It is the purpose of this chapter to control obstructions at intersections.
(Ord. 93-09)
Obstructions include signs, hedges, shrubbery, natural growth or other obstructions within the visibility triangle higher than three feet above the level of the nearest street pavement or nearest unpaved roadway surface.
Visibility triangle is that portion of both the public and private property at any corner bounded by the curb line or edge of roadway of the intersecting streets and a line joining points on the curb or edge of roadway 45 feet from the point of intersection of the extended curb lines or edges of roadway as illustrated below:
An intersection is the area embraced within the prolongations of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways, of two highways which join one another at approximately right angles or the area within which traveling upon different highways joining at any other angle may come in conflict.
It is unlawful to install, set out or maintain, or to allow the installation, setting out or maintenance of any obstructions within the visibility triangle at any corner of any intersection where the City Traffic Engineer determines that an obstruction exists which restricts the view necessary for the safe operation of motor vehicles.
This chapter shall not apply to permanent buildings, public utility poles; trees trimmed to the trunk to a line at least eight feet above the level of the street pavement or roadway surface; saplings or plant species of open growth habits and not planted in the form of a hedge, which are so planted and trimmed as to leave at all seasons a clear and unobstructed crossview; supporting members of appurtenances to permanent buildings existing on the effective date of this title; official traffic control signs, poles, or signals; or to places where the contour of the ground is such that there can be no cross-visibility at the intersection.
The enforcement of this chapter shall be under the direction of the Code Enforcement Office, Department of Planning and Building.
Any obstruction maintained in violation of this chapter shall be deemed a public nuisance.
Upon determination by the City Traffic Engineer that an obstruction causes a sight distance issue, a notice to abate the public nuisance shall be hand delivered or mailed to the property owner by certified mail. If the property owner fails to abate the public nuisance in accordance with the provisions of this chapter within 15 calendar days from the date of the notice, the code enforcement officer will instruct the Department of Public Works, to initiate proceedings enabling City crews to remove the obstruction. All costs incurred by the City, including labor, equipment and overhead costs, shall be assessed to the property owner.
(Ord. 2019-26)