as long as it complies with the deemed approved performance standards as set forth in Section 9.27.070 of this chapter.
"Deemed approved performance standards"
means regulations contained in Section 9.27.070 of this chapter.
"Deemed approved status"
means the status conferred upon a deemed approved activity. Deemed approved status replaces legal nonconforming activity status.
"Illegal activity"
means an activity which has been determined to be in violation with the deemed approved performance standards of this chapter (pursuant to this chapter, such an activity shall forfeit its deemed approved status and shall no longer be considered a deemed approved activity).
"Legal nonconforming alcoholic beverage serving establishment activity"
means a commercial alcoholic beverage serving establishment activity which was a nonconforming use pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 30.76 of the Municipal Code and for which a valid State of California ABC license had been issued and used in the exercise of the rights and privileges conferred by the license at a time prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter (such an activity shall convert to a deemed approved activity and shall no longer be considered a legal nonconforming activity).
means the actual space within a building or any area either directly or indirectly supporting alcoholic beverage sales.
(Ord. 2017-08)
The City Manager shall designate a fair and impartial Administrative Hearing Officer for administrative hearings (pursuant to law) necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter. The Administrative Hearing Officer shall conduct public hearings for the purpose of achieving compliance with this chapter. This section is not intended to restrict the powers and duties otherwise pertaining to other City officers or bodies, related to monitoring and ensuring the harmony of alcoholic beverage serving establishment activities in the City.
(Ord. 2017-08)
The provisions of this section shall be known as the deemed approved performance standards. The purpose of these standards is to control dangerous or objectionable environmental effects or potential effects of alcoholic beverage serving establishment activities. These standards shall apply, upon the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, to all deemed approved alcoholic beverage serving establishment activities (i.e., possessing deemed approved status pursuant to this chapter).
Deemed approved status shall only be maintained if the activities of the alcoholic beverage serving establishment complies with all of the following deemed approved performance standards:
Does not result in adverse effects to the health, peace or safety of persons residing or working in the surrounding area.
Does not result in jeopardizing or endangering the public health or safety of persons residing or working in the surrounding area.
Does not result in repeated nuisance activities within the premises or in close proximity of the premises, including, but not limited to, disturbance of the peace, illegal drug activity, public drunkenness, drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, sale of stolen goods, public urination, theft, assaults, batteries, acts of vandalism, excessive littering, loitering, graffiti, illegal parking, excessive loud noises (especially in the late night or early morning hours) traffic violations, curfew violations, lewd conduct, or police detentions and arrests.
Does not result in violations to any applicable city, state or federal laws or regulations, ordinance or statute.
Upkeep and operating characteristics are compatible with and will not adversely affect the livability or appropriate development of abutting properties and the surrounding neighborhood.
Personnel (such as managers or servers) do not sell, serve or deliver to a patron any alcoholic beverage unless he or she has completed the Responsible Beverage Service and Sales Training (RBSS) conducted by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control or by a certified RBSS Training Provider in accordance with City regulations.
(Ord. 2017-08)
All alcoholic beverage serving establishment activities, new or existing, including legal nonconforming activities established pursuant to Chapter 30.76 of the Municipal Code, shall automatically become deemed approved activities as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. Each such deemed approved activity shall retain its deemed approved status as long as it complies with the deemed approved performance standards.
(Ord. 2017-08)
The City or its designated enforcement authority shall:
Provide a notice to the owner of each alcoholic beverage serving establishment with deemed approved status within the City, and also the property owner (if not the same), of the establishment's deemed approved status authorizing the establishment to lawfully continue its operation in the manner required by this chapter.
Provide the owner of any alcoholic beverage serving establishment with deemed approved status with a copy of Municipal Code Chapter 9.27 (Deemed Approved Alcoholic Beverage Serving Establishment Regulations); inform the owner of the requirement that the establishment shall be operated in accordance with the deemed approved performance standards; and inform the owner of the requirement that the deemed approved performance standards shall be posted in a conspicuous and unobstructed place visible from the entrance of the establishment for public review.
The notices shall be sent via first class and certified return receipt mail. Should the notice be returned, then the notice shall be sent via regular U.S. mail. Failure of any person to receive notice given pursuant to this chapter shall not affect the deemed approved status of the activity.
(Ord. 2017-08)
Whenever an alcoholic beverage serving establishment activity discontinues active operation for more than 180 consecutive days, or ceases to be licensed by the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the deemed approved status shall automatically be terminated.
This requirement shall not apply to a closure for restoration of premises rendered totally or partially inaccessible by an extraordinary natural event that cannot be reasonably foreseen or prevented (such as a flood or earthquake) or a toxic type of accident, provided that the restoration does not increase the square footage of the alcoholic beverage serving establishment. Nor shall this requirement apply to a closure for purposes of repair, if that repair does not change the nature of the premises and does not increase the square footage of the alcoholic beverage serving establishment.
(Ord. 2017-08)
The provisions of this section shall outline the process by which deemed approved activities are required to be reviewed.
Upon the City receiving a complaint from the public, Sheriff's Department, Code Enforcement Officer, or any other interested party that a deemed approved activity is in violation of the deemed approved performance standards or that there has been a failure to comply with any condition of approval, the following procedure shall be followed:
A Code Enforcement Officer shall assess the nature of the complaint and its validity by conducting an on-site observation and inspection of the premises to assess the activity's compliance with the deemed approved performance standards. If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that the deemed approved activity is in violation of the deemed approved performance standards, an administrative warning shall be issued.
If upon reinspection or another similar complaint is filed that verifies that the violation is not corrected or appears to be continuing, the Code Enforcement Officer shall issue administrative penalties by giving written notice of the violation to the owner and/or operator of the establishment. Penalties shall be as follows:
For the first administrative penalty within any 12-month period following the administrative warning, the penalty shall be a fine of $500.00;
For a second administrative penalty within any 12-month period following the administrative warning, the penalty shall be a fine of $1,000.00 and the owner and/or operator of the establishment shall be referred to an Administrative Hearing Officer for an administrative public hearing. Notification shall be in accordance with Section 30.01.070 of the Municipal Code.
Any administrative penalty issued under this section shall be issued, processed, enforced, and appealable in compliance with all of the provisions of Chapter 1.08 of the Municipal Code, unless otherwise expressly addressed by this chapter.
The purpose of the public hearing is to receive testimony and determine whether violations to the deemed approved performance standards and/or violations to any conditions of approval applicable to the premises have occurred. While the hearing is open, any interested party must enter into the record oral, written or documentary evidence to the Administrative Hearing Officer for his or her consideration; failure to do so shall preclude the party from introducing such evidence during the appeal hearing and/or in a court proceeding.
At the public hearing, the Administrative Hearing Officer shall determine whether: (1) the deemed approved activity conforms to the deemed approved performance standards and to any other conditions or requirements, and may maintain the deemed approved status for the activity in question; or (2) to require changes, or impose reasonable conditions of approval that in the judgment of the Administrative Hearing Officer, are necessary to ensure compliance with the deemed approved performance standards or other applicable conditions or requirements, and these conditions shall be based on the evidence presented; or (3) to revoke the activity's deemed approved status. In reaching a determination as to the appropriateness of modifying or revoking an establishment's deemed approved status, or imposing additional or amended conditions on the use, the Administrative Hearing Officer may consider:
The length of time the deemed approved activity has been out of compliance with the deemed approved performance standard(s).
The impact of the violation of the deemed approved performance standard(s) on the community.
Any information regarding the owner of the deemed approved activity's efforts to remedy the violation of the deemed approved performance standard(s).
"Efforts to remedy" shall include, but are not limited to:
Timely calls to the police department that are placed by the owner and/or operator of the deemed approved activity, his or her employees, or agents.
Requesting that those persons engaging in activities causing violations of the deemed approved performance standard(s) cease those activities, unless the owner of the deemed approved activity, or his or her employees or agents feel that their personal safety would be threatened in making that request.
Making improvements to the deemed approved activity's property or operations, including, but not limited to, the installation of security cameras, clear unobstructed windows, clean sidewalks and graffiti abated within three days.
Any determination made by the Administrative Hearing Officer shall be supported by written findings that the establishment as operated or maintained constitutes a nuisance.
New conditions of approval imposed as part of the administrative hearing process shall be made a part of the deemed approved status and the alcoholic beverage serving establishment shall be required to comply with these conditions of approval. The determination of the Administrative Hearing Officer shall become final unless appealed to the City Council pursuant to Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code.
If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that the violation is not capable of correction, presents a serious threat to public health or safety, or otherwise warrants expedited action, he or she may in lieu of issuing an administrative warning or an administrative penalty, refer the matter directly to an Administrative Hearing Officer for an administrative public hearing at which the establishment's deemed approved status may be modified or revoked.
Any party seeking to appeal the determination shall be limited to issues and/or evidence presented to the Administrative Hearing Officer prior to the close of the Administrative Hearing Officer's public hearing on the matter, as the appeal is not de novo. The decision of the Administrative Hearing Officer shall be final unless appealed to the City Council in accordance with Section 9.27.120 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2017-08; Ord. 2022-06)
An appeal of a decision of the Administrative Hearing Officer shall be filed pursuant to Chapter 1.12 of this Code. In considering the appeal, the Council shall determine whether the deemed approved activity complies with the deemed approved performance standards, and may affirm or turn over, in whole or in part, the Administrative Hearing Officer's determination and require changes thereto by imposing conditions of approval as it may determine in its reasonable discretion that are necessary to achieve compliance.
(Ord. 2017-08)
All officials, departments, and employees of the City vested with the authority to issue permits, certificates, or licenses shall adhere to, and require compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 2017-08)
Infractions. Any person who violates, causes, or permits another person to violate any provision of these regulations shall be guilty of an infraction unless otherwise provided.
Separate Offenses for Each Day. Any violator shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of these regulations is committed, continued, permitted, or caused by such violator and shall be punishable accordingly.
Any Violation Shall Constitute a Public Nuisance. In addition to the penalties provided in this section, any use or condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be and is declared to be a public nuisance and may be summarily abated as such by the City pursuant to applicable law.
Injunction as Additional Remedy. Any violation of this chapter shall be and is hereby declared to be contrary to the public interest and shall, at the discretion of the City, create a cause of action for injunctive relief.
Penalties. Any person convicted of an infraction under the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine to the maximum permitted under state law. Any violation beyond the second conviction within a one-year period may be charged by the City Attorney or District Attorney as a misdemeanor, and the penalty for conviction shall be punishable by a fine or imprisonment to the maximum permitted under state law.
Liability for Expenses. In addition to the punishment provided by law, a violator is liable for such costs, expenses, and disbursements paid or incurred by the City or any of its contractors in correction, abatement, and prosecution of the violation. Reinspection fees to ascertain compliance with previously noticed or cited violations shall be charged against the owner of the deemed approved activity. The inspection official shall give the owner or other responsible party of such affected premises a written notice showing the itemized cost of such chargeable service and requesting payment thereof. Should the violator fail to pay the fees due and owing in the required time, the charges shall be placed as a lien against the property pursuant to applicable law.
(Ord. 2017-08)
The City shall designate the appropriate personnel to enforce the provisions of these regulations.
(Ord. 2017-08)