To provide for the location of recycling facilities and to insure their compatibility with surrounding uses, the following regulations are established.
The requirements of this section apply to all recycling facilities, including collection and processing facilities and mobile recycling units with the exception of reverse vending machines located as freestanding units next to a building wall and within 50 feet of the main entrance to a retail or wholesale beverage vendor.
Recycling facilities may be approved in the GC, LI, and BP zones as a minor use permit through the process described in this title.
Recycling collection facilities shall be contained within a structure that is compatible with surrounding structures in the area and with the architecture of the building or center in which it is located; and shall be located at least 100 feet from any residential uses.
Recycling collection facilities should not significantly decrease required parking or disrupt parking lot circulation. Sufficient drop-off space shall be provided around the collection facility to accommodate the users.
At permanent collection sites which are deficient in landscaping and/or paving quality relative to current standards, the application for a permit must include improvements which would meaningfully upgrade the overall landscape and/or paving quality of the site.
A receptacle of sufficient size must be provided for containers in which recyclable materials are brought to the collection facility, which shall be emptied on regular basis so that it is not full or causing trash or litter in the area.
Signing shall be restrained and shall be specifically approved as part of the minor conditional use permit.
All public facilities should have recycling facilities including schools.
Collection facilities shall generally not be adjacent to the public right-of-way, but rather located in the interior portion of the site, to function primarily as a convenience to users of the primary activity of the site.
A notice must be posted on all collection facilities stating that no materials are to be left outside of collection containers. Any materials left outside of collection containers, including abandoned matter, must be removed promptly by the facility operator.
All collection facilities shall have a 24-hour local or toll free number clearly posted where a responsible party can be reached in the event of malfunction, misuse, lack of capacity, or other problems related to the facility.
Recycling collection facilities shall be approved initially for a one year time period to insure that review of the manner in which the operation is being conducted occurs on a regular basis.
Recycling processing facilities shall be subject to all of the requirements for collection facilities, and the following requirements:
Processing facilities shall not abut any existing or planned residential properties.
Processing facilities shall be in a wholly enclosed building, except for incidental storage which must be enclosed by a solid wall at least eight feet in height and shall be landscaped as required for commercial and industrial uses on all street frontages and in parking areas.
Processing facilities shall conform with all applicable performance standards specified in this title.
One parking space will be provided for each commercial vehicle operated by the processing facility. Parking standards will otherwise be as mandated by Chapter 30.54 (Off-Street Parking) for all uses on the site on which the facility is located.
Space shall be provided on site for the anticipated peak load of customers to circulate, park, and deposit recyclable materials.
(Ord. 2015-01)