The purpose of the citizen participation plan is to:
Ensure that applicants pursue early and effective citizen participation in conjunction with their applications, giving them the opportunity to understand and try to mitigate any real or perceived impacts their application may have on the community;
Ensure that citizens have an adequate opportunity to learn about applications that may affect them and to work with applicants to resolve concerns at an early stage of the review and decision-making process;
Facilitate ongoing communication between the applicant, interested citizens, city staff, appointed and elected officials throughout the applicant review process.
The citizen participation plan is not intended to produce complete consensus on all applications, but to encourage applicants to be good neighbors and to allow for informed decisionmaking.
(Ord. 2002-11)
Every application for development or construction that requires a discretionary permit or administrative review shall include a citizen participation plan that must be implemented prior to the first public hearing or notice of public review and comment period on an administrative application. Every City-sponsored capital improvement project shall also include a citizen participation plan that must be implemented before final approval or award of a construction bid.
When in compliance with all other City ordinances and regulations, the following projects are exempted from the other provisions of this chapter:
Construction of one single-family detached dwelling, not within the Coastal Appeal Zone, provided that no discretionary permit or administrative review is required other than a coastal development permit.
Sign programs.
Certificates of compliance.
Extension requests.
Lot line adjustments.
Ministerial applications.
(Ord. 2002-11)
The citizen participation plan shall include the following information:
Which residents, property owners, interested parties, political jurisdictions and public agencies may be affected by the application;
How those parties identified in paragraph 1 of this subsection will be notified that an application has been made;
How those parties identified in paragraph 1 of this subsection will be informed of the substance of change, amendment, or development proposed by the application;
How those identified in paragraph 1 of this subsection will be provided an opportunity to discuss the applicant's proposal with the applicant and express any concerns, issues, or problems they may have with the proposal in advance of the public hearing or public review and comment period;
The applicant's schedule for completion of the citizen participation plan;
How the applicant will keep the Planning and Building Department informed as to the status of his/her citizen participation efforts.
The level of citizen interest and area of involvement will vary depending on the nature of the application and the project's location. The applicant will determine the target area for early notification after consultation with and approval of the Planning and Building Department.
In no case shall the notification area be less than that required in other sections of the Municipal Code.
The applicant shall notify registered neighborhood or homeowners' associations within the public notice area required by other sections of the Municipal Code.
The applicant shall notify other interested parties who have requested in writing that they be placed on the interested parties notification list maintained by the Planning and Building Department.
The applicant shall notify any other persons, organizations or agencies as deemed appropriate after consultation with the Planning and Building Department.
These requirements apply in addition to any notice provisions required elsewhere in the Municipal Code.
At the applicant's discretion, applicant may submit a citizen participation plan, along with the required processing fee, and begin implementation prior to the formal application submittal. However, this shall not occur until after the required pre-application consultation with Planning and Building Department staff.
(Ord. 2002-11; Ord. 2008-21)
When a citizen participation plan is required, the applicant shall provide a written report, satisfactory to the Planning and Building Director, documenting the results of the citizen participation effort prior to the notice of public hearing or notice of public review and comment period on the application. This report shall be made a part of the administrative record.
The citizen participation report shall describe the methods the applicant employed to involve the public, including:
Dates and locations of all meetings where citizens were invited to discuss the applicant's proposal;
The content, dates mailed, and number of mailings, including letters, meeting notices, newsletters and other writings;
A description of where residents, property owners and other interested parties receiving notices, newsletters, or other written materials are located;
The number of people who participated in the process; and
Comment sheets and sign-in sheets shall be provided by the applicant to all interested parties who choose to participate in the process.
The report shall summarize the substance of concerns, issues and problems expressed during the process.
The report shall describe how the applicant has addressed, or intends to address the concerns, issues and problems expressed during the process.
The report shall identify which concerns, issues and problems the applicant is unwilling or unable to address, if any, and shall state why.
The report shall include all sign-in sheets and comment sheets provided to all interested parties by the applicant.
(Ord. 2008-21)