In order to classify, designate, regulate and restrict the uses of land, buildings, and other structures to achieve the purposes of this Code and of the General Plan of the City of Encinitas, the following zones are established:
In addition to the zones identified in this chapter, there may be separate zones designated in individual specific plan areas. Refer to individual specific plans, as referenced in Chapter 30.84, Specific Plans, for zoning within a particular specific plan area.
Residential Zones.
RR: Rural Residential is intended to provide for very low density single-family detached residential units on larger lots ranging in size from two to eight net acres with maximum densities of 0.5 to 0.125 units per net acre for compatibility with the more rural areas of the City. Parcels located in flood plain areas, which are designated as Rural Residential Flood Plain (RRFP), are designated 0.125 units per acre (eight net acre lots). Other parcels range from two net acre lot size to four net acre lot size depending on slope. One primary dwelling is permitted on each legal lot. Single-family units may be attached to other single-family units provided each unit is located on a separate legal lot with approval of a PRD.
RR-1: Rural Residential 1 is intended to provide for low density single-family detached residential units with minimum lot sizes of one net acre and maximum densities of one unit per net acre for rural area compatibility. One primary dwelling is permitted on each legal lot. Single-family units may be attached to other single-family units provided each unit is located on a separate legal lot with approval of a PRD.
RR-2: Rural Residential 2 is intended to provide for low density single-family detached residential units with minimum lot sizes of 21,500 net square feet and maximum densities of two units per net acre, as a transition from the rural to the more suburban areas within the City. One primary dwelling is permitted on each legal lot. Single-family units may be attached to other single-family units provided each unit is located on a separate legal lot with approval of a PRD.
R-3: Residential 3 is intended to provide for single-family detached residential units with minimum lot sizes of 14,500 net square feet and maximum densities of three units per net acre, as a rural to suburban transition. One primary dwelling is permitted on each legal lot. Single-family units may be attached to other single-family units provided each unit is located on a separate legal lot with approval of a PRD.
R-5: Residential 5 is intended to provide for lower density suburban development consisting of single-family detached units with minimum lot sizes of 8,700 net square feet and maximum densities of five units per net acre. One primary dwelling is permitted on each legal lot. Single-family units may be attached to other single-family units provided each unit is located on a separate legal lot with approval of a PRD.
R-8: Residential 8 is intended to provide for suburban single-family detached residential units with minimum lot sizes of 5,400 net square feet and maximum densities of eight units per net acre. One primary dwelling is permitted on each legal lot. Single-family units may be attached to other single-family units provided each unit is located on a separate legal lot with approval of a PRD.
RS-11: Residential RS-11 is intended to provide for single-family detached residential units with minimum lot sizes of 3,950 net square feet and maximum densities of 11 units per net acre. One primary dwelling is permitted on each legal lot. Single-family units may be attached to other single-family units provided each unit is located on a separate legal lot with approval of a PRD.
R-11: Residential 11 is intended to provide for a variety of residential development types found within the coastal areas, ranging from single-family detached units to single-family attached units, such as condominiums, townhouses, and senior housing. The minimum lot size is 3,950 net square feet and the maximum density is 11 units per net acre.
R-15: Residential 15 is intended to provide for higher density residential development within the coastal areas including single-family units (attached and detached), duplex units, and senior housing, with a maximum density of 15 units per net acre. A duplex is a permitted use on lots of 5,000 square feet gross or greater that existed prior to adoption of this Code (March 23, 1989).
R-20: Residential 20 is intended to provide for compatible high density multiple family residential development including apartments, condominiums, and senior housing, with a maximum density of 20 units per net acre.
R-25: Residential 25 is intended to provide for compatible high density multiple family residential development including apartments, condominiums, and senior housing, with a maximum density of 25 units per net acre.
R-30 OL: Residential 30 Overlay is intended to provide for compatible high density multiple family residential development including apartments, condominiums, and senior housing, with a maximum density of 30 units per net acre and a minimum density of 25 units per net acre. The purpose of the R-30 Overlay Zone is to diversify the housing options available in the community, and expand opportunities for creating affordable housing.
MHP: Mobile Home Park is intended to provide exclusively for mobilehome park development with a maximum density of 11 units per net acre for new or redeveloped parks.
Commercial Zones.
OP: Office Professional is intended to provide primarily for the development of professional and administrative offices, with some accessory retail and service uses.
L-LC: Limited Local Commercial is intended to provide limited commercial uses conveniently located to serve the neighborhood while maintaining compatibility with a residential environment.
LC: Local Commercial is intended to provide shopping center and retail uses which serve local residents of the community, while maintaining compatibility with a residential environment.
Government Code: General Commercial is intended to provide a wide range of commercial activities, including retailing, wholesaling, and service uses, to accommodate City-wide or regional needs.
L-VSC: Limited Visitor Serving Commercial is intended to provide for hotel/motel uses as the primary use and ancillary uses specifically intended to serve the needs of persons visiting the City.
VSC: Visitor Serving Commercial is intended to provide for commercial activities which are specifically intended to serve the needs of persons visiting the City for business and recreational purposes.
Light Industrial Zones.
LI: Light Industrial is intended to provide for light industrial and heavier commercial/service uses that can meet high development and performance standards; limited retailing can occur in conjunction with allowable uses.
BP: Business Park is intended to provide for modern light industrial, research and development, and administrative facilities subject to stringent development and performance standards.
Public/Semi-Public Zones.
P/SP: Public/Semi-Public is intended to provide for activities operated by the City, County, or other governmental agencies such as the fire district, school districts, water districts, and sewer districts; other semi-public uses, such as hospitals and other private institutions may also be included.
Open Space Zone.
ER/OS/PK: Ecological Resource/Open Space/Parks is intended to provide for land that is ecologically significant and has been set aside for preservation as open space, or land that has been set aside for the public's use as active and passive recreational areas; no private development may occur within this zone.
Special Purpose Overlay Zones. The following special purpose overlay zones are indicators of the presence of special physical or other types of planning related characteristics. These special purpose overlay zones may be applied individually or in combination to any underlying residential, commercial, light industrial, public/semi-public or open space zone. Where one or more special purpose overlay zone(s) exist, development must conform with both the underlying zone requirements, and those of any special purpose overlay zones. Property in the R-30 Overlay Zone must also conform with both the requirements of the R-30 Overlay Zone and those of any special purpose overlay zones.
SP: Specific Plan Overlay is intended to provide for comprehensive and systematic development of important properties in the City through adoption and implementation of a specific plan as described in Section 65450 et seq. of the California Government Code.
CBO: Coastal Bluff Overlay is intended to provide recognition of the bluff areas as dynamic land ocean interfaces that are subject to change as a result of natural and man-made factors, and which must be considered as a constraint to development.
H/IBO: Hillside/Inland Bluff Overlay is intended to provide recognition of hillside and inland bluff areas as sensitive natural features which represent significant constraints to development.
FPO: Floodplain Overlay is intended to provide recognition of major drainage courses as important constraints to both development and transport, requiring special consideration.
C/NRO: Cultural/Natural Resources Overlay is intended to provide recognition of areas containing important man-made cultural and historic resources, and ecologically sensitive plant and animal habitats, as constraints to development.
AGO: Agricultural Overlay is intended to provide recognition of prime agricultural areas as important resources whose productivity and viability may be impacted by surrounding development.
PFO: Public Facilities Overlay is intended to identify the general areas where public uses and facilities such as schools, fire and police stations, parks, and others will need to be located in the future.
SVC: Scenic/Visual Corridor Overlay is intended to identify those areas where significant aesthetic and visual resources are present.
SECRM: Southern El Camino Real Museum Overlay is intended to allow museums, subject to a major use permit, in a very limited portion of the RR-1 and R-3 zones characterized by a growing presence of institutional uses. A museum in this overlay zone may include one dwelling unit to house (1) a caretaker, and his or her family; or (2) a professional of the arts or sciences, and his or her family, whose primary responsibility is to create or participate in the museum's exhibits and programs, and facilitate achievement of the museum's goals.
Transportation Corridor.
TC: Transportation Corridor is intended to ensure the preservation of certain public transportation rights-of-way to ensure adequate land is available for future transportation modes and accessory uses including: recreational trails, public parking and parks.
The actual density or intensity of development allowed within each residential, commercial, light industrial, and public/semi-public zone will depend on the existence of environmental constraints identified through the special purpose overlays and site specific environmental review with density calculated pursuant to Section 30.16.010B2.
(Ord. 93-08; Ord. 94-02; Ord. 2017-03; Ord. 2019-04)
The location and boundaries of the zoning designations and of specific plan areas shall be described by an ordinance and shall be depicted on the Zoning Map of the City of Encinitas, which is incorporated into this Code by this reference.
The Zoning Map may, for convenience, be divided into parts and each part may, for purposes of more readily identifying areas within the Zoning Map, be subdivided into units and these parts and units may be separately employed for purposes of amending the Zoning Map or for any official reference to the Zoning Map.
Changes in the boundaries of the zones, and changes in zone designations that occur with adoption or amendment of a specific plan, shall be made by ordinance adopting an amended Zoning Map, or part of the map, or unit of a part of the Zoning Map. This amended map, when adopted, shall become part of this Code.
(Ord. 94-02)
Zone boundaries shall follow the center line of streets, highways, alleys or lot lines depicted on a recorded map, whenever possible.
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any zone shown on the Zoning Map or any part or unit of the map, the following rules shall apply:
Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately following street and alley lines, or extensions thereof, or lot lines, such lines shall be construed to be the zone boundaries.
In the case of unsubdivided property, and where a zone boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundaries, unless the same are indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the Zoning Map.
Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the street or alley will acquire the classification of the property to which it reverts.
Areas of dedicated streets or alleys other than those designated on the Zoning Map as being classified in one of the zones provided in this chapter, shall be deemed to be unclassified and, in the case of streets, permitted to be used for purposes lawfully allowed.
Where the zone boundary line is uncertain or claimed to be uncertain, the determination of the City Council as to the location thereof, shall be final and conclusive.
Any property which, for any reason, is not clearly designated on the Zoning Map as being classified in any of the zones established herein, shall be deemed to be temporarily zoned Rural Residential until the land is otherwise classified after being processed as an amendment to the Zoning Map.
The City may pre-zone unincorporated territory adjoining the City for the purpose of determining the zoning that will apply to such property in the event of subsequent annexation to the City.
A pre-zoning map shall be developed and adopted in the same manner prescribed by this title for the classification or reclassification of property within the City.
If a pre-zoning map for an area hasd been adopted, then such annexing property shall, upon becoming a part of the City, possess the classification indicated on the detailed pre-zoning map, and such portions of the pre-zoning map shall become a part of the City's Zoning Map and thereafter be subject to all of the provisions of this title. All property annexed which is not pre-zoned shall automatically be classified Rural Residential.