Every subdivider proposing to create a minor subdivision shall comply with the procedure and requirements contained in this chapter.
(Ord. 87-10; Ord. 2019-10)
Unless otherwise provided in this title, tentative parcel maps shall be subject to the requirements and procedures applicable to tentative maps contained in Chapter 24.50.
(Ord. 87-10; Ord. 92-14; Ord. 2019-10)
Any person shall be eligible to file a minor subdivision application to create four or fewer parcels on a parcel of land when:
Such parcel has been created legally or has been approved for development;
The applicant or owners by their current application will not have created, caused to be created, or participated in the creation of more than four parcels on contiguous property unless such parcels were created by the major subdivision process. For purposes of interpreting this section, the term "participated" shall mean having cooperated with or acted in a planning, coordinating or decision making capacity in any formal or informal association or partnership for the purpose of dividing real property;
Such minor subdivision is consistent with all applicable adopted general, community and subarea plans; and
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 66426 of the state Subdivision Map Act, any proposed subdivision to create five or more parcels, regardless of parcel size before or after the subdivision, and is subject to the provisions of Chapters 24.50 and 24.54 of this title.
(Ord. 87-10; Ord. 92-14; Ord. 2019-10)
The applicant or owner shall certify or declare under penalty of perjury that he or she is eligible to divide property by the minor subdivision process. Prior to issuing any notice of approval, the Development Services Director (hereinafter "Director") shall review the certification or declaration and any other pertinent information and determine the eligibility of the applicant or owner to divide property by the minor subdivision process. If the Director determines that there is evidence that the eligibility requirements have not been met, or that there is evidence that the transactions relating to the subdivision may have been collusive or for the purpose of evasion of the Act or this title, the Director shall require documentary evidence to establish that the applicant or owner meets the requirements and that the transactions are or were bona fide transactions and not intended to evade the Act or this title. As determined by the Director, such evidence shall include, but is not limited to, true copies of escrow instructions, grant deeds and offers to purchase and such statements under oath satisfactory to the Director to establish that the applicant or owner has acquired the property by a legitimate arm's length transaction. Such statements shall cover such matters as the adequacy of consideration for the transactions, whether the transfer was to a close relative or business associate, the retention of control or financial interest in the transaction, or any other matter necessary to establish that the transaction is not part of a conspiracy or plan to evade the Act or this title.
(Ord. 87-10; Ord. 2003-08; Ord. 2019-10)
Under the circumstances and subject to the provisions specified in this section, in lieu of the requirements to file and receive approval of a tentative and final parcel map and to record a final parcel map, a subdivider may file for approval of a parcel map waiver.
A parcel map waiver may be applied to the following type of subdivision:
A condominium conversion when no new units or lots are being created.
Prior to approval of a parcel map waiver, the following finding shall be made: The proposed condominium conversion complies with requirements as to area, on-site improvements, design, access, floodwater drainage control, adequate boundary monumentation, dedications of right-of-way, payment of development fees, appropriate improved public streets and other offsite improvements, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply availability, fire protection facilities, environmental review and protection, grading, and any and all other requirements of this title and the state Subdivision Map Act which would be applicable to review and approval of a tentative final parcel map.
For purposes of consideration of a parcel map waiver application, the Director shall be the authorized agency. Any determination of the Director may be appealed to the next higher approval authority as provided under this title pursuant to Chapter 1.12.
An application for a parcel map waiver shall be submitted on such form and with such material as shall be determined by the Director. Such material shall include a parcel map waiver plat which shall provide all information required by this title to be provided on a tentative parcel map. Such fee as may be adopted by the City for a parcel map waiver application shall be paid. The application shall be distributed for review and comment as determined by the Director. Such distribution shall include review by the City Engineer to determine compliance with technical requirements applicable under the state Subdivision Map Act.
After receipt of all comments and review of the proposed subdivision, the Director shall determine if the required findings can be made and the application for parcel map waiver is approved or denied. Prior to any determination of approval, acceptance by the City Engineer by signature on the Final Parcel Map waiver plat shall be obtained. A letter of determination shall be provided to the applicant. An approval shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of approval, within which time the remaining procedures under subsection F of this section shall be completed, otherwise the approval shall expire.
If no appeal is filed or if approval is granted after an appeal, upon notification of approval the applicant(s) for a parcel map waiver shall have a site survey done and have a record of survey prepared and recorded at the County Recorder's office. The applicant(s) shall also have prepared and recorded new deeds of property ownership. The applicant(s) shall deliver to the Director copies of the recorded record of survey plat and the recorded deeds of ownership. Upon confirmation that these instruments are in substantial compliance with the parcel map waiver application as approved, the Director shall have prepared and recorded a certificate of compliance. Recordation of the certificate(s) of compliance shall complete the parcel map waiver process for an approved application.
(Ord. 88-10; Ord. 92-14; Ord. 92-39; Ord. 2017-03; Ord. 2019-10; Ord. 2022-07)
A tentative parcel map shall expire 24 months after its approval or conditional approval unless extended by law or City action.
Upon application received prior to the expiration of the tentative parcel map, the Director may extend the time of expiration for a period not to exceed one year from the date of expiration of the tentative parcel map. No more than three such time extensions may be granted to any tentative parcel map. The Director shall consider the current circumstances of the subdivision, the site and the surrounding area. The tentative parcel map for which an extension is granted and conditions of approval shall remain substantially unchanged from the tentative parcel map as originally approved. A need to alter or add conditions, attach additional development fees, or alter map design or number of units shall be grounds for denial of the time extension; the applicant may file for a new tentative parcel map review and approval.
Upon an application by the subdivider to extend a tentative parcel map, the map shall automatically be extended for 60 days or until the application for the extension is approved, conditionally approved, or denied, whichever occurs first. If the Director denies a subdivider's application for an extension, the subdivider may appeal to the legislative body pursuant to Chapter 1.12.
(Ord. 92-14; Ord. 92-39; Ord. 2022-07)