The Sister City Committee shall be comprised of the City Mayor,
two members of the City Council appointed by the Mayor, and two representatives
from the following disciplines: the arts community, historic preservation,
urban planning, or legal profession.
A. Membership in the Sister City Committee shall be appointed through
the authority of the City Mayor. Approval by the City Council shall
not be required.
B. The Committee shall consist of five appointed members.
C. A vacancy occurring otherwise by expiration of a term shall be filed
for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.
D. The Sister City Committee Board members shall serve terms concurrent
with the term of the City Mayor who made their appointment.
E. The members of the Sister City Committee must be residents of the
City of Lowell.
F. In the event of prolonged, unfilled vacancies, the City Mayor may
appoint, subject to City Council approval, a nonresident who works
in the City of Lowell.